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Thousand hired


Aug 19, 2002
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Since the company keeps touting all of these new people they've hired I was curious what the status was around the system. We hired several new people (revolving door) and was told this week we would be bidding again (we just started a bid Aug 13th) because we are now OVERSTAFFED and they arent going to replace the 3 or 4 people that have recently quit or left so we have too many open lines uncovered. We only lost 1 and possibly 2 flights coming up. ALSO, as a slap in the face, the part timers that are still here will now be reduced to only 4 1/2 hours a day. Add into the mix that the company will not allow our station to schedule 4 day work weeks (which could at least reduce driving time and cost for those part timers forced to come in 5 days a week for 4 1/2 hours instead of 4 days at 6 1/2 hours) because we are a Workbrain station and they dont have it set up for 4 day workweeks. (Maybe we need to hire some PHL agents to adjust Workbrain for us since we know it CAN BE MANIPULATED if the company wanted to). Sounds like another way to keep your workforce happy to "have a job" here...
Wonder when the last time the headcounters recommended that they reduce the headcounters since they've reduced the staffing they have to count? 😛h34r: 🙄

What are the staffing numbers like in your city since the big hiring job started before the summer?
we supposedly are over also....yet we have 1 FT on medical...1 FT quit....about 3-4 PT have quit....another FT put in for a transfer they are likely to get.....thye have not replaced any--remember-Attrition......not sure where we are headed but it was supposed to get better every day and it has consistently gotten worse. Our PT already works 4 hour shifts.....Tad there is a LOA out there about 4 day work weeks....PM your email and I will try to get it too you--the compnay cant tell the station they cant do something because once again, the "computer cant handle it"! Have you talked to your BA/Union rep? We too have been fighting for shifts to help our commuters...we did manage to get a few 4on/3 off lines in the bid....still not enough...many of us scramble to pick up hoursa and they seem to not be covering any ot......Too late for me to start over??? I am rethinking that..at least maybe at airline "x" I have a better chance for FT.
We've discussed it with our local and I believe its gone as far as Velvet. She didnt know we were being denied the 4 day week because of Workbrain. Manager says he is being told at least 18 months before we can do it. If other stations in the system without workbrain can do it, then we should be able to as well, otherwise I feel they are violating the contract on those cities that have added restrictions. If they cant get workbrain reprogrammed NOW, then go back to paper time sheets until they can get it worked out. I believe they are looking into filing a grievance on it if the company cant come up with a workaround. I know admin can manipulate workbrain. Dont turn in an overtime sheet and see how quick they take your extra hours out of the system!
We've discussed it with our local and I believe its gone as far as Velvet. She didnt know we were being denied the 4 day week because of Workbrain. Manager says he is being told at least 18 months before we can do it. If other stations in the system without workbrain can do it, then we should be able to as well, otherwise I feel they are violating the contract on those cities that have added restrictions. If they cant get workbrain reprogrammed NOW, then go back to paper time sheets until they can get it worked out. I believe they are looking into filing a grievance on it if the company cant come up with a workaround. I know admin can manipulate workbrain. Dont turn in an overtime sheet and see how quick they take your extra hours out of the system!

Tad, what is the deal with the agents staffing? When I go to an East station I usually only see one or two agents at a gate. Out West the seem to be tripping over each other.
YES, tripping over them is correct! Four day work days can work with any system, GPMS, Workbrain if the station wants it too! Hey, the company worked on these LOA's for months, strange isn't it?

Bottom line is that it just has to be added manually.
We just switched over to WorkBrain here in my station (at NWA), and ours seems to be accomodating all kinds of different shifts-5 days/5hour shifts, mixes of 6, 8, 5 hour shifts, 4 day workweeks...you name it.

I think they just took the parameters from our old system (PACE), and moved them over???
ALSO, as a slap in the face, the part timers that are still here will now be reduced to only 4 1/2 hours a day.

What happened to that "worst managers" thread?
From what I've been told your station manager should be on it.
Heard he brings in new managers and then zetos any improvements they come up with.
What a prize!
s.....Tad there is a LOA out there about 4 day work weeks....PM your email and I will try to get it too you--the compnay cant tell the station they cant do something because once again, the "computer cant handle it"!

One station in the NE is about to try 4/10 schedule for some of the lines in a upcoming shift bid. The station manager says not to expect it to last because "the regional director doesn't like it". 🙄 :unsure:

The same station has also been on a hiring surge since summer started; it now has more inside agents than it did n 2001 when it had more flights, with bigger aircraft. (Of course, with "QIK" you need more agents to work the line, since transactions take longer. ) It would be nice if the new hire classes covered invol reroutes and baggage service, since it seems that's what 90% of the customers need.
One station in the NE is about to try 4/10 schedule for some of the lines in a upcoming shift bid. The station manager says not to expect it to last because "the regional director doesn't like it". 🙄 :unsure:

The same station has also been on a hiring surge since summer started; it now has more inside agents than it did n 2001 when it had more flights, with bigger aircraft. (Of course, with "QIK" you need more agents to work the line, since transactions take longer. ) It would be nice if the new hire classes covered invol reroutes and baggage service, since it seems that's what 90% of the customers need.

What station is it?
What happened to that "worst managers" thread?
From what I've been told your station manager should be on it.
Heard he brings in new managers and then zetos any improvements they come up with.
What a prize!

I think you're referring to this one: http://www.usaviation.com/forums/index.php...c=36950&hl=
A while back (too lazy to look for the thread) I started a discussion about good station managers. Sadly, it wound up being a rather short thread.

So, let's turn our attention to bad station managers (including dept. mgrs where applicable); there are so many of them. As fun and enlightening as it would be to include current managers, it's probably best to just discuss those who are no longer with the company. What I am really curious about is just how bad does a station manager have to be in order to get him/herself launched.

The topic was more intended to see if anyone remember a station (dept) manager being let go for poor performance; it seems no one could. I'm not sure if this forum is the best place to discuss current bad station managers. For one thing, how knows how long such a thread would be? :lol: :shock:
We've discussed it with our local and I believe its gone as far as Velvet. She didnt know we were being denied the 4 day week because of Workbrain. Manager says he is being told at least 18 months before we can do it. If other stations in the system without workbrain can do it, then we should be able to as well, otherwise I feel they are violating the contract on those cities that have added restrictions. If they cant get workbrain reprogrammed NOW, then go back to paper time sheets until they can get it worked out. I believe they are looking into filing a grievance on it if the company cant come up with a workaround. I know admin can manipulate workbrain. Dont turn in an overtime sheet and see how quick they take your extra hours out of the system!
stay on it and file!!! We are currently still on paper time sheets...