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Alpa Responds To Pit Tribune-review

USA320Pilot, I've heard both sides of the story regarding the 570. I just want to ask you an honest question: Did you know exactly what you were getting into when you joined United at that tumultuous time? Thanks.


When I went to UAL I was on terminal leave from the Navy oblivious to airline and union issues. We thought we were going for a job and went through normal interviewing, simulator evaluations, testing, medical examinations, uniform fitting, and training.

Unlike pilots from Express operators, we did not deal with labor-management issues in the Navy and were focused on other things, such military operations.

I left the Navy for UAL and then it blew up in Chicago. The good news for me is that I got hired at US Airways and I have had a better career, with higher pay, more tiem as a Captain, and more time off, than I would have had at UAL, so far anyway.

In regard to UAL and US Airways, both carrier's are in trouble. Today's UAL financial news is discouraging at best. UAL reported a whopping $326 million net loss for January alone, an operating loss of $151 million for the month despite a 3% increase in revenue, reorganization expenses totaling $138 million, and fuel costs for the month that were $63 million higher than a year ago on flat capacity.

Couple these losses with their pension, aircraft financing court battle, S.1113 issues, and bond problems and I do not know which company is in worse shape...UAL or US Airways.


USA320Pilot said:
I have made about $500,000 more money with a better contract at US Airways then I would have at United. The money was properly invested and I am much, much better off at US Airways than if I stayed at United. :up: :up:

In regard to your comments about public opinion, do not worry, it’s the same “naysayersâ€￾ and Internet “malcontentsâ€￾ who make the same postings. It's nothing new...


Mr USA320Pilot,
I cant take your arrogance any more. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. I am glad you are at AAA as I dont believe you would fit in at UAL. Not back then, and certainly not now.

As you are a 570 I applaud you for not crossing the line. But you did nothing approaching greatness. The UAL strike was an easy walk and close to a non event in comparison to the EAL and CAL strikes. And there is nothing great about the 570. You were used like a pawn, hired to scab, and the timing worked out just right.

As far as your comments about Capt Van Cordle, and his interest in USAirways.....I post the following off his websight. It makes no difference to me that he is a scab, he is generally always correct. I would ask that you post your resume in reply.

Vaughn Cordle, CFA

Vaughn is the CEO and chief analyst of AirlineForecasts. He is an airline analyst
and consultant to various hedge funds, government agencies, corporations, and
consulting groups. He has over 25 years of experience in the airline industry and is
a practicing CFA Charterholder and a senior B777 captain for a major airline. He
has attended numerous executive education programs at Kellogg, Wharton, and
other business schools. Strategy, finance, and airline economics are core
competencies. Forecasting industry trends is the primary focus. Contact email:

New York Society of Security Analysts
New York Society of Airline Analysts
Association for Investment Management and Research
Global Association of Risk Professionals
National Association for Business Economics
The National Academies: Next Generation Air Transportation System

Oh, I forgot. He is not on your credible list. Well, he is on mine.


With all due respect, Vaughn Cordle is not an ALPA member, he crossed the ALPA picket line to fly UAL jets during the strike as a new hire from another company, and had the US Airways MEC chairman publicly chastise him.

Cordle is not respected within ALPA or E&FA and he paid to join some of the organizations you listed.

I find it interesting that you seem to support a man that is not an ALPA member in good standing and crossed your local union's picket line.

In regard to a job choice, in response to comments by UAL employees I simply responded why my career has been better at US Airways than at UAL, if you consider money, working conditions, and parlaying that money into a larger portfolio a good choice. Moreover, when you consider today's UAL earnings announcement, it appears that the choice still will be better in the future.


Best regards,

USA320Pilot said:
With all due respect, Vaughn Cordle is not an ALPA member, he crossed the ALPA picket line to fly UAL jets during the strike as a new hire from another company, and had the US Airways MEC chairman publicly chastise him.

Cordle is not respected within ALPA or E&FA and he paid to join some of the organizations you listed.

None of this, of course (particularly the part about Pollack chastising him, has anything whatsover to do with his qualifications as an analyst. None. It might pain the individuals who chose to dead agent him, but it's true.

What part of his actual point can you (or Pollack, or the tooth fairy) address.

It's like pointing out that a particular analyst on the street has a different sexual preference or is a minority--none of it actually impeaches his point.

(in reality, it's a pretty lousy way of trying to attack an individual and his point, because it's very transparent).

I find it interesting that you seem to support a man that is not an ALPA member in good standing and crossed your local union's picket line.

You disagreed with the properly elected majority vote of your union for many months during the latest concession givebacks. So your point is?

Again, it has nothing to do with his credientials as a financial analyst. Impeach those credentials and somebody might listen--in the interim, the whole lot of AAA ALPA zealots (including the MEC chairmen) look like kids on the playground hurling "your momma wears combat boots."--to say it's a rather poor debate tactic is an understatement.
USA320Pilot said:
I was there and witnessed the 570 event..
What's interesting is that UAL ALPA told us they would not go back to work unless we would be offered our jobs, after being terminated, however, after 6 weeks of no pay UAL ALPA turned their back on us and settled the labor dispute. It took us almost one-year to get our jobs back and then many years of litigation for us to get our rightful seniority returned, however,...

What I find interesting is that you wrote that like you lived this first hand, yet didn't you actually go to work for US Air more than a month BEFORE the strike even took place? So in truth, didn't you actually resign from UAL well before the strike, and so were never "terminated by UAL," and any picket walking you might have done was in sympathy, and any "570 event" you witnessed, was while you were already employed by US Air at the time? If true, you really aren't the martyr you claim to be. If my understanding of this timeline is wrong, please correct me.

PineyBob said:
I does however make one question his motives in writing it and in addition casts suspicion on it's accuracy.

For me? I always thought he (cordle) was full of excrement BEFORE I read the article and having read it my opinion hasn't changed.

I already know how you feel about my writings but curious your thoughts on 700 and 320's.

Thanks 700 for your attention to my post it was obviously and error when editing. I corrected it you do know about editing right? :up:
I see someone is adding words into Piney's postings that are not there.

ClueByFore,EyeIngTheSky,BoingBoy,FormerSKyNaziator,as well as ua767fo-rmerly, defending a scab all in one thread.

Gotta love it!

Keep it up 320, you've got these folks panties in a knot now!! :up:
CapnCockroach said:

ClueByFore,EyeIngTheSky,BoingBoy,FormerSKyNaziator,as well as ua767fo-rmerly, defending a scab all in one thread.

Gotta love it!

Keep it up 320, you've got these folks panties in a knot now!! :up:

Thanks for not including me in there. Even with my great disdain for 320's posts I couldn't defend a scab.
"and had the US Airways MEC chairman publicly chastise him".

Didn't that happen to another infamous pilot from U?
PineyBob said:
I think it's helpful to note that he is a pilot at a competing airline that stands to gain should the airline he is rendering an opinion about should fail.

How does UA gain if U fails? UA and U both are enjoying increased revenue due to their codeshare arrangement -- I think it is in their mutual interests that the other survive, given the current arrangement. Additionally, they compete directly on very few routes.
PineyBob said:
UA gains in the respect that they could possible buy US Airways slots, gates, etc for pennies on the dollar
UA doesn't even have "pennies" right now to do any of that stuff!

and get many of the benefits of a merger without having to part with to much money and NONE of the employee issues of a traditional merger.
Isn't that the point of the codeshare arrangement they have now -- to enjoy many of the benefits of a merger without dealing with the expense and messiness?
PineyBob said:
Do those experiences make my points any less valid? Not really, but it does shed some light as to why I have those views. Same with Cordle, Limbaugh, Stern, Dr Laura and anyone else that offers an opinion.

Ask Vaughn I'm just a lowly Sales Trainer with a big mouth

Would that include USaviationers

In regards to your last comment.. we finally agree on something.. did you see that one coming? :up:
PineyBob said:

I don't recall ever asking for your respect and surely don't seek it as 320 does with each and everyone of his posts.

Sorry if speaking my mind in the sarcastic way I do chafes at you and others on this board but I say what is on my mind without reservations. Wrong? Maybe .. Probably. But I really don't come to an internet message board to earn my respect do you?

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