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"collapse Of Airline Imminent"

usairways_vote_NO said:
Who do you think is more disliked on here? You, me, piney or 320? Would they let us start a poll?
Hey!! wait a minute!!! I was sent to the cornfield for well over a month!!! I want to be included in this "disliked" deal!!
NeedForSpeed said:
Hey!!  wait a  minute!!!  I was sent to the cornfield for well over a month!!!  I want to be included in this "disliked" deal!!

Sorry my oversight. Maybe we should first start a topic asking for nominations then compile a list then conduct a poll. I would hate to leave any deserving member out.
deano said:
Why? Because he can see what you refuse to?

I agree with him which has labeled me a negative disgruntled ex U employee. I feel bad for the ones such as yourself who are full of anger hoping against hope that you can hold onto something that is slowly but surely slipping away whether you want it to or not. Screaming at people and name calling may make you feel better for a couple minutes, but the realities are still there with everything stated in that article being very true and clearly showing the reasons U is going away. Ask the poster DMG or DMC whatever he calls himself how the Philly gang will welcome the coming cuts. He predicted months ago the Christmas melt down which came true and will most likely add to the catalyst that melts the entire airline into oblivion.

I feel bad for you but this just didn't start yesterday. You had years to see the coming storm front and to take action accordingly.

Peace to You and Best of Luck.

Deano....could not have said it better myself!..I truly wish the best for everyone that remains, but....there comes a time when a decision has to be made...I made it, I left....for ME, was the best move ever!! Good luck to everyone!
How long it goes on depends on how much good money investors are willing to keep throwing after the bad that's already been burned by Siegel and Lakefield for the last two years. It's pretty clear that even with bottom-feeder compensation, and emasculated unions, Lakefield's still not going to be able to survive in the present and forseeable business climate . . . not with Go Fares . . . . and there's no end to that in sight. Go Fares ought to be more aptly named "Going out of Business Fares." SW and DAL know U's only got so much blood left. Lakefield's still running a hub and spoke airline with high non-labor costs and very shallow pockets. "Transformation?" What transformation?

U's not alone, however. Almost all the legacies and many of the LCCs are going to be in the same boat. The difference is that Siegel squandered U's breathing room.
4merresrat said:
Why is mr Cordle an @$$hole, as you so elequently (NOT) put it? Because he predicts the emiment demise of U? Or, more tellingly is it because he put the blame squarely on the backs of the employees. He states the final nail was the Christmas fiasco. I guess the truth hurts.

Sounds like Mr.Cordle has a moonlighting job with USAir management.
delldude said:
damn i guess they did....
where will we go from here?? 😱

A self-help group will be formed for former members. Taking bets on how long the whining will continue post U.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Unreal!!! :angry: :angry: The press in the PIT area dont have much to write about do they? Every article about US lately has a been a rehash of old news. Enough already we get the picture.

Remember: Southwest and legalized gambling will fix EVERYTHING. The P.G. sez so!!!!! :angry:
Well if you believe cabbies have all the news, taxi drivers are now refusing to take U taxi vouchers
I did not read his article so I’ll save my comments. But I will something about the author. If it is the same person I think it is, Vaughn Cordle SCABBED UAL 1985. Once a Scab always a scab. :down: :angry:
mrman said:
Well if you believe cabbies have all the news, taxi drivers are now refusing to take U taxi vouchers
You can't blame them after they have already been shafted in 2 BK's. Not everyone on the outside is willing or can afford to go the extra mile to help a continuously failing airline survive!
Winglet said:
How long it goes on depends on how much good money investors are willing to keep throwing after the bad that's already been burned by Siegel and Lakefield for the last two years. It's pretty clear that even with bottom-feeder compensation, and emasculated unions, Lakefield's still not going to be able to survive in the present and forseeable business climate . . . not with Go Fares . . . . and there's no end to that in sight. Go Fares ought to be more aptly named "Going out of Business Fares." SW and DAL know U's only got so much blood left. Lakefield's still running a hub and spoke airline with high non-labor costs and very shallow pockets. "Transformation?" What transformation?

U's not alone, however. Almost all the legacies and many of the LCCs are going to be in the same boat. The difference is that Siegel squandered U's breathing room.
I hate to see the demise of another great Legacy carrier it is like losing a family member to anyone who loves this industry, but as one who had to watch a loved one suffer with terminal cancer after repeated chemotherapy treatments and basically buying a little time with no improvement and just added suffering there comes a time we must let go for our own sanity!......Life does go on, God Bless You All.
Vaugh Cordle should disclose if he is employed by UA. Otherwise his credibility is nil.

And if Vaughn still is a UA employee we should ask him to provide an opinion on the pension deal and Jake Brace.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Vaugh Cordle should disclose if he is employed by UA.  Otherwise his credibility is nil.

And if Vaughn still is a UA employee we should ask him to provide an opinion on the pension deal and Jake Brace.

Vaughn Cordle

Vaughn Cordle, CFA

Chartered Financial Analyst
Airlineforecasts, LLC

Vaughn Cordle is an airline analyst and consultant to various hedge funds, government agencies, corporations, and consulting groups in the United States and England. He has 25 years of experience in the industry and is a senior B-767 Captain with a major U.S. airline.

Mr. Cordle did undergraduate work at the University of Kentucky and has attended numerous Executive Education programs at Kellogg, Wharton, Georgia Institute of Technology, and others.

He holds 33 world and national speed records and is a Gold Seal flight instructor with the following ATP ratings: A320, B727, B737, B747-4, B757, B767, LR-Jet, & CE500.

Dated 11/8/04

"Vaughn Cordle, a United Airlines pilot who runs Airline Forecasts, an economic forecasting service, says the biggest problem is that revenue per seat mile, or yield, is falling. Yields have dropped 17% to 18% in the past few years. In 2000, they stood at 13 cents per revenue passenger mile. Now they are at a weighted average of 11.25 cents. "
delldude said:
yeah....media can see the writing on the wall but no one from U .....
You really believe that? 🙄

Please...there's no point in upper management at US publicly announcing that the company is minutes from collapse. It's a financing house of cards right now, and the last thing you need to do in that position is rock the boat.
Skyhungry said:
...Vaughn Cordle SCABBED UAL 1985.
And that means that he couldn't possibly be right? :huh:

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