listen, we are just gonna have to wait and see what happens . it will be a matter of time before we know the real plan. i am going to have to lean more towards chip's side on this. there is no way they can come at us foe more money. we gave entirely to much. i think management has come to the realiztion that you can't shrink an airline into profitability. you must grow and expand to reduce unit costs. wether it be 60 a/c or 10 .we need more planes in our fleet . you can't keep the fleet size to 279. not if you want to compete with wn or any other llc. we need to start adding more long haul flying to have market share and feed into our hubs. the rolling hub system is a perfect way to compete as well with llc. even if it means longer wait time for connecting pax ,so be it. this is our survival we are talking about. point to point flying also . we already have some point to point flying so i think you will see more.
as for the negativity, its ok to have it. we have all heard this before and then nothing. but i think this time they mean bussiness. or else we are gone. something has got to be done in order to survive . and i think those guys at the crystal palace have realized that we neeed to grow and that it's there turn to show us what kind of talented individuals they are. they will come after us for more work rule changes and productivity i guarantee that. face we still run an ineficcient op. our work rules still need some twitching here and there.
as for efficiency . i said it before and i will say it again. the fence between itd/domestic will fall. no place to have it in this day in age. its not about seniority or any thing its about what makes sense and having it does not make sense anymore. so forget about the wet lease and how it used to be cause it ain't like that any more. you might see pilots and f/a's being separated like ual does. it will suck if we do go to that system but i could live with that. meanig that f/a' will be able to do probrably sfo turns with no problem . having the pilots layover and the f/a's come back to base. meaning me-too will probrably go. then there would be no need for an iro on carribean runs. pilots would layover in the carribean dest while f/a's come back . i know that sucks for us f/a's but hey you get your time in faster. its all about utilizing f/a's better and eficciently. i will give you an example on how the company is working us more and using us more efficiently. in jan i a 2 day lodo line that goes phl-sju-lga ron 24hrs d/hd lga phl. the next day is a total waist . i nkow i don't have to take the d/h and i could go home as soon as i get into lga but do you see what i mean. now in feb my line goes phl-sju-lga ron 13hrs d/h phl-sdq-phl/. see the hwole next day i do a sdq turn keeping me eficient and productive. sure the 24 hr overnight in lga sounds good . but i would rather be working and getting paid. just my 2 cents 😉
as for the negativity, its ok to have it. we have all heard this before and then nothing. but i think this time they mean bussiness. or else we are gone. something has got to be done in order to survive . and i think those guys at the crystal palace have realized that we neeed to grow and that it's there turn to show us what kind of talented individuals they are. they will come after us for more work rule changes and productivity i guarantee that. face we still run an ineficcient op. our work rules still need some twitching here and there.
as for efficiency . i said it before and i will say it again. the fence between itd/domestic will fall. no place to have it in this day in age. its not about seniority or any thing its about what makes sense and having it does not make sense anymore. so forget about the wet lease and how it used to be cause it ain't like that any more. you might see pilots and f/a's being separated like ual does. it will suck if we do go to that system but i could live with that. meanig that f/a' will be able to do probrably sfo turns with no problem . having the pilots layover and the f/a's come back to base. meaning me-too will probrably go. then there would be no need for an iro on carribean runs. pilots would layover in the carribean dest while f/a's come back . i know that sucks for us f/a's but hey you get your time in faster. its all about utilizing f/a's better and eficciently. i will give you an example on how the company is working us more and using us more efficiently. in jan i a 2 day lodo line that goes phl-sju-lga ron 24hrs d/hd lga phl. the next day is a total waist . i nkow i don't have to take the d/h and i could go home as soon as i get into lga but do you see what i mean. now in feb my line goes phl-sju-lga ron 13hrs d/h phl-sdq-phl/. see the hwole next day i do a sdq turn keeping me eficient and productive. sure the 24 hr overnight in lga sounds good . but i would rather be working and getting paid. just my 2 cents 😉