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The Official Us/hp Ideas For A Happy Merger Thread

Dea Carte:

While your post was informative and detailed, I thought the over-riding generalization of the US-PS and US-PI mergers was these:

1. The things that PS and PI did that helped make them successful were thrown by the wayside to do things the USAir way.

2. The employee contracts ended up keeping the most expensive parts of each of the individual contracts.

If the HP-US deal goes thru, these are the primary mistakes which need to be avoided, IMO.

Proceedures will change at any company over time. I think part of what made mergers so difficult in the past is that there was a "cut-over day". On August 4, 1989 (I think that is the date) PI was PI and US was US. On August 5, 1989, US and PI were US. The advancement of code-sharing has shown us there is a new way to merge, the way AA and TW did... where TW flights apeared in res systems as AA*, operated by TWA LLC, similar to AAEagle... This allows the movement away from a single cutover date, and into a "phase-out" program, which allows for training etc, to eliminate a noticeable cutover date. AA-TW showed us that this is largely true. There seemed to be minimal service disruptions or noticable problems (labor considerations/subsequent furloughs aside) during that merger. It would seem to me that this would have set a new model going forward.

If nothing else, that should make this merger much smoother than many of those before it, should it occur.
Plus, that was different Mgt. in those mergers. this one has different mgt. and it sounds like AWA will run it once the CREDITORS, IB's, RSA etc. put it together.
In other words U isn't buying AWA and vice versa.

Some how, I have a feeling that the integration of the Customer Service Agents won't be difficult at all. Jerry Glass will praise them as leaders, and will proclaim that they must serve as a model for the rest of the labor groups:


And a big question: is SABRE on its way out?

I can think of many senior agents who don't want to go through another system transition. This could be enough to get many to leave.

What system is HP on?
hharotz said:
What system is HP on?


HP also has an interface called QIK which vastly improved from the original SHARES experience. Don't quit because of this, it really is a pretty good and easy system.
HPearlyretiree said:
How do you non-rev at U?

At HP, for employees, its done by time of check in, regardless of seniority or rank, which is very fair, of course it means that sometimes you spend 4 hours at the airport, drinking $6 beers.

US folks are boarded by seniority
Not to sound facetious, but why are there gate agents at a counter anyway? Other than parking and pulling the jetway, can't the whole boarding pass system be streamlined so that a passenger goes from a kiosk with their boarding pass to a machine that takes the boarding pass and allows access to the aircraft? How many times is the same information transcribed by two or three separate individuals?

I see a passenger at the gate and the agent types some things in, squints, points at the screen, types some more, hunches over the screen stretches, types some more, and laments that their computer is slow today. What the HECK are they typing? I buy a subway ticket and I get on. What makes getting on an airplane 100X more difficult?
Airplanes has assigned seats, all the check-in procedures and rules where if you aren't checked in within 30 mins your seat is released. You misconnect and have to take a later flight, the gate agent has to get you on the next one, you are upgrading and they have to make sure seats are available, etc etc.
In my experience, EVERYONE in a line takes 3 times longer to talk to an agent than I do, even if I have a question or problem. It's an enduring mystery why everyone else on the FACE OF THE PLANET has so many problems!
luvn737s said:
Not to sound facetious, but why are there gate agents at a counter anyway?

Standbys -revenue and nonrev
Tagging strollers/wheelchairs
Crew paperwork
Assist requests
Misconnect reroutes when delayed at the gate
Frequent Flyer Number additions
Seats on the way back
Oops, etickets didnt associate, no paper ticket
Paper ticket, but where are they?
Flight close out information
Not every flight entails every one of these and I'm sure there are some things I've left off. Its not just a matter of standing there typing on the keyboard when you have a full flight. Plus many of our entries take 4 or 5 steps minimum to get them done after waiting for the computer to respond.

Also not everyone uses an electronic ticket so you need to be sure what type of ticket they have otherwise you'll be missing out on revenue. Does anyone seriously think someone wouldnt find some way to get on the plane without surrendering their ticket to the machine and be able to use it again? How much $ would be lost then? I've had people try to give me "old" tickets when we used paper tickets to get on a plane. I'm sure someone would figure out a way to get around the system sooner or later without someone actually making sure the "ticket" electronic or paper is surrendered. Besides, we're going down to only 1 agent per flight (with a floater to help board if we have someone who can help) so between kiosk and 1 agent at gate, the agent numbers are going to be minimal. Just remember that though when something happens. The line is going to take a while.
RowUnderDCA said:
In my experience, EVERYONE in a line takes 3 times longer to talk to an agent than I do, even if I have a question or problem. It's an enduring mystery why everyone else on the FACE OF THE PLANET has so many problems!

Because the conventional wisdom among airline employees is that most passengers check their brains before ever entering the terminal. It may sound harsh, but it is true.
Just a couple things would help speed up the line.
If you are going to the airport to buy a ticket, at least know what flight you are on. If not that, at least know where you are going, and NO New York doesnt count. City, upstate? Picklesburg? There isnt an airport there either, try again. Any clues? Also be sure to know the date you are traveling on. The correct month would help too. "Cant you just look it up?" is not an answer. 😉
You are all preaching to the choir.

Folks on here are generally employees who know how to work the system, conscientious frequent travelers, or people with enough interest in the industry to have a clue.

The 6 billion other people to whom you are referring don't read this board.

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