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the IAM is mad at the back door deals at AA!

Active Aircraft today are:
737-300 128
737-500 20
737-700 424
737-800 38
717-200 88

total 698

Then why are the 717 mods before they are going to Delta being outsourced?

Why is WN trying not to get the fourth line going?

You outsource way more work than you do inhouse.
SWA business model and we dont have the hangar space.

And we have been hiring for the forth line for months. It starts in a few months.
The company backed down.

You are now proving why the Airtran guys have more job security at SWA than they would at Airtran or brand x.
We keep a low headcount and have a no layoffs while outsourceing clause.
Someone from AA open their contract and define for me " Red Tag" employees....

IE.....aircal employees
TWU is NOT a UNION. TWU is NOT interested in representing YOU. What TWU is interested in is funneling your money to the Democratic party. They are a lie designed to extort money from workers (and the company) to fund left wing agendas.


You will NEVER have a true UNION until you can separate UNION dues from political funding. You will never have a true UNION as long as the UNION bosses live under different pay and benefits than the average worker and receive company "perks".

Do you really believe TWU uses your dues money to help you? Do you feel your getting a return on your investment? Are you happy with them funding political agendas with YOUR money that you may not agree with and have nothing to do with your job? Are you happy supplying TWU UNION bosses an excessive lifestyle (that they don't earn) while your standard of living goes down every year?

TWU is nothing more than a political machine. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be.

Do you really think the IAM is any different?
You do realize that it is against the law for union dues to be given to a candidate or party?
The TWA employees losing seniority is getting screwed.

OK let me explain something here. First I want to say I have no quarrels with any TWA guys. But here is what happened. Carty and Compton concocted a plan to save the employees jobs at TWA after liquidation. TWA filed for Chapter 7 (Liquidation) after a prearranged agreement between AA and TWA. Then AA picked up the employees and whatever assets it needed. So any hiring and saved benefits was a plus. I am glad that the TWA guys jobs were saved. Nobody wants to be out on the street looking for work. Whatever deal the TWA employees got was better than the results of any company liquidating. TWA assets were acquired after chapter 7. It was not a traditional merger or takeover. AA had first dibs on TWA's assets including the employees. Where they treated fairly? Depends who you ask. I won't comment on this since I had no say in the matter. The TWU went to a arbitrator to do the dirty work that Jim Little should have done. But as always it is the employees that took the brunt of the bickering over the decision.
Yep you have 588 planes and only three lines of check.

What is the total planes done in-house per year and what is outsourced?

700UW, As WNMECH has stated we have nearly 700 A/C. As you state that we only have 3 lines of maint. is not true. Currently we have 3 lines of heavy maint in Dallas, the 4th line will in fact start in July of 2013, the company has already stated this. We also have lines of maint from "C" checks to ron as well as mod lines of maint thru-out our system. So for you to state that we only have 3 lines of maint is incorrect. There is also more lines of maint that will be started soon in MCO as well as ATL. When these start, I have no idea, however, the maint stands being made for the maint in MCO are ongoing now. The new 4th line stands are starting next month, as well as, SWA is buying some exiting (used) stands for the 4th line. I will agree with you that SWA does in fact farm out alot of maint (as they always have). They farm out anywhere from 70-75% of the maint (as they always have). We have known this from the get go. The co has told us that they are more than willing to pay us the highest in the industry as long as they can run as lean as possible. We are ok with this. We have been told this for years. We are hiring right now thru July 2013. We have the BEST job security in the industry. Everyone is wanting to compare themselves to our contract and bennies. We have the best pay for pass airlines, we have the best bennies, we have the best 401K match and profit sharing, we have the best job security, we have the best craft union representing us, we have the best head count provisions out there. Stop trying to slam us on our outsourcing issues, it's been like that from the very beginning. We are happy where we are. UPS mechs are also very happy where they are and they farm out more maint than we do. They do nothing more than A & B checks, they too are very leanly ran, and they are the highest paid aviation mechanics out there. BTW, the AirTran guys did win the lotto when we bought their airline. We also will bennifit from the purchase with growth, revenues, expansions, as well as picking up their employees. The mech ranks did in fact get up to over 50% (some gse mechs more than doubled their hourly rate) pay increases, way better increases, huge 401 K match increase, more days off, more vac, f/h, more premium job positions, paid uniforms by co, ect... To recieve all this and more for an adjustment in seniority for the merger was nothing to most of them. In fact, alot of them have stated, (now that it is all overwith and done) that they would have been more than willing to be stapled to the bottom of the list to come on board with SWA and inherit the AMFA contract of pay, bennies and absolutely the best job security in the industry, PERIOD...
PACS arent union dues, those are voluntary contributions by the members, not union dues.
PACS arent union dues, those are voluntary contributions by the members, not union dues.
What about PACs administration costs?


Although it is illegal for a labor union to take money without your authorization for a federal PAC or to contribute money from dues directly to a federal candidate, a labor union may use the dues money of members to engage in a host of other political activities " such as non-partisan get-out-the-vote drives, political "education" campaigns directed only at members and their families, issue campaigns, lobbying, PAC administration costs, etc. The only way that you can stop the union from using your dues money for such activities is to take other actions outlined in the section of this web site concerning "Know Your Rights."


It is all just a shell game.
Bury your head in the sand and say it is not going on.
But it is.
And you call your self a unionist?

I would NEVER have you negotiate, nor represent me when you feel its ok to disadvantage one group over another, no wonder why you let the TWU screw the former TWA employees.
So you feel that workers who fight for nothing and give everything away, making it harder for everyone else to advance, should be rewarded because their company merges?

When TWA came to AA they got huge raises, when Air Tran went to WN they got huge raises. I think your position is anti union as it allows those groups who do not contribute to the fight, other than paying dues, to benefit from the work of others.

EAL workers fought, they watched their company liquidate before submitting to Lorenzo's demands, they went on with their careers and started at the bottom at AA as a result. TWA workers rolled over time and time again for Ichann until their company was purchased. You would be ok with the TWA workers coming in and displacing all those exEAL workers? What kind of message does that send? It says roll over and give the boss everything he wants and you will be rewarded, fight and you will lose. Who is anti union here? Your intentions may be good but have been drinking the business union kool aid so long that its affected your thinking.
What about PACs administration costs?


Although it is illegal for a labor union to take money without your authorization for a federal PAC or to contribute money from dues directly to a federal candidate, a labor union may use the dues money of members to engage in a host of other political activities " such as non-partisan get-out-the-vote drives, political "education" campaigns directed only at members and their families, issue campaigns, lobbying, PAC administration costs, etc. The only way that you can stop the union from using your dues money for such activities is to take other actions outlined in the section of this web site concerning "Know Your Rights."


It is all just a shell game.
Bury your head in the sand and say it is not going on.
But it is.
And it should, as long as Corporations are allowed to spend shareholders money without their expressed consent. Unions are outspent 10 to 1 in politics, and thats how laws are written, laws that allow a company with $5 billion in cash declare BK and impose terms on airline workers.
And it should, as long as Corporations are allowed to spend shareholders money without their expressed consent. Unions are outspent 10 to 1 in politics, and thats how laws are written, laws that allow a company with $5 billion in cash declare BK and impose terms on airline workers.
Liberals believe citizens united was decided wrong.
Conservatives believe the Affordable Care Act was decided wrong.
You can't always get what you want from the Supreme Court.

But this is getting way off topic now.
OK let me explain something here. First I want to say I have no quarrels with any TWA guys. But here is what happened. Carty and Compton concocted a plan to save the employees jobs at TWA after liquidation. TWA filed for Chapter 7 (Liquidation) after a prearranged agreement between AA and TWA. Then AA picked up the employees and whatever assets it needed. So any hiring and saved benefits was a plus. I am glad that the TWA guys jobs were saved. Nobody wants to be out on the street looking for work. Whatever deal the TWA employees got was better than the results of any company liquidating. TWA assets were acquired after chapter 7. It was not a traditional merger or takeover. AA had first dibs on TWA's assets including the employees. Where they treated fairly? Depends who you ask. I won't comment on this since I had no say in the matter. The TWU went to a arbitrator to do the dirty work that Jim Little should have done. But as always it is the employees that took the brunt of the bickering over the decision.

Well said
700UW, As WNMECH has stated we have nearly 700 A/C. As you state that we only have 3 lines of maint. is not true. Currently we have 3 lines of heavy maint in Dallas, the 4th line will in fact start in July of 2013, the company has already stated this. We also have lines of maint from "C" checks to ron as well as mod lines of maint thru-out our system. So for you to state that we only have 3 lines of maint is incorrect. There is also more lines of maint that will be started soon in MCO as well as ATL. When these start, I have no idea, however, the maint stands being made for the maint in MCO are ongoing now. The new 4th line stands are starting next month, as well as, SWA is buying some exiting (used) stands for the 4th line. I will agree with you that SWA does in fact farm out alot of maint (as they always have). They farm out anywhere from 70-75% of the maint (as they always have). We have known this from the get go. The co has told us that they are more than willing to pay us the highest in the industry as long as they can run as lean as possible. We are ok with this. We have been told this for years. We are hiring right now thru July 2013. We have the BEST job security in the industry. Everyone is wanting to compare themselves to our contract and bennies. We have the best pay for pass airlines, we have the best bennies, we have the best 401K match and profit sharing, we have the best job security, we have the best craft union representing us, we have the best head count provisions out there. Stop trying to slam us on our outsourcing issues, it's been like that from the very beginning. We are happy where we are. UPS mechs are also very happy where they are and they farm out more maint than we do. They do nothing more than A & B checks, they too are very leanly ran, and they are the highest paid aviation mechanics out there. BTW, the AirTran guys did win the lotto when we bought their airline. We also will bennifit from the purchase with growth, revenues, expansions, as well as picking up their employees. The mech ranks did in fact get up to over 50% (some gse mechs more than doubled their hourly rate) pay increases, way better increases, huge 401 K match increase, more days off, more vac, f/h, more premium job positions, paid uniforms by co, ect... To recieve all this and more for an adjustment in seniority for the merger was nothing to most of them. In fact, alot of them have stated, (now that it is all overwith and done) that they would have been more than willing to be stapled to the bottom of the list to come on board with SWA and inherit the AMFA contract of pay, bennies and absolutely the best job security in the industry, PERIOD...

Look at all the AA guys that are quitting AA to go to WN.

You bring up a good point, WN outsources a lot but has never laid off anyone. In the past AA was the leader in outsourcing when it came to the majors, the rationale for AA's heavy outsourcing was memorialized in the contract by CR Smith, who explained that by outsourcing it allowed AA to have a more stable workforce with fewer layoffs. It took 9-11 and BK for AA's peers to gain the flexibility that AA always enjoyed, now we have people like Don videtith, Bobby Gless et al saying that our scope is better than others, when its simply not true. Its not better if it costs us having to agree to the worst terms in the industry, so bad that guys with decades of service are walking into work and quitting. Its like saying that being poor makes you secure because you have nothing to lose.

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