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The Plan Or The Phantiscy

700UW said:
You also seem to forget their is utility in base maintenance, stores and the shops, so if they were now under fleet service you would have to hire additional management as fleet service employees do not answer to mtc managament.
all they'd have to do is integrate fleet svc.managment into maintenance....
stroke of a pen...viola!
all they'd have to do is integrate fleet svc.managment into maintenance....

As long as fleet service management has their A&P it would be that easy if not than youve got problems, or should I say theyve got problems?
You wouldn't even need to integrate fleet service management into maintenance. There is no reason you could not just have any fleet service working in base report to the same management that utility is now. The plan calls for making management more efficient as well, not just the rank and file workforce.
tug_slug said:
As long as fleet service management has their A&P it would be that easy if not than youve got problems, or should I say theyve got problems?
why couldn't they report to and work under existing maintenance management?
they want the management title and glory...here..do it.
tug_slug said:
As long as fleet service management has their A&P it would be that easy if not than youve got problems, or should I say theyve got problems?
You mean all the utility personnel now under the IAM maintenance contract have their A&P licenses?
ExUAW said:
Chip Munn said:
US Airways could increase ground personnel productivity with employee job classification cross utilization or combination. There is no reason why the Fleet Service and Utility functions could not be combined to help create more ASMs with the same headcount.


Hey Chip,

I think you're right . I also think the pilots and copilots could take turns passing out pretzels and colas instead of taking turns cat napping.

:up: :up: :up:
ExUAW said:
Chip Munn said:
US Airways could increase ground personnel productivity with employee job classification cross utilization or combination. There is no reason why the Fleet Service and Utility functions could not be combined to help create more ASMs with the same headcount.


Hey Chip,

I think you're right . I also think the pilots and copilots could take turns passing out pretzels and colas instead of taking turns cat napping.

Is that why ALPA does not want cameras in the cockpit?
BoeingBoy said:
Chip's comments on the plan:

"US Airways' chief executive officer Dave Siegel's goal, as outlined in a private board meeting Dec. 10, is to lower expenses so that average seat costs excluding fuel are 6 cents a mile in the point-to-point, regional jet part of his system and 8 cents in the hub-and-spoke part of operation (its costs excluding fuel was 9.52 cents at the end of the third quarter, vs. Southwest's 6.42 cents). To reach those projections, Siegel has already identified $200 million to $300 million in savings for 2004."
Good thing that board meeting was private. If it wasn't so private, all the details might be leaked to the competition on a chat board...

Wait a minute here...

Good thing that board meeting was private. If it wasn't so private, all the details might be leaked to the competition on a chat board...


Im sure everything that's being discussed on this board Dave has already thought of. From getting more out of the pilots to getting rid of the cleaners altogether. Integrating ramp and utility would be next to impossible because of the seniority problems it would create so the obvious solution to that problem would be to sacrifice the cleaners and pay a ramper almost $2.00 more an hour to do the same job.

nycbusdriver I was refering to management in ramp services having their A&P not the cleaners.
Light Years:

Light Years asked: "Is there a rough estimate of how many pilot or flight attendant positions would be added? I'd love to come back (F/A), and see others return, but not at the expense (furloughs) of other work groups."

Chip answers: Light Years, it's to early to comment on your question. I believe it's clear that the rumored 60 A320 family aircraft will be a carrot -- with a stick -- thus the airplanes may or may not arrive depending on union negotiations. The plan is expected to be announced in January and in my opinion, all of the unions could receive a proposal such as: Management desires consensual contract changes that include aaa, bbb, ccc, and ddd. If mutually acceptable work rule changes can be obtained, then US Airways will add 30 A320 family aircraft in 2004 and another 30 A320 family aircraft in 2005. If new accords cannot be obtained, US Airways will not get required financing, the company could violate ATSB loan guarantee requirements, and then liquidate.

Thus, the unions could have a choice. Agree to work rule changes to help lower unit costs in exchange for the 60 additional aircraft or liquidate.

Meanwhile, let's not forget the company's appeal on the court's decision on the A320 heavy maintenance overhaul will be heard I believe on January 13.



TheWatcher said:
ExUAW said:
Chip Munn said:
US Airways could increase ground personnel productivity with employee job classification cross utilization or combination. There is no reason why the Fleet Service and Utility functions could not be combined to help create more ASMs with the same headcount.


Hey Chip,

I think you're right . I also think the pilots and copilots could take turns passing out pretzels and colas instead of taking turns cat napping.

:up: :up: :up:
think i just heard an alarm going off in the cockpit!
Chip Munn said:
I believe it's clear that the rumored 60 A320 family aircraft will be a carrot -- with a stick -- thus the airplanes may or may not arrive depending on union negotiations. The plan is expected to be announced in January and in my opinion, all of the unions could receive a proposal such as: Management desires consensual contract changes that include aaa, bbb, ccc, and ddd. If mutually acceptable work rule changes can be obtained, then US Airways will add 30 A320 family aircraft in 2004 and another 30 A320 family aircraft in 2005. If new accords cannot be obtained, US Airways will not get required financing, the company could violate ATSB loan guarantee requirements, and then liquidate.

Thus, the unions could have a choice. Agree to work rule changes to help lower unit costs in exchange for the 60 additional aircraft or liquidate.

Meanwhile, let's not forget the company's appeal on the court's decision on the A320 heavy maintenance overhaul will be heard I believe on January 13.



nothing like good old fashioned blackmail...i can hear the screams of bloody murder from the hangars now.
i'd advise getting the resume ready...its going to be rough from here on out.
ATC advises of heavy chop at all alititudes.
Chip Munn said:
Thus, the unions could have a choice. Agree to work rule changes to help lower unit costs in exchange for the 60 additional aircraft or liquidate.

Meanwhile, let's not forget the company's appeal on the court's decision on the A320 heavy maintenance overhaul will be heard I believe on January 13.



Oh Boy...starting off with yet another threat directed at the IAM membership I see. Happy New Year Captain Munn

Yes ....Workrules need to be addressed in all classifications
I would also be quick to point out the ratio of Supervisors and Lower to Middle management needs to be addressed as well...the executive branch is already noted as bloated for an airline of our size...and 60 or even a 100 added planes won't change these faulty ratios.

60 added Acft will not be the face saving grace that we need to avoid Chapter 11 or Liquidation without a complete overhaul of the system. U is loaded with too many micro-kingdoms that need to be broken up and abolished. The duplication of effort and the self-protecting moves made behind the scenes is one of our greatest problems...and at price penalties we cannot afford.

The right to "Outsource " the Airbus fleet is not what is preventing our ability to turn a profit....it boils down to getting better utilization of assets and flying with greater frequency at prices people are willing to pay.

Should you acheive productivity concessions...streamline the non-laboring ranks...and get its ticketing issues / costs resolved and make sense of the route system , then and only then will we be able to avoid the worst case scenario.

Again for the slow witted and "Self Serving" Maintence costs are not the hindering aspect of U's future...and to try to paint it as such in a wholesale manner is wrong at best...or foolish to say it best.

Should U go belly up?....I hope FO Munn can start over again at exactly the kind of airline he so often tries to influence the U of the future to be. Maybe Mrs. Munn can race out and increase the insurance policy levels on her hubby too !!!
🙄 :shock:
If blackmail is what this group has in mind then they can stick those 60 aircraft where the sun doesn't shine.
firstamendment said:
If blackmail is what this group has in mind then they can stick those 60 aircraft where the sun doesn't shine.
you and me both.............. :up:

Thus, the unions could have a choice. Agree to work rule changes to help lower unit costs in exchange for the 60 additional aircraft or liquidate.

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