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The Transformation Plan

there is still no proof the guy is building a house in the carribean. so stop spreadin the damn rumor. you show me a picture of the house .then we can talk on how i can go visit it cause i am sure its a hell of house if it does exist. maybe have a beer or two in his back yard. with all his honies in the pool. :lol:

Ual777fan said: 'I am still interested on how USAir point to point costs will be 6 cents. I believe that Jetblue's costs are about 6.5 cents on point to point. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am."

Chip answers: The "point to point costs will be 6 cents" will be for MidAtlantic Airways (MDA) and excludes fuel. MDA is now part of the mainline, but will be a separate division with a separate workforce. As an aircraft the EMB-170 is a mainline type jet, versus a regional jet, and the company is scheduled to have 85 of these jets in service by September 2006.

JetBlue Airways chief executive officer David Neeleman has said his company's EMB product, the EMB-190, will have a break even load factor of 60%. In contrast, US Airways senior vice president of development and express Bruce Ashby told Aviation Daily that US Airways' EMB-170 will have a break even load factor of 50%.

The MidAtlantic division is expected to be instantly profitable primarily due to its low CASM, which was largely obtained by deep employee concessions.


ITRADE said:
cavalier said:
One needs to ask such a poster what is truly the personal drive coming on here and sounding like a mouth piece for Jerry Glass.
Or Eugene V. Debs
Anytime one tries to balance the scales just a little tiny bit we all hear the scream...Socialist, he‘s a Socialist. But it’s ok for the likes of this management team to come on board, throw thousands in the streets, and treat the remaining employees with total disrespect even distain as a must have evil. These so called leaders lead their way to wealth beyond the working man's wildest dreams walking on top of the employees they raped to obtain it. What is even most amazing is they don't even have any accountable. They are able to run a company with zero profits, and in fact lose tons of money, but still are lauded as great leaders by the money people. This is ok in some minds. If a guy like me dares shows the glairing indifference and pure arrogance I am called a socialist. I love it when it’s so easy to show how slanted, distorted and twisted one’s thinking becomes when the old mighty dollar is their idol and the human factor is not even considered.

Robbedagain asked: “Chip: Would those plans include using the 60 newer airbus jets to open up a few new cities such as ABQ or PDX or ELP???â€￾

Chip answers: I believe so. The CWA and IAM-FSA contract permits the company to open new markets with contractors, who are less costly. In addition to Albuquerque, Portland, and El Paso, I believe we could see new non-stop markets from the hubs to places like Salt Lake City, Reno, San Salvador, Panama City, and Caracas.

In my opinion, what we collectively need to do is to pause, take a deep breath, evalaute the plan, and then react accordingly.


In regards to new service, I believe we will see increased Caribbean frequency, new long-haul service from Boston to the West Coast, if the company can obtain service from Washington National and LaGuardia (requires government approval) to Los Angeles and San Francisco, and other long haul transcon flights.

Potential new markets are: Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso, Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City, Reno, Portland, Panama City (Panama), San Salvador, and Caracas.

In regards to the formal reorganization, I believe most informed people recognize the company that emerged from bankruptcy bought US Airways more time to restructure, but time is beginning to run out. The inability of the network carriers to provide meaningful revenue improvements and the dramatic LCC growth has changed the game. The LCC’s will run this industry for the next several decades and they are on US Airways’ doorstep. It costs the LCC’s one-third less to operate their system as compared to what it costs our company. This is an unignorable fact and one that some of our employees have chosen to ignore. Unless we embrace change the simple fact is the LCC's will put US Airways and the other network carriers who do not adapt out of business in fairly short order.

Therefore, instead of us sitting here with hatred, I believe we should evaluate the rumored plan due out next month and then in order to stay in business, look for mutually acceptable ways for management and the unions to collectively make this company profitable. Not only does common sense dictate this, so do the covenants of the ATSB loan guarantee.

In my opinion, when would now be a good time for management and the employees to work together to put this company into a secure position where it can compete with the successful carriers in our market place? Moreover, when would now be a good time to do this instead of later when our backs are once again up against the wall?

Finally, there would be an extremely important intangible benefit to finally having a competitive cost structure that would eliminate a lot of employee stress. What would that be worth?




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You need to read posts more clearly before jumping on people. Go back and have a look. PineyBob (a customer) made a comment about Siegels house... a couple of posts later one of our employees stated (correctly) that there is ANOTHER Dave siegel, a customer of ours as well, who is building a house in St. Maarten. Nothing to do with our CEO.

In fact, on Dave's weekly mesaage, he has reiterated this and said that if any employee can find proof of his house in the Carribbean he will give it to them. This was months ago. It has been "let go" on this board, long before you began posting.


So these sixty planes are going to be operated with the same headcount? They dont have enough flight attendants now... how are they going to manage sixty more aircraft? Work rules dont amount to that much.

The thing that these clowns never talk about as part of WN's success is CONSTANT GROWTH. They are always hiring, people are always coming in at the starting payscales. We have only the topped out people while the people who were under the negotiated starting rates are gone. This is what made U such a senior airline to begin with, now its even more senior.

60 more airplanes, already understaffed, already offering a terrible product, and no jobs back... following this airline is like watching a movie with Madonna and Mariah Carey- one cringeworthy performance after another
PineyBob said:
cavalier said:
ITRADE said:
cavalier said:
One needs to ask such a poster what is truly the personal drive coming on here and sounding like a mouth piece for Jerry Glass.
Or Eugene V. Debs
Anytime one tries to balance the scales just a little tiny bit we all hear the scream...Socialist, he‘s a Socialist. But it’s ok for the likes of this management team to come on board, throw thousands in the streets, and treat the remaining employees with total disrespect even distain as a must have evil. These so called leaders lead their way to wealth beyond the working man's wildest dreams walking on top of the employees they raped to obtain it. What is even most amazing is they don't even have any accountable. They are able to run a company with zero profits, and in fact lose tons of money, but still are lauded as great leaders by the money people. This is ok in some minds. If a guy like me dares shows the glairing indifference and pure arrogance I am called a socialist. I love it when it’s so easy to show how slanted, distorted and twisted one’s thinking becomes when the old mighty dollar is their idol and the human factor is not even considered.
Funny you really touched a nerve with the socialist comment. I love how people throw that word around when it suits them. What was the airline bailout? the state aid in PIT/PHL nothing more than corparate socialism.

Your post points out the flaw in capitalism in that there wil always be winners and unfortunately losers in the great game of business.

One thing Cav, Please as a personal favor to me refrain from the word raped. Until you have had that heinous crime visited upon a loved one you can never know what the emotions are. It's bad to compare.

In case you didn't know...."rape" has more than 1 connotation when used. And it depends on what context you use the word. This is the English language, and no one has the "rights" to the english language and how to use words. There are many folks that have been "raped" in 1 form or another, it is not just your version of it. And I am offended that you would correct a "poster" on using the word to make his point in anyway he sees fit. There are many times you use words and phrases and I am highly offended, but I know I don't have the right to tell you what words or phrases to use to get your point across.

When you purchase the "rights" to the word, let me know, then I won't use it either.
Well the movie could be worse. It could star Ben Afleck, J.Lo and be called Gilgi. 😛
Chip says:

"It costs the LCC’s one-third less to operate their system as compared to what it costs our company"

No, Chip, it costs SWA 1/3 less in CASM to operate their WHOLE system than it costs our company to run the MAINLINE part of our system. JetBlue's CASM is probably 1/2 of our mainline CASM if you don't count fuel. And analysts have pointed out that adding smaller aircraft (but bigger than the EMB-170's) will INCREASE JetBlue's CASM.


I can understand your reasoning and logic but when does one say enough? When does one say I can no longer fund the ideals of an individual(s) when those ideas of said individual are clearly not working?

While its true we can only speculate what management's plans are for the future but one thing we can agree on. When management say's the employees work rules are outdated and must be changed in order for the airlines survival that means one thing. They want less people to do more work.

What happens if streamlining our work rules doesn't work, than what? Are you going to allow Dave to come back again and take more from you?

I dont know if they've gotten THAT bad yet! Lets hope not! 😀

Bob, I understand your offense to the use of that word. Especially as I remember things you have shared with us.

What surprises me is, if I recall, you and many others like to refer to something bad happening to someone as an act of anal sex.

I think thats pretty offensive. BOHICA, Bend over, etc is thrown around on this board frequently. Deep routed homophobia, or plain childishness?

I'm sure I've used inappropriate terms before and would hope they'd be pointed out to me. Maybe we should ALL think a little more before we type.

Anyway, back to the topic.
OK........then how about the wholly owned express.....again, nothing mentioned in the "plan". Seems to be a big oversight.
In addition to more flying into stations like SAT, AUS, PDX, SLC, and more Carribean, could there also not be more flying to ORD, DEN, LAX, and SFO from some east coast cities. Lets face it, we lose out if someone wants to go BOS-BIL. They are just going to book UA with only stop, not go BOS-PIT-DEN-BIL. If we could add more flights into UAs hubs, we could garner some revenue. UA already does it, they added DEN-CLT because of the codeshare.

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