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Time For A New Union For The Rampers

Old PSA said:
The folks inside have something but it certainly isn't a union. The layoff language is the same in both contract. The IAM interprets the its to try and give seniority some options. The CWA interpretation is so convoluted, it protects the junior people.
I know for a fact that the iam protects junior employees. I was layed off 3 times since 911, while there were people junior to me in my station that were still working. When cwa took over the inside, one of the first things they did was to make sure that [HIRE DATE SENIORITY] was the ruling factor for all seniority purposes. The iam (ignorant @$$ marthafokkers) did just the opposite. They kept the companies practice of segregating the workforce by upholding classification seniority. That goes to show you the irrational thinking the iam uses in its decision making. One would think that if Dave Siegel was a fair minded person he would correct this injustice that has been in play since colodney took his money and ran. Until the time that we are treated fairly seniority wise, I will go with whatever union gives me my hire date seniority. If there is a union out there somewhere that is reading this board, you will get a lot of votes if you were to put DOH seniority at the top of the priority list.
Since the Expressed Stations are a minority at this time, outsting the IAM due to their poor treatment of us is not realistic. As time goes on and the Expressed become the Majority it will be a different story. These Idiots did sell us out for $13 an hour and they know it. When they came to our station for the vote they were fully aware of what CO Express earned as well as other EXP Carriers. They sacrificed us for the boys in the Hubs, yet they are charging us the same amount of dues. They need to raise the bar to $15 an hour as the dividing line instead of $12. I would be in favor of 2x the hourly rate as well. To sum it all up, the IAM took care of themselves instead of the membership. They kept the headcount up with dues paying members as we were pushed back into the 1980's with wages. What were the dues inthe 80's??? As far as the Company paying back the legal fees to the Unions, the offer was on the table, but the IAM was the only taker.
delldude said:
you are very mistaken....all unions negotiated a clause in which the company absorbed the legal costs of negotiating[if ratified]....if not and we or you were,say... amfa.....you would have gotten a huge dues assessment ,take it to the bank.

I can agree with your point on having a new union having a dues assessment, but your arguement for the IAM in this case flies in the face of a dues increase. The IAM M&R contract was due up in a couple of years, so it was going to have to be negotiated anyway. Now that it is not ammendable until the end of the decade, the costs of negotiating the contract are not imposed on the IAM, and with the company picking up the tab the last time around, should there not be, in fact, a dues decrease? Are you saying that in a year or so we would have a dues assessment for opening talks on the old deal? If that is the case, I would like to see the books of where the money has gone over the life of this contract. Do they not set aside $XXX amount for negotiations, the now does not need to be paid?
N628AU said:
delldude said:
you are very mistaken....all unions negotiated a clause in which the company absorbed the legal costs of negotiating[if ratified]....if not and we or you were,say... amfa.....you would have gotten a huge dues assessment ,take it to the bank.

I can agree with your point on having a new union having a dues assessment, but your arguement for the IAM in this case flies in the face of a dues increase. The IAM M&R contract was due up in a couple of years, so it was going to have to be negotiated anyway. Now that it is not ammendable until the end of the decade, the costs of negotiating the contract are not imposed on the IAM, and with the company picking up the tab the last time around, should there not be, in fact, a dues decrease? Are you saying that in a year or so we would have a dues assessment for opening talks on the old deal? If that is the case, I would like to see the books of where the money has gone over the life of this contract. Do they not set aside $XXX amount for negotiations, the now does not need to be paid?
with the dwindling number of IAM dues paying members,i hardly think we could or would get a decrease.i'm only saying is that i always hear the mantra of screw this union or that union,we want another and then bingo,they find a new union with a higher dues structure and flip out.
everyone has supposedly been screwed by IAM,well give me some examples of how any other union would have or has done better and what would you/me have gotten out of it?
i don't think we got it as bad as UAL did.....take into consideration what others are paying not only for dues but hows about benefits?we got the shaft on benny's but what i've seen and read of others makes me beleive we didn't get it as bad as some others.
its like you're going to be shot,would you prefer a 22 or a 12 gauge?
have a nice day!
Got this email a while ago thought you might like to see it..........

Greetings fellow IAM members,

Please pass this on to any other IAM member who you think might like to see this
important email about there dues money.

With the recent announcement that the dues is going up I thought I would do a
little research to see where my dues dollar is really going.

I used the LM-2 DOL reports and went back to the years 2000 thru 2002.

The first thing I looked up was the International membership figures

As reported for the year 2000 we had 730,673 members
As reported for the year 2001 we had 722,987 members
As reported for the year 2002 we had 677,095 members

The total loss in membership.........-53,578 members

Then I looked up the wages for Total compensation packages for key
people who work at the International this is what I found unreal!

As reported for Tom Buffenbarger Intl. President of the IAM

His year 2000 compensation was reported at $211,324
His year 2001 compensation was reported at $240,938
His year 2002 compensation was reported at $249,250

As Reported for VP Roach of the Intl IAM

His year 2000 compensation was reported at $164,229
His year 2001 compensation was reported at $199,869
His year 2002 compensation was reported at $212,418

(Conclusion more members you lose the more you make!)

Hey but not just the Intl is on the gravy train read about the District 141
abuse of dues dollars.

As reported for the year 2000 we had 38,079 members
As reported for the year 2001 we had 36,048 members
As reported for the year 2002 we had 31,300 members

Total loss for Dist 141..............-6,779

Now look at what they made during this downturn in membership

Pres Randy Canale....year 2000...$104,261
.....................year 2001...$108,070
.....................year 2002...$130,769

AGC Bill Chandlee....year 2000...$088,787
.....................year 2001...$091,516
.....................year 2002...$103,675

AGC Joe McCarone.....year 2000...$064,476
.....................year 2001...$097,561
.....................year 2002...$101,844

AGC Tom Miklavic.....year 2000...$085,206
.....................year 2001...$087,446
.....................year 2002...$100,570

AGC Moore............year 2000...$091,560
.....................year 2001...$094,543
.....................year 2002...$102,739

(Conclusion the more members our "Leaders" lose the more they make!)

Source for Information:

The numbers for 2003 will not be out untill sometime in 2004 but if I had to bet money on it I would say that they went up not down!
delldude said:
Doc said:
There are options you can take but becareful what you wish for

DOC:depends what state you're in!
LIBERTYBELL:anything on 2003 wages?it would be icing on the cake if it went up also. :up:
Yes its true the state does matter but the fact remains there options. Our unions have negotiated sub par contracts and still command a high price for it. Unions have become so necessary that it scary. But we still have a voice don’t forget.
How in the world can a union negotiate these cuts then allow management to continue their pay rate without doing anything, then to top it off not give us a break on our dues.
Don’t forget our medical cost which are going out of control dental bills for employees are going up because what was once the best coverage has gone to the bottom nothing is covered anymore and if it is its only 50%.
Information about the Allied Ground Workers can be found by going to the AGW website at the-agw.org . There you can read the constitution, as well as download cards. You can also send an E-mail to have them call you if you need more information on how to sign up your station.

These salaries that the IAM Officials are recieving are embarassing to anyone associated with Labor. While our Members have gone back to 1980s wages and benefits these worthless negotiators continue to raise dues on the members who have taken severe paycuts to support their rising salaries.

These are the same guys who refused to take a stand against CORPORATE GREED during BK last year.......NOW WE KNOW WHY!!!!

There is no reason for keeping the IAM, who forced the INDUSTRY LEADING CONCESSIONS on USairways Fleet Service, nor is there any reason for Customer Service to keep the CWA.

We Now have a Choice. GO AGW
There are only five ways to calculate dues, if your wages go down your dues go down, they are recalculated every August and the new dues rates go in effect in January.

And as far as the officer saleries, a lot of it is expenses as they are on the road a lot and have to stay at hotels and eat. Also in regard to the AGCs you pulled up 2002 and information, they have taken wage, benefit and vacation cuts as we have as you will see their salaries lowered for 2003 vs 2002.

The dues can only be formulated this way, I suggest you inform and educate yourself instead of posting misinformation:

1) a uniform minimum rate of monthly dues equal to 2 times the weighted average hourly earnings of members covered by the collective bargaining agreements under the L.L. jurisdiction

2) a uniform minimum rate of monthly dues equal to 2 times the weighted average hourly earnings of members covered by the collective bargaining unit under the L.L. jurisdiction

3) a uniform minimum rate of monthly dues for each membership classificiation (long list) equal to 2 times the weighted average hourly earnings of members employed in the membership classification and covered by the collective bargaining agreements under the L.L. jurisdiction

4) a minimum rate of monthly dues equal to 2 times the hourly earnings of each L.L. member

5) a minimum rate of monthly dues in accordance with a schedule of hourly earnings not to exceed 50 cents increments with a minimum rate of $12.00
just got the paper this morning that the IAM union dues are going to be the following: Ifyou're making over 12.00 an hr, the new dues starting in Jan 2004
will be $43.86 and for those that are making less than $12.00 an hr will be $29.95
Now why in the heck should we be paying these lazy bones who sold us down the river this kind of money and leaves us, especially me and my fellow rampers in an express station go home with nothing in our freaking checks? It is definetly time to get a real union who wont keep raising the freaking dues!

They have to make up for the heavy hit they took on losing the UA and NWA mechanics!!!!!!!!!!
700UW said:
And as far as the officer saleries, a lot of it is expenses as they are on the road a lot and have to stay at hotels and eat. Also in regard to the AGCs you pulled up 2002 and information, they have taken wage, benefit and vacation cuts as we have as you will see their salaries lowered for 2003 vs 2002.
Can you give us the AGC salaries before expenses for the years 2000, 2001, 2002?
Are any of them Express AGC's, I doubt they are working for $13 an hour. OH I forgot they only thought that it would be OK for the rank and file to be on povertys doorstep while working a 40+ hour week. I wish them the same fate in the near future!!!!!

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