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The Deal: Airline Unions Sign Pact To Ward Off Teamsters

im simply just saying that for fsa and all the work groups your better off having a union as for the m&r good luck with the drive for amfa.. as for fsa twu/iam will be a better choice than having no union. ive been on both sides of the fence and id rather have a union vs no union i understand where youre coming from with the incompetent/impotent but with our nc team i think thngs could start to look up better now i cant say the same for the twu as ive never been with them
Ah I see, you are not an AMT. Whatever your work group decides is none of my concern. However we as AMTs are finished with industrial unionism. The end of days for the likes of the twu/iam/ibt is at hand. They have failed to adequately represent us a certificated airmen. AMFA @ AA! VOTE AMFA!!!
Funny how they enough Political Influence to protect their dues collection and appointed unaccountable theft of dues, but never enough Political Influence to change the Bankruptcy Laws, the Foreign Maintenance oversight, stop Right-to-Work Laws, or prevent negative changes in Workman's Compensation Laws. They have enough influence to get a pay increase for the non-dues paying illegals in their path to citizenship and paltry minimum wage increases that leave those on Government Entitlements without an increase in standard of living by going to work, but never enough influence to protect the dues payers. These Unions and the AFL-CIO are the biggest scam ever known to the working men and women of this country....bar none. This scam should be criminal, but because they keep giving money to politicians, there is just enough influence to keep the dues going to campaign finance and lobbying that fails the worker miserably. The whole agenda is to try to stop workers from voting in the representation of their choosing, which everyone would agree is as Anti-American as it gets.

Well if they changed those laws then they would run out of excuses for giving the company everything they want wouldnt they?

Once there was a time when Unions would simply disobey laws that were blatantly unjust as a means of exposing them for what they were. Now they hide behind them.
Ah I see, you are not an AMT. Whatever your work group decides is none of my concern. However we as AMTs are finished with industrial unionism. The end of days for the likes of the twu/iam/ibt is at hand. They have failed to adequately represent us a certificated airmen. AMFA @ AA! VOTE AMFA!!!
and this has to do with what i said??? i simply am saying that airline employees ought to be in a union i understand you want to go amfa and i wish you and all the aa mechanics and related the best and hope you achieve it in all sincerity even though for fsa being represented by the twu/iam association while neither union is good in most opinions it is still a better choice to have them than to have no union
and this has to do with what i said??? i simply am saying that airline employees ought to be in a union i understand you want to go amfa and i wish you and all the aa mechanics and related the best and hope you achieve it in all sincerity even though for fsa being represented by the twu/iam association while neither union is good in most opinions it is still a better choice to have them than to have no union
Given the choice of twu/iam/ibt...I`d gladly go non union. 23 years of being screwed by the industrial unions. AMFA @ AA!!!
Given the choice of twu/iam/ibt...I`d gladly go non union. 23 years of being screwed by the industrial unions. AMFA @ AA!!!

Paying dues and being unhappy is well worth being " At will" and hoping. How many Arses does a non-union employee have to kiss in order to feel comfortable that he is still employed?
Paying dues and being unhappy is well worth being " At will" and hoping. How many Arses does a non-union employee have to kiss in order to feel comfortable that he is still employed?
None. Come in and do your job. Far too many people around here can`t grasp that very simple concept. They are constantly looking around the corner afraid the boogy man is going to get them. They stay too busy making excuses rather than taking personal responsibility. BTW, "comfortable that he is still employed" Really? I narrowly kept my job with 23 years on the property!!! I`ve got many friends on the street locally while junior folks are still on the payroll!! That is WITH "union representation", give me a break.
i can tell you first hand that ive been on both sides of the fence as has many of the folks at US
Ive seen the crap that goes on behind the doors in a non union airline.... EN for ex Walmart is a prime source of how to screw their employees the easy way and they go to extreme lengths to block unions i know that first hand bec my bro used to work for them... and i did a short stent there too I would rather have a union than non union.. yet i still as does many folks across the us system come in do their jobs yet mgmt does something or screws up then it is grieved and handled no matter what.
i can tell you first hand that ive been on both sides of the fence as has many of the folks at US
Ive seen the crap that goes on behind the doors in a non union airline.... EN for ex Walmart is a prime source of how to screw their employees the easy way and they go to extreme lengths to block unions i know that first hand bec my bro used to work for them... and i did a short stent there too I would rather have a union than non union.. yet i still as does many folks across the us system come in do their jobs yet mgmt does something or screws up then it is grieved and handled no matter what.

Most in this industry would agree but at AA they go to extremes to keep the TWU.

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