The Foreigner

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Don't have to...he and several others unrelated in their directions are doing it.

Wonder why other unrelated investigations are unfolding?

In other words you don't want to think to much about it. It's much more fun to beleive anything Philip Berg says than having to actaully ask some hard questions about him and his "case".
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  • #137
In other words you don't want to think to much about it. It's much more fun to beleive anything Philip Berg says than having to actaully ask some hard questions about him and his "case".

Actually,the loose ends in Indonesia,Kenya and Hawaii are interesting.And they are intriguing.

'In other words' just can't deal with it.....
Actually,the loose ends in Indonesia,Kenya and Hawaii are interesting.And they are intriguing.

'In other words' just can't deal with it.....
Dell. Do you really think that in the two years since Obama has been running for, and being elected President, someone would have come up with something concrete to sink him on by now. He is probably the most vetted presidential candidate ever.

It is time to move on and try get him on something he does as President.

Or maybe start dissecting the cabinet members?
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  • #139
Dell. Do you really think that in the two years since Obama has been running for, and being elected President, someone would have come up with something concrete to sink him on by now. He is probably the most vetted presidential candidate ever.

It is time to move on and try get him on something he does as President.

Or maybe start dissecting the cabinet members?

He is probably the most vetted presidential candidate ever.

He's hired George Soros as head puppetmaster if you didn't notice.
Actually,the loose ends in Indonesia,Kenya and Hawaii are interesting.And they are intriguing.

'In other words' just can't deal with it.....

Loose ends that Mr. Berg seems to have no evidence of to prove his case. No evidence to show that Obama's parents were in Kenya at the time of his birth. No evidence to show that he was adopted by his step-father. No evidence to call into question the validity of the State of Hawaii birth certificate. No evidence to call into question the validity of the birth announcment in the Honolulu Advertiser.

What's funny is that instead of hard evidence in his suit he used Inside Edition and Rainbo Edition Newsletter, whatever the hell that is, as sources.
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  • #143
Things that make one go...hmmmmmm

Thousands of people are jumping aboard a petition that demands documentation of President-elect Barack Obama's eligibility to hold the highest office in the U.S., not just assurances from party officials.

Already more than 55,000 petitioners have joined the effort coordinated by WND founder and editor Joseph Farah.

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  • #144
Loose ends that Mr. Berg seems to have no evidence of to prove his case. No evidence to show that Obama's parents were in Kenya at the time of his birth. No evidence to show that he was adopted by his step-father. No evidence to call into question the validity of the State of Hawaii birth certificate. No evidence to call into question the validity of the birth announcment in the Honolulu Advertiser.

What's funny is that instead of hard evidence in his suit he used Inside Edition and Rainbo Edition Newsletter, whatever the hell that is, as sources.


The media bought it. The voters bought it. And now some in Congress are resisting the idea of congressional hearings because they believe that Barack Obama's "birth certificate" has been posted online.

Not so.

What was posted was not a birth certificate, but something that resembles a "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB, which, even if authentic, does not prove "natural born" U.S. citizenship. You see, in Hawaii, a Certification of Live Birth is issued within a year of a child's birth to those who register a birth abroad or one that takes place outside a hospital.

Ron Polarik, holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Media and specializes in computer graphics with over 20 years experience with computers, printers and typewriters, and has come forth with proof more definitive that the word processor that tried to simulate a 1970s Selectric typewriter.

Polarik has submitted a signed affidavit and has now released his findings on video at with his identify masked and voice altered to guard against the carrying out of threats, which he has already received.

The Summary: The Certificate of Live Birth documents posted on Mr. Obama's website, Daily Kos (a pro-Obama blog) and, (a pro-Obama political research group), were found to be altered and forged.

1. The problem of the pixels: When you have a green patterned document such as this, there should be a lot of green pixels from the background showing up between the letters that appear on the certification. But in this case, instead of green pixels, there are white and grey pixels between the letters, which result when you replace existing text with other text.

2. There is no second fold line. The pictures show two folds – necessary to fit any COLB into an envelope for mailing, but the document itself shows only one fold. This is another indication of document alteration.

3. There's a blurred border. The border has a lower resolution than the rest of the document, which is another indication that it has been altered.

4. The border is one that is used in 2007 COLBs. As a security measure, Hawaii changes their borders every year. This is when the Obama campaign claims the certificate was obtained. That is fine except for the problem that …

5. The seal and signature stamp are from a 2008 COLB. As revealed by a process called edging, the Hawaiian seal and signature stamp on the back of the document are revealed to be from the wrong year!

Like with Rathergate, when you're creating documents, make sure you use only a typewriter that was invented at the time you report the document was manufactured. When posting a "Certification of Live Birth," make sure you "borrow" only from documents used in the same year!

But beyond the birth certificate issue, there's the matter that Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan, Southern India and Kenya in 1981. He said he went to Indonesia to see his mother. This seemed plausible, except for the fact that his mother returned to Hawaii in August of 1980 to file for a divorce from her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Unless she went back to pal around with the man she divorced, she wasn't there at the time of Obama's visit.

There's another problem. No record of Obama holding an American passport
prior to the one he received once becoming a U.S. senator has been found. If he traveled to Pakistan with an American passport, he wouldn't have been allowed in – since Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and under martial law. It was also on the State Department's travel ban list for U.S. citizens.

If he couldn't get into Pakistan with a U.S. passport, perhaps he went there with an Indonesian passport. But the only way you can get one of those is if you are an Indonesian citizen.

That's quite possible since under Indonesian law, when a male acknowledges a child as his son, it deems the son – in this case Obama – to be an Indonesian state citizen, which was also recorded by Obama's school record.

So, if he didn't go to Indonesia in 1981 to visit mom (who had returned to Hawaii by then), might it have something to do with the fact that Indonesian passports expire every five years and it was time for renewal?

Bill Richardson weighs in....

If I didn't know any better I would say the obamaforgery video on youtube was a spoof making fun of the Berg crowd. You have an unknown "expert" complete with altered voice and pixilated face.

Here's the problem I have with his video. He takes an image off a web page, "analyzes" it and then claims it's a forgery. In order to say a document is a forgery wouldn't you have to examine the original? I have to wonder how well his claim would hold up in court. Which of course begs the question? If he has such strong evidence why is he wasting his time on youtube? Shouldn't he run to the nearest federal court and file suit?

As for the Richardson video do you know he said what is claimed he said? Unless you speak Spanish the answer is no. Kind of like the Obama grandma video on youtube. You are assuming whoever is doing the translation either translated it right or is being honest. Also, if the claims of the Berg crowd were actually true do you think Obama would tell anyone? Especially another politician.
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  • #146
Like Polarik says...its a graphic image and not a form.
The image on fact check is a actual photograph of the 'record of live birth' according to fact check and and a photo image should be a good representation of the document they saw and detail the pixel issues.
I think his affidavit is included in one of the cases before court.

There was prior mention of passports and such.....

Funny thing.....on his visit to see his ailing grandmother....the Gov of Hawaii found reason to 'seal' Obama's birth certificate and can only be released with his permission.Why would Obama do that if there's nothing to hide.

If there is nothing there ,why is it that he and his attorneys have spent a few bucks keeping this quiet?

Sure he got a passport when he became a Senator.....but I'd bet a sitting Senator gets a rubber stamp and a nod...just like now.

I think there's a little more to this than

I read his sister Mary has a 'record of live birth' and the origin isn't Hawaii.....

I think Obama is an Indonesian citizen who fell through the cracks here.

I may be wrong..but what if I'm right?

FYI- I heard Richardson's comment's in English on a local radio show.Funny....can't find it...wonder why?
Looks like the Supreme Court decided that Leo Donofrio did not have a strong enough case. Not that it matters to those who believe Obama is ineligible to be the President either due to the fact his father was a British subject. Or to those who believe Berg's argument that he was born in Kenya.

Even though his law suit is now dead I have a feeling that Leo Donofrio will continue to claim that Obama is not eligible. Just as Mr. Berg will continue to claim for the rest of his life that Obama was born in Kenya. Especially since Mr. Berg is making money off this. Those contributions would dry up rather quickly if he were to admit that Obama was born in Hawaii.
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  • #149
Even though his law suit is now dead I have a feeling that Leo Donofrio will continue to claim that Obama is not eligible. Just as Mr. Berg will continue to claim for the rest of his life that Obama was born in Kenya. Especially since Mr. Berg is making money off this. Those contributions would dry up rather quickly if he were to admit that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Just when you thought......

The high court today denied a request to listen to arguments in a case, Donofrio v. Wells, from New Jersey that addressed the issues. But literally within minutes, the court's website confirmed that another conference is scheduled for Friday on another case raising the same worries.
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