I understand what your saying kitty. What I'm saying is if there were an AA "job action", you would be on the management side of the disagreement stating how worthless, disgruntled, ignorant etc the union workers are for the aforementioned job action. I could care less if you do not set/enforce AA policies and procedures or have a budget. Comprendo?
You seem to be immune to any type of discipline at work, and therefore no union needed, thank you. I have seen this smug attitude before, except it changes rapidly when a "vindictive manager" as FA Mikey stated walks his "favorite" out the door for cause. That saved $50 then buys a few rounds at the bar, with some tears added in for taste. 😉
What makes you so sure I have not been on my fair share of sh1t lists? Hell, I ticked off my GM in one department and screwed my self out of a 6 month TDY in the UK. Given my mouth and attitude, I am the poster child of someone who needs a union. I still don't want one. Not worth the head ache. There is enough protection for some of the dumb asses I work with already, no need for them to have even more protection. My performance is what keeps me employed. I do not believe it is as easy to can someone as you seem to believe. At least not in the departments I have worked in. There has to be documentation to support termination. I have very good review in my jacket. For them to say all of a sudden 'you're fired' is not going to work. I have seen people come back over and over again for dumb ass moves like that. There are plenty of lawyers out there who would love to have a whack at that.
BTW, I have been "stating how worthless, disgruntled, ignorant etc the union workers are" for ages, job action not with standing 😉