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Great To Be Sr At Res For Hp--read This

drifterreno said:
Our management walks around with a smile on her face and doesn't sneak up on anyone to try and catch them doing something wrong. She' a very aproachable person and is there to help us get through whatever we need to do.

Just wait until Al Crellin is in charge! :shock:

drifterreno said:
Signs hanging in RNO res--Friendly and very helpful!!!  Yes, we have time management, but we get incentives for booking first class 30 hours prior to flight--$5.00 per upgrade and we are complimented and given "treats" for being found to be helpful and friendly.  I have found my res work is again a great job.  HP made it so, and I am actually within my KPI's.  How many of you out there have gotten a 100% monitor only to have it followed by "but-----------:"  Well, I've now had about 8 or 9 perfect monitors with no "buts".  Our supervisors are kind, friendly and helpful to us as agents.  Our management walks around with a smile on her face and doesn't sneak up on anyone to try and catch them doing something wrong.  She' a very aproachable person and is there to help us get through whatever we need to do.  All in all--Your job will get better.
Man oh Man, that speaks volumes. Definitely can tell you were once located in U RES!! Never a positive without a qualifier. You hit the nail on the head with 100% monitor, I have only had 2 or 3 under 100% in over 18 years, and always get a "BUT". I hope those remaining in res will be happy with HP management. Oh, btw, in the last few weeks, 2 new sups were named, 1 new Manager of Sales (from the Club/DM that was closed), an analyst ..all this with 300+ fewer employees. What is the ratio at HP of managers/sups to employees? Does HP have groups, chairmans, reservations services? Does HP do any type of notification to pax of schedule changes, flight irregularities? Any info would be appreciated (PM if you want).
Remember when PI was merged and we had ??? about the USAir's reservations office... now we want to know about HP..
At least res won't be under Al Crellins (mis)direction any more!)
Thanks for any info!