fatherabraham said:
cavalier said:
One needs to ask such a poster what is truly the personal drive coming on here and sounding like a mouth piece for Jerry Glass. Why would a pax and non u employee give a whit about the IAM or any union. Two reasons I offer up. Some personal grudge from times past and not even relevant to today’s reality, or there is something in it, personal gain. A poster who has the eyes and minds of many readers would send up a green flag for the likes of Jerry Glass. All the trashing of union leaders, what about all of the political leaders from the top down to the small towns in this country that run on clicks and elbow rubbing, why not address those very real issues while we are at it. Why pick on the union leaders making it seem like all other leaders are a pillar of virtue. There are reasons for everything, actions are taken to create a desired effect. Every post written here has its own person agenda, and mostly to the poster’s personal benefit. The reader who can see through the chaff has a clear view though the facade of manipulative deception and is getting at the true intent of the post. We do have experts in deception who read these boards and are eager to give free advice to willing participants.
You share my sentiments exactly. I pointed this out early in his postings and was attacked by the majority. Others have since tried with same results. Now i see the more prolific posters questioning his motives. Bob is very clever and highly intelligent. Posters beware.
We non-employees care about labor issues and unions because it effects us. Obviously ticket prices are impacted by labor. As are a great many key elements of the product -- schedule, timeliness, levels or service and a host of intangibles.
Some of you can't believe it but we also actually care what happens to this company, to the employees that we know and even those we've never met or talked to.
If we're wrong or misguided educate us. It sure is hard to understand some of the positions taken on this board -- they defy common sense. Now maybe in some cases that's because there are some unique issues that aren't obvious to someone on the outside -- this whole "bid" process that flight crews deal with seems like a minefield ripe for misunderstandings and exploitation (by both sides). But even so it baffles me how, for instance, anyone can argue that because morale has taken a beating that it's "ok" for there to be a sick out. And a lot of the IAM & ALPA hyperbole is pretty over the top from the POV of us ordinary working stiffs. A lot of you folks have gone off about customers having an entitlement mentality -- well guess what...
Maybe I'm a bit nuts but it seems to me that it would be worth it to spend at least as much time educating the public as is spent bashing each other over the head or venting about Dave et al -- at least educating the public might actually do you some good (don't waste our time with BS though...) There's certainly a better chance of your winning PineyBob's mind that there is of getting Jerry Glass to take a nice pill. Who knows? Maybe you'll be looking for a job selling copiers someday? B)