Headhunter said:As long as it's just the senior VPs, VPs, and Directors. Don't forget that there are the little people underneath them - i.e., managers, senior analysts, analysts, admins - who are actually smart, do real work and have great ideas, and are willing to move. These little people shouldn't be guilty by association, and hopefully there will be a place for most, if not all, headquarters-type employees, no matter where that will be.
Everyone can hope that there will be a place for
them in Tempe or wherever things go, but in all
honesty, WILL there be a long term need for the
duplicity that will occur with management
employees in pricing, marketing, revenue
accounting, consumer affairs, FQTR, etc?
It would certainly be a good opportunity to
reduce the management ranks after both
systems are fully integrated, and if senior
management from HP will remain and not US,
you could likely assume that US mid level
management would not be needed.
Where is Michael Weiss when we need his
vision and reasoned opinions most?
We welcome your take on this rumor