Time For A New Union For The Rampers

ualflynhi said:
just got the paper this morning that the IAM union dues are going to be the following: Ifyou're making over 12.00 an hr, the new dues starting in Jan 2004
will be $43.86 and for those that are making less than $12.00 an hr will be $29.95
Now why in the heck should we be paying these lazy bones who sold us down the river this kind of money and leaves us, especially me and my fellow rampers in an express station go home with nothing in our freaking checks? It is definetly time to get a real union who wont keep raising the freaking dues!

They have to make up for the heavy hit they took on losing the UA and NWA mechanics!!!!!!!!!!
:shock: hey guy,hows about looking into your bylaws......and i'd suggest you look at the fellow called "700uw" and digest what hes posted.
hey,mon..you peeple have me respect an' keep dee posts' flowing in dee future!
hey,lavMON out. ;)
Quit Complaining and do something about you situation!!!

The IAM is just like Dave Lorenzo, they cannot be believed or trusted. The sooner you realize this the better! The sooner you get out of the IAM the better off you will be. If you are in a mainline express station, why pay dues to an organization who collaberated with the company on wages and benefits that are worse than non-union?
There are no reasons to keep these company yes men.

unit4clt said:
Quit Complaining and do something about you situation!!!

The IAM is just like Dave Lorenzo, they cannot be believed or trusted. The sooner you realize this the better! The sooner you get out of the IAM the better off you will be. If you are in a mainline express station, why pay dues to an organization who collaberated with the company on wages and benefits that are worse than non-union?
There are no reasons to keep these company yes men.

well why don't you guys go and decertify then....didn't you get a fair shake from the company the last time that happened? ;)
For one, I would like to see this paper where it says how your dues are going to be that much, under the IAM the maximum your dues can be is 2x your hourly wage under your contract.

Second, lets look at the AGW, where is their headquarters?

Who elected Pruitt and Nelson?
No one did they appointed themselves.

Do they have any resources?

Do they have any expericence negotiating contracts?

They say they won't sign any confidentiality agreements.
Under SEC rules and regulations when a company gives a union the financial data they have to sign a confidentiality agreement not to release sensative information, so if Pruitt and Nelson won't sign one, how are they gonna know the company's financial condition?

Let see, Pruitt, Nelson and O'donnel tried to start Fleet Service United, they failed.

Timmy Nelson tried to start his own union and filed for an election before fleet got certified in 1995, causing a one year ban on organizing the fleet service workers, subjecting those very same workers to another year of the PPG where the company did as it pleased to your wages, benefits and working conditions. Lets just say remember 1992!

Then Timmy tried to SELL the A-card list to the teamsters which is against NMB procedures, the list contained the workers name, address and phone #. Very unethical.

Would you trust these people?
The dues effective Jan. 1, are more than 3x the Mainline Express wage..that's right 3x, not 2x. I would love to give them the royal boot, but getting the Mainline guys on board while they continue to make $7 more than us will be difficult. Until more stations get Expressed there will be very little outrage with the IAM and the piss-poor wage they crammed down our throats. It kills me to pay dues when I earn nearly $4 less than a NON-UNION Carrier does. In the future many more will understand where I am coming from when they become "The Working Poor".
With the wage the IAM negotiated for us, they should be paying us $43 an month to help us feed our families.
Wings, I suggest you go reread the post on how dues are figured, at my station our dues when down because of the concessions. There are only five ways to figure dues, go get an constitution and read it if you don't believe what I posted, no local lodge in the IAM can charge you 3Xs your wieghted hourly wage for dues.

For example if you make $10 an hour and everyone under your contract makes the same your dues can only be a maximum of $20 a month.

I suggest you call your local lodge and ask to speak with the finanical officer for a detailed explanation. Was this dues amount in your local lodge publication?

If you have no results, contact this person Special Assistant to the International President Michael Winpisinger.

Because what you are posting is a violation of the IAM constitution, also get a copy of your local lodge bylaws and check how dues are figured.

Or you can always find another job so you stop complaining.
700UW said:
For one, I would like to see this paper where it says how your dues are going to be that much, under the IAM the maximum your dues can be is 2x your hourly wage under your contract.

Second, lets look at the AGW, where is their headquarters?

Who elected Pruitt and Nelson?
No one did they appointed themselves.

Do they have any resources?

Do they have any expericence negotiating contracts?

They say they won't sign any confidentiality agreements.
Under SEC rules and regulations when a company gives a union the financial data they have to sign a confidentiality agreement not to release sensative information, so if Pruitt and Nelson won't sign one, how are they gonna know the company's financial condition?

Let see, Pruitt, Nelson and O'donnel tried to start Fleet Service United, they failed.

Timmy Nelson tried to start his own union and filed for an election before fleet got certified in 1995, causing a one year ban on organizing the fleet service workers, subjecting those very same workers to another year of the PPG where the company did as it pleased to your wages, benefits and working conditions. Lets just say remember 1992!

Then Timmy tried to SELL the A-card list to the teamsters which is against NMB procedures, the list contained the workers name, address and phone #. Very unethical.

Would you trust these people?
Who are you? Your comments are typical of IAM loyalist who don't sign their handiwork. Your libel of me is juvenile, nevertheless I will refrain from personally attacking whoever you are.

A few points are in order regarding the ignorance of your post.

1. I can handle personal attacks and I will simply say write what you wish about me, I do not wish to defend myself over your false accusations.

A comment about the AGW is in order though. Regarding confidentiality agreements.
The AGW does not sign confidentiality agreements as you said. The reason is to protect the group that is represented. Signing confidentiality papers ALWAYS protects the company and allows the union to engage in 'secret' negotiations.
Not signing Confidentiality papers is nothing new and it is not exclusive to the AGW. In fact, other airline unions refuse to sign confidentiality papers so their members can be kept fully informed and it has proven to be much more rewarding and advantagous to the members.
For instance, how many members have asked the IAM over the years what is being negotiated only to hear the famous, "Can't tell ya"? The IAM even signed the T/A without having certain health provider information available. What workers signed onto this horrible prescription drug plan?

The IAM needs to be dumped because they represent the company "to us", not us to the company. After all, I thought all of us knew that by now.

As a side, perhaps the IAM raised our dues because of District 141's new and high priced headquarters, even though 3 of its airlines are in bankrupt and its members are losing their jobs. Maybe the dues is going up because the IAM INTL had to raise its per capita because of the thousands of lost members coupled with the increase in Union Boss salaries. Or it might be that even though Robyn got voted out of her job in ORD but the District decided to pick her up full time. Who is keeping this union accountable? Definately not the members because they have not the power.


Tim Nelson, Interim Director, AGW
Come on Mr Nelson, if you are the devout preacher man you say you are, you would answer the questions I poised to you. Guess the truth hurts huh?

Once again, go read the IAM constitution, if the GL or DL per capita tax increases it means the local lodges get a reduced share of the dues money. Once again there are only FIVE (5) Dues can be figured under the IAM constitution, and name one union that has not been required by the SEC regulations not to sign a confidentiality agreement due to their wanting access to the company's financial documents.

Come clean Mr Nelson, the people who you want to represent deserve to hear the truth, about your failed union campaign before 1995, your attempt to sell the list to the Teamsters and your last union failure of Fleet Service Workers United.

Sounds like you are all ready keeping secrets from those who you seek to represent, should it not read King or Emperor instead of Interim Director?

And libel is when you print untruths, Mr Nelson, I know all about your past doings and those are facts what I have stated.
700UW said:
Come on Mr Nelson, if you are the devout preacher man you say you are, you would answer the questions I poised to you. Guess the truth hurts huh?

Once again, go read the IAM constitution, if the GL or DL per capita tax increases it means the local lodges get a reduced share of the dues money. Once again there are only FIVE (5) Dues can be figured under the IAM constitution, and name one union that has not been required by the SEC regulations not to sign a confidentiality agreement due to their wanting access to the company's financial documents.

Come clean Mr Nelson, the people who you want to represent deserve to hear the truth, about your failed union campaign before 1995, your attempt to sell the list to the Teamsters and your last union failure of Fleet Service Workers United.

Sounds like you are all ready keeping secrets from those who you seek to represent, should it not read King or Emperor instead of Interim Director?

And libel is when you print untruths, Mr Nelson, I know all about your past doings and those are facts what I have stated.
You have failed to answer one simple question....who are you?
I think it is a rather fair request of mine to know exactly who you since you have decided to accuse me personally. Nuff said.

Regarding your stance on the IAM dues particulars, I think I pointed out the 'why's' of the IAM's dues increase but the general rank and file doesn't care about the 'why'. What it comes down to is that they and me are pissed that they have to give more of their hard earned money to an organization that is simply not worthy of it. Especially at a time when the Union Boss's salaries are going up like a freakn ballon while members are losing their jobs and pay has been bigtime reduced. It' s inequitable by anyone's standards and not right.


Tim Nelson, Interim Director, AGW
Well this is how it works, at least for my local. Top pay for Mainline Express is $13.01 and our dues will increase to $43 as stated in the beginning of this post. We are told that the dues are $29 a month if your hourly wage is $12 or less and $43 for anything above that....$13.01=$43.00, a bit more than TRIPLE the hourly rate.
If you wish I will scan and post the the memo from the local RE the dues increase effective 01/01/04. Need I say more? And as far as complaining, let the IAM fetch you a crap wage and increase your dues for their service. I won't leave due to the incompetence of the IAM, but instead will try to fix this injustice.
Wings, please do or send it to my e-mail on this account.

Tim once again you failed to answer the questions, you failed to dispute how dues are calculated, you failed to tell the people you want to represent that you tried to start your own union before and failed and when you failed you caused a one year bar because you filed with less of the amount needed to file for an election causing fleet and customer service to be at the company's whim again. Oh by the way I just found our you DID SELL the list to the Teamsters and took a cruise or island vacation with the procedes. What happened with FSWU with you and Pruitt and O'Donnel?

If you claim honesty then why hide the facts and not answer the questions poised to you?

And Tim you failed to mention that the US Airways AGCs for 141 and 141 m had to take the same cuts as all UAL employees and they lost their ESOP stock also, you also fail to state that the AGCs for 141 and 141m both took wages and benefit cuts like the rank and file did.

Tim if you claim to be a honest person, then answer all the questions and state all the facts.
700uw is typical IAM/Company, you just cant believe a word they say. Remember after last August concessions, the IAM said there would be no other concessions, only to go back to the company and serve up more JOBS...outsourcing mail, freight, agreeing to more insurance cost. anyway 700uw comes on this message board, and makes false accusations about people while not offering proof of anything. Moderators, I thought this was against the terms of posting here.
First of all, all the things I have posted did happen.

Since you are in unit4 in CLT go ask some of the people about what Mr Nelson did during his tenure in CLT.

One he tried to start his own union, filed with less then the required cards which caused a one year ban.

Two he sold the list to the teamsters.

Three, himself, Frank O'donnell and Mike Pruitt started their own union again called Fleet Service Workers United, again putting themselves in charge, failed to get enough cards and it went away. Why don't you ask Mr Nelson about it and his former web page called The Big Picture.

Fourth, Mr Nelson won't dispute or tell the truth because he cant let the people know who he wants to represent the truth, otherwise they won't vote for the AGW.

Fifth, why did the AGW first pick Seham and Seham for lawyers when they have represented EL Al and Varig against airline employees?

Don't buy the car without taking it for a test drive, find out the truth, apparently Mr Nelson is afraid of it.

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