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Transformation Plan Hints

Demoralized said:
The consolidation to which Dave Siegel was referring would be a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" where we would have WN feed pax connecting to our Caribbean and European flights in PHL.
Didn't Pan Am try something similar? We see where they got with that strategy.

Your new to the boards, but speak with some authority. Management are we? U that is?

Me thinks so....
Guys & gals,

Don't be "tossin an' turnin'" over any possible merger with UAL. WHEN they come out of BK (notice I didn't say if - I'm not the one hinting they might not) it's a good guess that they'll have the $2 Bil ATSB loan. It's also a good guess that the terms will be very similiar to U's.

So what you say? One of the terms is that the loan MAY be called in if there is a merger. U's $1 Bil and UAL's $2 Bil due immediately - who'd want that. I think it is safe to assume that IF a merger were being contemplated, the first thing both managements would want would be assurances from the ATSB that the loans wouldn't be called.

To me that says the UCT in far from a done deal. Now IF you hear of U & UAL scurrying to the ATSB for "clarification", then you can be worried - or not depending on how you feel about the merger.

Hey Mon - no problems.

I'm going to get bashed for this I know...........

2 words Chip................Chicken Little

and 5 more for fun........The Boy who cried Wolf

It's getting old. Oh that's 3 more. It's amazing you seem to be the ONLY person in USAirways employment that "knows" what is going on with this airline. Until the shoe drops on you or maybe a house, I don't think anyone really knows. I think I'll stop now.
Chip, Dave seems to be pretty sure he can get whatever he wants for yet "another" transformation. He will never be trusted by ANY of the employees, ever again. He needs to join Leo on the beach. I must ask, expecially since you said the other day "that Dave was a very smart man" (or something to that effect).....why are you being given this information? Is it leaked to you for a purpose? Just wondering. Best.
A blank ATSB Guarantee Agreement form may be viewed at


I could find nothing about mergers.

Need a second opinion.
I'm not a lawyer either, but the ATSB thing is a loan "guarantee". I would think that as long as the institutions making the actual loans don't object, and the terms of the agreement with the ATSB were to be met, that they would have no problem with it. In fact, it may actually be encouraged if it results in satisfying the ATSB terms sooner. If the ATSB were to take a firm stand against a merger, and UAIR were to fail before the terms were met (loans repaid), then the government would lose tons of money and may also be seen as a cause of the failure. :shock:
First - let's all not get caught up in all this merger BS. We have bigger problems (both UAL and US) right now then merging and all the issues that go with that. Who knows, maybe it is something that is talked about in the grand scheme of things.

Next - Chip actually had some very valid points in his posting that everyone just sort of glossed over because of the mention of UAL. Did anyone read the line about the plan not involving W-2 cuts? This is not the first time I have heard that, but he backs that up with things that may be on the table and if implimented would increase flying, increase productivity, and increase revenue while decreasing costs! Isn't that what we have all been talking about? Read the post again and just pass over the UAL crap.

** Rolling the PHL hub
** Optimizing runway utilization in PHL
** Expanded Crew block hours
** New destinations
** Increased point to point flying
** Increased productivity
** Increased aircraft utilization
** Restructured/simplified fares
** Facitility integration - reduced facility costs and better connectivity with UAL
** Additional long haul flying
** Additional revenue from STAR
** EMB170 permitted to fly to DCA on commuter slots

If all of these things could happen and not effect my W-2 pay, then let's talk. These are exactly th issues that we have all discussed to death.

As for the concern about the shuttle flying, Chip is 100% correct. The plan is to utilize the mainline airplanes during peak times and the EMB-170 during off peak. That is partly why you do not see specific aircraft dedicated specifically to the shuttle product. Originally, Shuttle had a dedicated fleet of airplanes, now the Shuttle flights are built into other lines of flying. While this diluted the true shuttle product, it gave us the ability to adjust seat capacity to meet demand. With the introduction of the EMB-170 we will be able to use the 70 seat airplane at the times the bookings are low and utilize the larger aircraft to place like DCA-MCO or maybe LGA-MCO. The fact is it will address the overcapacity at off peak times and allow us to better utilize the aircraft.
MarkMyWords said:
First - let's all not get caught up in all this merger BS. We have bigger problems (both UAL and US) right now then merging and all the issues that go with that. Who knows, maybe it is something that is talked about in the grand scheme of things.

Next - Chip actually had some very valid points in his posting that everyone just sort of glossed over because of the mention of UAL. Did anyone read the line about the plan not involving W-2 cuts? This is not the first time I have heard that, but he backs that up with things that may be on the table and if implimented would increase flying, increase productivity, and increase revenue while decreasing costs! Isn't that what we have all been talking about? Read the post again and just pass over the UAL crap.

** Rolling the PHL hub
** Optimizing runway utilization in PHL
** Expanded Crew block hours
** New destinations
** Increased point to point flying
** Increased productivity
** Increased aircraft utilization
** Restructured/simplified fares
** Facitility integration - reduced facility costs and better connectivity with UAL
** Additional long haul flying
** Additional revenue from STAR
** EMB170 permitted to fly to DCA on commuter slots

If all of these things could happen and not effect my W-2 pay, then let's talk. These are exactly th issues that we have all discussed to death.

As for the concern about the shuttle flying, Chip is 100% correct. The plan is to utilize the mainline airplanes during peak times and the EMB-170 during off peak. That is partly why you do not see specific aircraft dedicated specifically to the shuttle product. Originally, Shuttle had a dedicated fleet of airplanes, now the Shuttle flights are built into other lines of flying. While this diluted the true shuttle product, it gave us the ability to adjust seat capacity to meet demand. With the introduction of the EMB-170 we will be able to use the 70 seat airplane at the times the bookings are low and utilize the larger aircraft to place like DCA-MCO or maybe LGA-MCO. The fact is it will address the overcapacity at off peak times and allow us to better utilize the aircraft.
Excluding the usual nauseum of the UCT/ICT diatribe...I have no problems at all with whats being outlined.

I feel certain...that if productivity and better fleet utilization is the plan?...and our W-2's and employee numbers aren't? We have a very viable chance of turning this ship into the wind for a sound launch.

The present issue is to get this plan in motion...and getting the burdens and internal stresses behind us somewhat.

The not-knowing is gnawing the guts out of multitudes of people...and admitted or not? , it's having a profound effect on people and their actions. I see this in numerous areas and stations...nothing isolated about it at all. You can onl hide your feelings to a certain degree...again , admitted or not?
I agree AOG - If this is Dave's plan, it may not be as hard to sell as if he was looking for W-2 concessions. I am sure the devil is in the details.

I also agree that hearing the details will relieve a lot of the stress and if it really is Dave's intention to not touch W-2 wages, why hasn't he said that. So I am a bit skeptical there. But Chip did have some very vaild points (aside from the UCT stuff).

Hopefully we will know more soon and hopefully before the holidays so we can all breath a sigh of relief and push ahead.
PITbull said:
Twice baked,

And NO. All EMB flying does not have to be done in MDA. The 90 seaters were negotiatied to go to "Mainline". You should embrace any mainline growth.
I do hope for expansion of mainline, however, with MDA in the "birth" stage, they need all the help(flying) that is intended for them. If the plan is to use the EMB170's for "downtime' well then those who are trained on the EMB should have it. You get into a really gray area....

If mainline f/a's get paid mainline rates to fly the EMB well then MidAtlantic f/a's should get the same pay. You know I am right! 🙂

If this happens I will personally lead that fight to the best of my abilities on this one. It is also my understanding that the Pit Pres will also lead the MDA f/a union and I expect that she WILL fight this. Am I correct in the fact the Local 4o Pres will lead MDA?
MarkMyWords said:
I agree AOG - If this is Dave's plan, it may not be as hard to sell as if he was looking for W-2 concessions. I am sure the devil is in the details.

I also agree that hearing the details will relieve a lot of the stress and if it really is Dave's intention to not touch W-2 wages, why hasn't he said that. So I am a bit skeptical there. But Chip did have some very vaild points (aside from the UCT stuff).

Hopefully we will know more soon and hopefully before the holidays so we can all breath a sigh of relief and push ahead.

I agree with you as well , I know from some group thinks , and bull-sessions that I have had with other stations and my own direct co-workers of late...the common theme is stress and un-certainty.

Stress is normal in a fast paced and schedule oriented business....and the un-certainty is an all to common part of U's history , in the post merger world. We have had some good years...but we have seen a lot of avoidable negative take place too.

The majority I've spoken to have a common bond on one subject...We all note that the negative vibes become the strongest shortly before the holiday season hits. This in itself is not healthy for our business , as we know the holiday season is a time of peak travel demands...and everyone needs to be on his/her best footing to meet these stresses and demands. This could have easily been prevented this year...had the proposed outline here been presented during the summer months...early fall at the latest.

U may have its share of operational quirks and obstacles...yet the employees soldier on in remarkable ways. We need to know that we are appreciated beyond a mear check. Loyalty needs to come from both sides of the spectrum...and pro-active moves along with positive communication will go a lon way towards achieving this. A happy crew can make a less than perfect ship sail...and a happy crew can make an emergence happen in all respects.

The bottom line , as I have always stated...The tone and the direction has to be set from the top...and hopefully a change of attitude is in the offing?
Seems to me that Dave has pretty much what he needs to make this work. Most of the inefficiencies I see are caused by poor use of resources, like 3-4 hour crew breaks, airplanes sitting around in the afternoons, etc. Crews would rather fly than sit, and airplanes don't make money sittin' at the gate. So, get on with it. This change has been long awaited. I wouldn't expect the workers to "suck up" any more of the grief by way of reduced pay for training, less vacation, etc. Management needs to make this work FIRST, then we could talk trades.
Chip Munn said:
but to do this management desires improved employee productivity from all workgroups, although the agents and ground personnel have provided productivity enhancements for these new markets with their mainline/express provision and because these new cities can be operated with contractors.

Moreover, the plan will involve no W-2 cuts or pilot furloughs.

To further boost revenue and cut costs there will be more emphasis on a simplfied fare structure with lower distribution channels. There will be more focus on Kiosks and internet booking and in my opinion, as part of the PIT hub negotiations, we could see the elimination of the Greentree Reservation facility and the addition of reservation space at the Winston-Salem facility, where there is extra office space available for a streamlined reservations sales operation.
Excuse this agent as he experiences some awful deja vue from the 90's.

Once again, agents will subsidize the airline with more pay cuts and furloughs.
As the col. from mash would say.....horsehockey

Im tired of all the United references and diatribes. They have implemented
the codeshare with much better and a more professional business plan then
we have IE: our pricing debacle. Other than congradulating them for the fine
product they produced the only thing a usair employee should espouse is
empathy for those who are going through what we just exited.

Secondly,how can you begin any plan or transformation when management
has not taken any steps to cure the inadequecies currently in our operation.
savings in the current operation could amount to over 2 million a month without
much effort and probably alot more if you could get anyone interested.

Thirdly, when productivity is mentioned, it usually means a lose of jobs
somehere at sometime. I would be hard pressed to give this management
anything without the inclusion of a no furlough clause in the contracts.

Lastly, lets see if management can swallow hard and resolve the airbus
heavy mtc check issue first otherwise no plan is going anywhere.


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