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The Transformation Plan

I agree 628, I see no reason why we couldnt do BOS, DCA, LGA, to ORD, and BOS to SFO and LAX. Yes, we would be competing with UA and AA, but we have a larger presense and more feed in those markets (with the exception of BOS, where I believe AA is actually bigger, as is DL). As for all of this point to point people are talking about... are we considering BOS,DCA, LGA point to point? I consider these mini-hubs or focus cities. Point to point would be like what MetroJet used to do, BDL-TPA, ALB-MCO etc.

I'm also curious as to the wholly-owneds and the Express set-up in general. Dave said that there would be some rationalization of the Express carriers, wouldnt this be the time to decide?

The plan at the top of this thread doesnt really contain anything we havent discussed or guessed already. We'll have to see what it really is when its publicly released.
😛h34r: Geez-A-MA-Teez already! W/O rationalization is about a gazillion years late! At least someone had some insight to establish the SSO. Now could be the time to re-think the UQ and EN deployment in the scheme of things. How about using DHC-8's in FLA as a shuttle point-to-point operation. Or out in CAL as a shuttle operation as well. We could make some real money! It's time to start using the assets we have more effectively! Let's get with the program CCY. :shock:
To read your post of late it appears you have really started to do a 180-degree change in your thoughts. One could say you are deviating all over the place in your varied replies. I noted in this very post topic you are even scolding posters from posting their opinions of possible future negotiations with management. Please remember this management does not follow our existing contracts that we have with them now. It would be foolish to negotiate with such dishonest characters further. Also please understand if the IAM would offer to bid on the Airbus work it would be used against them in court as a way of stating if the IAM already had the work why would they be bidding on it? Like I have stated before it is different when you actually work here. I do admire your abnormal amount of high interest in this company and having a lot of available time to keep up on it. I know you stated on the boards that have no family (wife & kids) and I guess in a way we here are your family. If we help you fill some of your empty time then I am happy. Even though I tend not to agree with you much as of late. I do feel for you and I still welcome your opinions. Happy Holidays to you!
cavalier said:
One needs to ask such a poster what is truly the personal drive coming on here and sounding like a mouth piece for Jerry Glass. Why would a pax and non u employee give a whit about the IAM or any union. Two reasons I offer up. Some personal grudge from times past and not even relevant to today’s reality, or there is something in it, personal gain. A poster who has the eyes and minds of many readers would send up a green flag for the likes of Jerry Glass. All the trashing of union leaders, what about all of the political leaders from the top down to the small towns in this country that run on clicks and elbow rubbing, why not address those very real issues while we are at it. Why pick on the union leaders making it seem like all other leaders are a pillar of virtue. There are reasons for everything, actions are taken to create a desired effect. Every post written here has its own person agenda, and mostly to the poster’s personal benefit. The reader who can see through the chaff has a clear view though the facade of manipulative deception and is getting at the true intent of the post. We do have experts in deception who read these boards and are eager to give free advice to willing participants.

You share my sentiments exactly. I pointed this out early in his postings and was attacked by the majority. Others have since tried with same results. Now i see the more prolific posters questioning his motives. Bob is very clever and highly intelligent. Posters beware.

You appear to be correct regarding PineyBob. Something is amiss and all does not ad up.
Who really cares what PineyBob thinks or says? He is not the issue or the focus. Ignore him and continue to unite yourselves with what is important: your futures.
fatherabraham said:
cavalier said:
One needs to ask such a poster what is truly the personal drive coming on here and sounding like a mouth piece for Jerry Glass. Why would a pax and non u employee give a whit about the IAM or any union. Two reasons I offer up. Some personal grudge from times past and not even relevant to today’s reality, or there is something in it, personal gain. A poster who has the eyes and minds of many readers would send up a green flag for the likes of Jerry Glass. All the trashing of union leaders, what about all of the political leaders from the top down to the small towns in this country that run on clicks and elbow rubbing, why not address those very real issues while we are at it. Why pick on the union leaders making it seem like all other leaders are a pillar of virtue. There are reasons for everything, actions are taken to create a desired effect. Every post written here has its own person agenda, and mostly to the poster’s personal benefit. The reader who can see through the chaff has a clear view though the facade of manipulative deception and is getting at the true intent of the post. We do have experts in deception who read these boards and are eager to give free advice to willing participants.

You share my sentiments exactly. I pointed this out early in his postings and was attacked by the majority. Others have since tried with same results. Now i see the more prolific posters questioning his motives. Bob is very clever and highly intelligent. Posters beware.
We non-employees care about labor issues and unions because it effects us. Obviously ticket prices are impacted by labor. As are a great many key elements of the product -- schedule, timeliness, levels or service and a host of intangibles.

Some of you can't believe it but we also actually care what happens to this company, to the employees that we know and even those we've never met or talked to.

If we're wrong or misguided educate us. It sure is hard to understand some of the positions taken on this board -- they defy common sense. Now maybe in some cases that's because there are some unique issues that aren't obvious to someone on the outside -- this whole "bid" process that flight crews deal with seems like a minefield ripe for misunderstandings and exploitation (by both sides). But even so it baffles me how, for instance, anyone can argue that because morale has taken a beating that it's "ok" for there to be a sick out. And a lot of the IAM & ALPA hyperbole is pretty over the top from the POV of us ordinary working stiffs. A lot of you folks have gone off about customers having an entitlement mentality -- well guess what... 🙄

Maybe I'm a bit nuts but it seems to me that it would be worth it to spend at least as much time educating the public as is spent bashing each other over the head or venting about Dave et al -- at least educating the public might actually do you some good (don't waste our time with BS though...) There's certainly a better chance of your winning PineyBob's mind that there is of getting Jerry Glass to take a nice pill. Who knows? Maybe you'll be looking for a job selling copiers someday? B)
TheLarkAscending said:
Who really cares what PineyBob thinks or says? He is not the issue or the focus. Ignore him and continue to unite yourselves with what is important: your futures.

True enough Bob should not be the focus. It does appear that he is the 3rd highest poster on this board behind Chip and Pitbull. All are aware of their first hand " employee" status and posible motives. We all read that into their post.

Now we have # 3 Pineybob. A frequent flyer ( thank you very much ).
No doubt he is influencing posters and the rank and file they associate with. I believe this site " usaviation " may have been started by a MGT type and if not it is not beyond reason for Mgt to manage our expectations thru a site like this. All I say is stay informed but consider the source.

Again I say, Cav said it best!
I for one would not be so quick to link Piney Bob to be anything other than whom he claims to be.

However , I do find myself seeing Piney contradicting himself from week to week in regards to whom or what he supports quit frequently , hince I tend to ignore him in light of these observations.

Bob tends to shift his allegences when he's pressed or insulted...So it does boil down to a person more in love with degate than anything else. I suspect no other motives.

Bob is a paying passenger and that entitles him to an opinion. He's entitled to good and safe service which we are obligated to provide him...and nothing more.

Nobody , least of all an armchair industry expert knows more about what it takes to do things here , more than we whom do those things daily/nightly I do not exclude our so-called leadership in that statement either.

Allow Bob or any of the other self-admitted customers that posts here to have their say...but in the same spirit nothing says you have to appreciate , honor or value those opinions regarding our actual labor concerns.

Those concerns are valid to us and us alone. I believe we all know that customers want nothing more than the best service at the lowest possible price..and their concerns pretty much start and end there. We on the other hand need to confine ourselves to issues that affect our ability to live and support our families. With that said...I couldn't careless if Piney Bob was Jerry Glass or Siegel himself?

To conclude, You can't pick your parents , but you can pick your fights based on their merits. Debating Our labor issues and how we choose to defend our careers and futures is nobodies business but our own...so how much merit does debating Bob have when you look at it in practical terms?

Both sides of this coin has options We can defend our jobs and risk losing it all..or We can fail to defend our jobs and risk working for nothing in a still suspect future.

Bob has options as well. He can choose to fly U...or he can move to another carrier if all else fails? We do not have another carrier to jump to at the moment..so here is where we choose to make our stand in all respects.
Light Years said:
I agree 628, I see no reason why we couldnt do BOS, DCA, LGA, to ORD, and BOS to SFO and LAX. Yes, we would be competing with UA and AA, but we have a larger presense and more feed in those markets (with the exception of BOS, where I believe AA is actually bigger, as is DL). As for all of this point to point people are talking about... are we considering BOS,DCA, LGA point to point? I consider these mini-hubs or focus cities. Point to point would be like what MetroJet used to do, BDL-TPA, ALB-MCO etc.
Light Years and 628,

I'd be a happy man with more service from BOS! US invested a lot of money in the BOS terminal, and I think it's one of the nicest in the system. The club is especially nice. I think it was only three or four years ago that US was still the largest carrier in BOS. It's a shame that US today is not taking better advantage of the market here...one I think is one of the best suited to what US had been going after. Delta will soon open their new terminal right next door to US, and that will only boost their position as an airline that seems to serve BOS better these days.

Would you still consider BOS and LGA mini hubs/focus cities with the limited number of mainline destinations they now serve? From BOS it's just the hubs, LGA and DCA, other than the limited number of Carribean flights. I'm not clear on the mini-hub/point to point distinction.
When we talk about potential uses for 60 new airplanes my first thoughts go to additional point to point Caribbean service. Why couldn't we use those airplanes to take on AA in a market like BDL, PVD - SJU. Why couldn't we reallocate our wholly owned express carrier assets to some of the islands or use RJ's to fly from stations like RDU, MCO, TPA, FLL - SJU. And why stop at SJU? Why not look at opportunites to fly to other Caribbean destinations. Go back to Florida with an express/ RJ shuttle type system and feed into a city like FLL and then on to the Islands? Expand and enhance our west coast operations. Again, cities like BDL and PVD to LAX, SAN, SFO or SEA. Exploit seasonal service to places like EGE and other resorts in the Rockies. Stations like CUN, MBJ and SJU have proven to be hot spots for point to point service from cities like IAD and BOS. I am sure there are many more untapped markets out there that we could find.

This also goes with domestic service to AUS, SAT, RNO, etc. On weekends you could bolster your Florida service with point to point flying from all over. CMH, CLE, BUF, ALB, ROC, RDU, GSO to FLL, MCO, TPA. In the summer sun Sat service to LAS, LAX, PHX.

Just some thoughts.
TomBascom said:
fatherabraham said:
cavalier said:
One needs to ask such a poster what is truly the personal drive coming on here and sounding like a mouth piece for Jerry Glass. Why would a pax and non u employee give a whit about the IAM or any union. Two reasons I offer up. Some personal grudge from times past and not even relevant to today’s reality, or there is something in it, personal gain. A poster who has the eyes and minds of many readers would send up a green flag for the likes of Jerry Glass. All the trashing of union leaders, what about all of the political leaders from the top down to the small towns in this country that run on clicks and elbow rubbing, why not address those very real issues while we are at it. Why pick on the union leaders making it seem like all other leaders are a pillar of virtue. There are reasons for everything, actions are taken to create a desired effect. Every post written here has its own person agenda, and mostly to the poster’s personal benefit. The reader who can see through the chaff has a clear view though the facade of manipulative deception and is getting at the true intent of the post. We do have experts in deception who read these boards and are eager to give free advice to willing participants.

You share my sentiments exactly. I pointed this out early in his postings and was attacked by the majority. Others have since tried with same results. Now i see the more prolific posters questioning his motives. Bob is very clever and highly intelligent. Posters beware.
We non-employees care about labor issues and unions because it effects us. Obviously ticket prices are impacted by labor. As are a great many key elements of the product -- schedule, timeliness, levels or service and a host of intangibles.

Some of you can't believe it but we also actually care what happens to this company, to the employees that we know and even those we've never met or talked to.

If we're wrong or misguided educate us. It sure is hard to understand some of the positions taken on this board -- they defy common sense. Now maybe in some cases that's because there are some unique issues that aren't obvious to someone on the outside -- this whole "bid" process that flight crews deal with seems like a minefield ripe for misunderstandings and exploitation (by both sides). But even so it baffles me how, for instance, anyone can argue that because morale has taken a beating that it's "ok" for there to be a sick out. And a lot of the IAM & ALPA hyperbole is pretty over the top from the POV of us ordinary working stiffs. A lot of you folks have gone off about customers having an entitlement mentality -- well guess what... 🙄

Maybe I'm a bit nuts but it seems to me that it would be worth it to spend at least as much time educating the public as is spent bashing each other over the head or venting about Dave et al -- at least educating the public might actually do you some good (don't waste our time with BS though...) There's certainly a better chance of your winning PineyBob's mind that there is of getting Jerry Glass to take a nice pill. Who knows? Maybe you'll be looking for a job selling copiers someday? B)
....Which begs the question even more: Doesn't this whole thing evolve into some sort of "chicken or the egg" debate? While you sound ostensibly sincere, I for my part could ask the converse question with no less validity: Is it up to us to educate the public....or the public to refrain from jumping into a debate without background info? If you don't live it, of course the hyperbole from ( unordinary? ) working stiffs would seem "over the top" to "ordinary working stiffs". ( As a rabid populist...let's not get into THAT debate now B) )

It's really very natural:

Ask a question- Get an answer.

Make a rush to judgement- Get a heated debate, the passion of your opponent being a curiosity at best, impudence at worst.

BTW: Excellent post AOG.
don't be surprised if in the future you see carribean sun &carribean star airlines become a usairways express carrier. they fly dash 8'ts out of sju to other islands. plus i was speaking to the sju station manager and she told me that big plans are up for sju. she did not want to specifi but she gave me a positive smirk and a wink. 😉 . and a supervisor told me at lga that u wants to start daily service to sju 3 times a day but can't get permission from the port .they were lucky to get sat service. the port sais that its to far a dest from lga to go daily. but u's argument is that ua and frontier fly to den daily and its the same distance. so u might win that case. they are also pushing for lga aua but that m ight be pushing it a little. also the company is in talks with ua to let them use 3 gates at jfk for carribean dest where u can't go out of lga because there is no customs facility at lga. we were going to start lga las and bos las on dec13th but that was put on the backburner for a short time due to some a/c issues .but xpect to see that operate in 2004.more is coming guys lets just be patient and see what it is . happy new year. 🙂
US Airways cannot unilaterally fly between Washington National and New York LaGuardia to the West Coast. Both of these airports have constraints imposed by the government.

Senior management has held discussions with the Port Authority of NY and NJ about servicing Los Angeles and San Francisco from LaGuardia, but Port Authority officials are reluctant to grant such service because of airport competition concerns with both Kennedy and Newark.

In regard to Washington National to both Los Angeles and San Francisco, the federal government would have to authorize the flights because the airport has stage length and slot limitations. In addition, the proposed service could have both Justice and Transportation Department antitrust concerns due to the domestic alliance and United's Washington Dulles to Los Angeles and San Francisco service.

In regard to US Airways Group service improvements, the recently approved FAA Reauthorization Bill permits the EMB-170 to operate into Washington National with a RJ versus Mainline slot. This will permit the Company to operate this aircraft from National to high yield airports such as Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Louisville, Nashville, etc., providing US Airways with a competitive advantage.




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