- Sep 29, 2007
- 715
- 2
I will share with you and cooper this answer. As to your theory of culture I say this, upon these peoples arrival at NWA in the early 1990's and the promises of "let's work together, share together" the Northwest "culture" smoked Delta up and down left and every category. a historical fact! Once screwed, the "culture" changed...guess that is what you folks will have to learn. (if this goes through)
Managers, regardless of their level will carry out the orders of the leaders of the company. How they achieve that has been demonstrated by their past actions.
You are dead wrong if you think the employees of Northwest Airlines will be "assimilated" into anything but Northwest merging with a slightly larger equal now run by Northwest. It is you who will be assimilated into the "bait and switch" of these individuals. Clearly, their history falls on deaf ears. That's like ignoring the history of an ax murderer, and thinking "well, he's at our house now so he won't be killing anybody like he did over the last 17 years" cause it's Delta.
Denial is a powerful elixir. You are in the wrong dimension if you think Northwest employees will happily give up their Unions with out a fight. First is a KNOWN fact that the rank and file of NW employees are staunchly against the profiteering sale/ merger (what ever the HEDGE FUND bootlickers call it) of their company...period.
I feel the same about flying side by side with a detached from factual reality types, especially when they think they can tell us about people we've been dealing with for over 17 years. But...they will be "different" now because they have been kissed by the Delta magic fairy. It will NOT go as planned, that much you can plan on.
I'm not sure I understand your statement "NW culture smoked Delta up and down left and right".
Cultures aren't tangible objects that you can compare like DOT statistics.
If I think Italian culture is preferable to French culture, that would be an opinion. It certainly cannot be considered a " historical fact." Since I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that, I won't make any guesses but if you're going where I think you may be, it's gonna be a hard-sell to frame a company whose employees bought an airplane back in '82 against one that frankly, in my 30 years in the business, has always been known (whether correctly or not) as having adversarial relations with its respective mgt teams, working with minimum staffing (even when times were flush), old a/c and antiquated technology systems (Delta was late in the tech game too). I don't say this to disparage NW for I know there are many good things about the company but those always seemed to get lost in the other more negative rep.
That 767 "gift" was a P.R. coup for Delta and will always be a testament to their PAST history and culture. I don't know NW's history as well, but you're going to have a hard time topping that. But since culture is so subjective, again, I'll's a matter of opinion based on one's personal experiences with their respective company.
As for the fight NW employees will put up, I believe you. I also believe that most will choose to stay union. However, with that being said, are you aware of NW f/a, Jose I's (I'm sure you know his last name) blog and his campaign against AFA and his seeming preference for NW f/a's to dump AFA after the merger is completed and go non-union?? If you know about this, I am seriously interested in your take. It seems that from what I understand, ranking PFAA leadership was none too happy when AFA took over (I believe they use the term "raided" NW) and are now willing to go without a contract rather than vote for AFA in the next election. Again, I would love to hear your take on his campaign and just how widespread it is. Thanks!