What are we debating about?
The "debate" (today, anyway) is over who enjoys better benefits; NW or DL. I come on here time and time again making the case that NW employees do-and that it's a result of our collective bargaining agreements. I have provided plenty of numbers to back them up. Folks like you and Southwind come on here and post drivel, with no numbers to back it up.
I get paid very well for what I do (possibly more than you do depending on your career choice).
Good for you. 🙄
I get 5 weeks of vacation every year. Flight benefits for me and the fam. Out of over $50,000.00 worth of medical bills last winter, I paid maybe $2000.00.
Sounds like you were in bad shape... Hope that's over now.
I do not consider flight benefits an economic benefit. I have no issue with you doing so, but would like to keep this to "nuts and bolts" things like medical, vacation, scope, etc.
I was allowed to come back light duty and never once was I asked to do more than I could before I was ready (I did anyway).
Were you "allowed" to come back, or did you have to since you were out of sick time? Why would you come back before you were 100% cured? Just curious.
Seeing what happened to your mechanics why the heck would I want to be union for?
Well, your man Anderson had a big hand in the elimination of the AMT's-and plant maintenance- from NWA. You should be concerned. You don't have to take my word for it; you'll see it soon enough.
Geez! Your own company employees didn't even back them up. Did you go to work every day during the time they were on strike? So tell me, what should I debate you on?
I did not perform struck work. My posts in the NW forum where I go over this in detail are legion. Check 'em out if you're interested. By the way, if it does come to a strike at the NW/DL, does this quote from you in this thread still stand?
"Can't wait to cross my first picket line. "
I hardly believe a word our senior mangement tells us. I know they are over paid. I know they could be considered thieves. I can't do a thing about that. What are you going to do about it? Stand outside their offices and yell up to their windows? Go on strike?
Whatever it takes. And you? What will you do?
In today's corporate environment, we are no better off being union. I don't like the politics of the corporate world, why would I want to put up with the politics of the unions?
I have explained over and over why it's imperative to have a union on the property-especially in this enviroment. As I mentioned to Cooper43, if DL's policies are implemented, I will take a step back on everything (med. costs, vacation, etc.). Since Southwind is apparently incapable of answering, maybe you can tell me why DL's policies on the following are better than NW's? Just facts, no emotion please.
+Sick time
+Vacation accrual
+Scope (specifically for ACS, but I'll listen to whatever argument you make for any work group)
+Med/dental costs
+OJI time accrual
+Ability to transfer
+Caps on PT vs. FT
+Seniority rights in the event of displacement
+Overtime distribution
While you're at it, please also explain why both the Social Security offset of your pensions, and the "Ready Reserve" program for ACS are good things that we at NW should eagerly embrace.
I said all that to say...there is no debate in my mind. I have my own conclusion.
Therein lies the problem. You refuse to answer to a differing opinion. This is why I say your posts lack any substance. You can say Delta is grand all you want... However, if you want us from NW to come around to that way of thinking, back some of that up with facts/numbers/whatever.
That is what you're doing, right? Trying to get us to see that DL is a great place? Otherwise, your time on here is nothing more than pot stirring and is a waste of bandwidth
You haven't even given Delta a chance. You were against this merger before it has even had a chance to succeed (talk about 3 year old mentality).
Now you're putting words in my mouth. Don't do that again. It's not "Delta" I'm against, it's the clowns running the show (which is based on experience from their time at NW), and the hubris of many of it's employees.
I eagerly await your response....