Company base maintenance employees will perform fifty
17 (50%) percent or greater of all aircraft base maintenance work,
18 inclusive of narrow and wide-body aircraft, as follows: On an
19 annualized basis, for every billable hour of work from aircraft base
20 maintenance vendors performing Company base maintenance
21 work; modification work; scheduled drop in maintenance; and any
22 drop-in maintenance relating to fuselage damage or any other
23 damage, there will be an equal or greater number of paid hours to
24 Company base maintenance employees. This includes Company
25 Lead Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Utility and Lead Utility
26 (combined) assigned to base maintenance.
28 Deck work for vendor heavy maintenance overhaul will
29 continue to be built by Base Maintenance Planners.
31 All aircraft line maintenance work, including phase
32 checks and lower level checks above a daily check (e.g. A & B
33 checks, overnight checks, weekly checks and unscheduled drop in
34 maintenance), preformed by base maintenance employees will not
35 be included as Company base maintenance hours for the purposes of this provision.
38 Livery work may be outsourced and the billable hours do
39 not count as base maintenance work, but other work performed by
40 the vendor during the livery visit may be outsourced and the
41 billable hours for such other work will count towards base
42 maintenance work.
44 Aircraft lease return maintenance visits may be
45 outsourced and the vendor’s billable hours will count towards base
46 maintenance work.
1 The Company, no later than January 31 of each year, will
2 provide to the union and/or the union’s advisor, documentation
3 necessary to verify the Company’s compliance with outsourcing
4 provisions including a summary of the previous calendar year’s
5 base maintenance paid hours and vendor airframe base
6 maintenance billed hours. On an ongoing basis the Company will
7 provide to the Union no later than the end of the following month a
8 summary of the previous month’s base maintenance vendor’s
9 billable hours including tail numbers of the aircraft.
In any year where the vendor billed hours are more than
12 fifty (50%) percent of the total combined vendor billed hours and
13 the Company base maintenance paid hours, such deficit hours will
14 be added to the current calendar year required company base
15 maintenance paid hours.
17 The Company will not furlough to the street any Base
18 Mechanic who is active as of the effective date of this agreement
19 provided such employee exercises their seniority to the fullest
20 extent. (Subject to force majeure provisions as described in Article
21 5.F and 20.D.2)
22 The Company shall maintain a minimum headcount of six
23 hundred seventy-five (675) active Base Maintenance Lead
24 Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Lead Utility and Utility
25 employees combined. (Subject to force majeure provisions as
26 described in Article 5.F and 20.D.2.)
28 The Company may continue to outsource the East 737
29 scribe work ongoing and such work will count towards the vendor
30 hours for the fifty (50%) percent calculation.