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The new Northwest...named "Delta"

Source: European Commission, own research.

Trade unions, coordinated by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), have responded to the development of global airline alliances by organising their own alliances of unions organising in the airlines concerned. Their work includes holding meetings, collecting comparative information on employment conditions within each alliance, and developing proposals for codes of conduct.

Source: European Commission, own research.

Trade unions, coordinated by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), have responded to the development of global airline alliances by organising their own alliances of unions organising in the airlines concerned. Their work includes holding meetings, collecting comparative information on employment conditions within each alliance, and developing proposals for codes of conduct.


This is interesting, NxNW...I'll have to check it out further. Thanks for the link.
Should you FWD it to Jose ? 😉
Source: European Commission, own research.

Trade unions, coordinated by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), have responded to the development of global airline alliances by organising their own alliances of unions organising in the airlines concerned. Their work includes holding meetings, collecting comparative information on employment conditions within each alliance, and developing proposals for codes of conduct.


I really do not know much about unions but if possible, it would be a good idea to join some international coalition. Also if we get a dem in the whithouse I believe they are supporting legislation that would make it easier to organize.
Source: European Commission, own research.

Trade unions, coordinated by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), have responded to the development of global airline alliances by organising their own alliances of unions organising in the airlines concerned. Their work includes holding meetings, collecting comparative information on employment conditions within each alliance, and developing proposals for codes of conduct.


That's great news !

So when your "Union Bretheren" take a pay-cut down in Mexico....................so do you ! :shock:
That's great news !

So when your "Union Bretheren" take a pay-cut down in Mexico....................so do you ! :shock:

Whoa!!!!! Now that is not what we would agree to. Each airline would be autonomous. We would be able to coordinate on safety issues and things of that nature.
That's great news !

So when your "Union Bretheren" take a pay-cut down in Mexico....................so do you ! :shock:

You must be talking about the ones that will soon be working your non union job. (but your non exsistant scope will block that)

By the way, I was referring to the ones that are paid real wages and benefits in France and Holland.
Delta management has held negotiations about scope, pay, and benefits with ALPA.

Anyone know how the afa's scope, benefit, and pay discussions are going with Delta management?
That's great news !

So when your "Union Bretheren" take a pay-cut down in Mexico....................so do you ! :shock:

Hey hey! Look who's back with another substantive post! 🙄

When are you going to answer my questions?

Surely you're not on here to merely stir the pot?

As always, make sure to immediately tell your manager what a good boy you've been on here.... You're sure telling us... 🙄
This is how "grown up" unions negotiate. Moreover, they ALL back each other up whether it's their immediate fight or not. They know that if you knock one off...it is a domino affect.


When American Unions stopped supporting each other is when you begin to see this disgusting money grab by every airline CEO in this country.

It should not even be put to a vote...walk or cross the fence.... for life.

Nothing has EVER been "given" to labor in this country (even at SW) EVERYTHING has been backed up with the threat of rightfully withholding ones assets (labor) the one that creates the profits paid to CEO's and Hedge Funds like WELLINGTON Capitol (Who's behind the NW/Delta merger).
You must be talking about the ones that will soon be working your non union job. (but your non exsistant scope will block that)

By the way, I was referring to the ones that are paid real wages and benefits in France and Holland.

I don't think this Southwind person knows from Scope, France or Holland.
A scope to him is probably something a double-nott spy would use (like Jethro in the Bev. Hillbillies). And of course, France and Holland are them th'ar furin' places that hate Amar'kuns.
I found this on the Delta IAM website and thought I'd share it with the group. I don't know the author, but laughed my ass off. On the other hand, it is a bit scary to think that the koolaid kids like the wind and gse will just nod along and pledge allegiance to Rich and his clan to save mother Delta.

Date: 31 Jul 2008 12:46 PM DEAR VALUED DELTA EMPLOYEE:

The airline industry is in a crisis. Its business model doesn't work with the current price of fuel and the existing level of capacity in the marketplace. We need to make changes in response.

While there have been several successful fare increases, those increases haven't been sufficient to cover the rising cost of fuel. As fares increase, fewer customers will fly. As fewer customers fly, we will need to reduce our capacity to match the reduced demand. As we reduce our capacity, we will need fewer employees to operate the airline. Although these changes will be painful, we must adapt to the reality of today's market to successfully navigate these difficult times.

Therefore, a program to phase out the more senior employees by the end of the current fiscal year, via retirement, will be placed into effect immediately. Under this plan, senior employees will be asked to take early retirement, thus permitting the retention of the new-hires who represent our future. This program will be known as SLAP (Sever Late-Aged Persons). Employees who are SLAPPED will be given the opportunity to look for jobs outside the company. SLAPPED employees can request a review of their employment records before actual retirement takes place. This review phase of the program is called SCREW (Survey of Capabilities of Retired Early Workers). All employees who have been SLAPPED and SCREWED may file an appeal with upper management. This appeal is called SHAFT (Study by Higher Authority Following Termination). Under the terms of the new policy, an employee may be SLAPPED once, SCREWED twice, but may be SHAFTED as many times as the company deems appropriate.

If an employee follows the above procedure, he/she will be entitled to get: HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel's Early Severance) or CLAP (Combined Lump sum Assistance Payment). As HERPES and CLAP are considered benefit plans, any employee who has received HERPES or CLAP will no longer be SLAPPED or SCREWED by the company.

Management wishes to assure the younger employees who remain on board that the company will continue its policy of training employees through our: Special High Intensity Training ($#!T). We take pride in the amount of $#!T our employees receive. We have given our employees more $#!T than any company in this area. If any employee feels they do not receive enough $#!T on the job, see your local manager. Your management team is specially trained to make sure you receive all the $#!T you can handle.

And, once again, thanks for all your years of service with us.

Your Well-compensated Golden-parachute-in-position Senior VP Management Leadership Team
Ah.. a chance to teach! "Wait and see! WAIT AND SEE!" You need to look at the havoc reaked on nwa employees by this same management team at nwa. Do you think moving over to a new dog is going to keep these parasites from doing what they do best? They will begin shoring up the bottom line of the company on the backs of the workers. They don't know how to find new ways to create revenue. Real revenue, not from charging for bags and drinks. Their mantra is "Pay cuts, benefit cuts, defer pention payments."

You really flatter your self by thinking that it is NWA taking over DAL. There are still quite a few DAL leaders and it really doesnt even matter. It is a new company and we should wait and see before we condem them. I do believe there is a strategy that the new management team has in mind however I will wait and see before I lash out at them. By creating the largest airline in the world hopefully will allow Delta to opperate from a position of strength in the market place. If Delta can do this they probably will not come back to the employees for more concessions.
Ah.. a chance to teach! "Wait and see! WAIT AND SEE!" You need to look at the havoc reaked on nwa employees by this same management team at nwa. Do you think moving over to a new dog is going to keep these parasites from doing what they do best? They will begin shoring up the bottom line of the company on the backs of the workers. They don't know how to find new ways to create revenue. Real revenue, not from charging for bags and drinks. Their mantra is "Pay cuts, benefit cuts, defer pention payments."

Well I am not an anti union koolaide drinker like you would like to portray me as. I support unionization but that doesnt mean I have to hate our management without giving them a chance. Your rhetoric is already not panning out because they are developing new streams of revenue. They just announced installing high speed interet access on board all domestic flights by next summer. This will bring in more revenue and will be a customer pleaser. Why dont you stop being so negative and try changing your attitude. If we are to be successful we do not need people who are determined to see anything anyone tries fail.

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