The Foreigner

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Considering that this is a dual citizenship case like the Donofrio case I don't see it going anywhere. Of course readin WND one would think that the Supreme Court is going to rule in their favor. What's kind of funny about the whole thing is the the Donofrio and Berg case contradict each other. I'm suprised no one at WND has picked up on that.
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  • #152
Considering that this is a dual citizenship case like the Donofrio case I don't see it going anywhere. Of course readin WND one would think that the Supreme Court is going to rule in their favor. What's kind of funny about the whole thing is the the Donofrio and Berg case contradict each other. I'm suprised no one at WND has picked up on that.

Two different approaches.
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  • #155
"As an active-duty officer in the United States Army, I have grave concerns about the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of president of the United States," wrote Scott Easterling in a "to-whom-it-may-concern" letter.


WASHINGTON – A U.S. senator has weighed in on the continuing controversy over Barack Obama's eligibility for office by saying he has never seen proof the new president was actually born in Hawaii.

"Well, his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate," Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., told constituents in Cullman County. "You have to be born in America to be president."

That officers days in the Army are numbered, as they should be. If you go into your bosses office and question his eligility or qualifications to leed you would probably be looking for work soon after. If an officer in the US military were to go to his commanding officer and do the same his career would be over. It's even more true regarding the Commander and Chief. There was a USAF officer who made some disparaging remarks about Bill Clinton early on in his administration. He was forced to retire. Since this LT has not been in long he will more than likely be tossed out.

What I find interesting is that this officer seems not to understand that in the USA the accuser has to prove their case. Not the other way around. People like Jerome Corsi and Philip Berg have basically come out and said Obama was not born in the US. Yet they have offered absolutely no evidence to prove that is the case.
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  • #158
That officers days in the Army are numbered, as they should be. If you go into your bosses office and question his eligility or qualifications to leed you would probably be looking for work soon after. If an officer in the US military were to go to his commanding officer and do the same his career would be over. It's even more true regarding the Commander and Chief. There was a USAF officer who made some disparaging remarks about Bill Clinton early on in his administration. He was forced to retire. Since this LT has not been in long he will more than likely be tossed out.

What I find interesting is that this officer seems not to understand that in the USA the accuser has to prove their case. Not the other way around. People like Jerome Corsi and Philip Berg have basically come out and said Obama was not born in the US. Yet they have offered absolutely no evidence to prove that is the case.

He who controls the proof controls the issue.

Tough task when his birth certificate is sealed and not allowed viewed without the express permission of the Messiah....

With all the farts in his cabinet picks....this doesn't sound too far fetched anymore... :lol:

That in it self is quite odd.....they made McCain produce one.
He who controls the proof controls the issue.

Tough task when his birth certificate is sealed and not allowed viewed without the express permission of the Messiah....

With all the farts in his cabinet picks....this doesn't sound too far fetched anymore... :lol:

That in it self is quite odd.....they made McCain produce one.

What I find odd is that people like you still don't understand the concept of the accuser having to prove their accusations. Something that Berg, Corsi etc, etc have yet to do. Why aren't you demanding from them proof of their accusations?
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  • #160
What I find odd is that people like you still don't understand the concept of the accuser having to prove their accusations. Something that Berg, Corsi etc, etc have yet to do. Why aren't you demanding from them proof of their accusations?

Guess you have reading comprehension problems....thought I spelled it out so even an Aviation Maintenance Technician can figure it out.

Get a Judge to force Hawaii and Barrack to show the real,actual birth certificate (per the US Constitution) and not a certificate of live birth (that any foreign born person can acquire in Hawaii) :eek: and all truths shall be revealed.

Ever wonder why his legal guys are spending all tons of money filing motions to prevent this from going anywhere?

Wouldn't it be cheaper just to show the friggin' thing.....or is there something to this?

At least Barrack seems current on his income taxes.... :lol:
Guess you have reading comprehension problems....thought I spelled it out so even an Aviation Maintenance Technician can figure it out.

Get a Judge to force Hawaii and Barrack to show the real,actual birth certificate (per the US Constitution) and not a certificate of live birth (that any foreign born person can acquire in Hawaii) :eek: and all truths shall be revealed.

Ever wonder why his legal guys are spending all tons of money filing motions to prevent this from going anywhere?

Wouldn't it be cheaper just to show the friggin' thing.....or is there something to this?

At least Barrack seems current on his income taxes.... :lol:

Obviously you have a hard time understanding that oh so American concept of the accuser having to prove their accusations. But why let something like that get in your way. It's much more fun to believe wacko frauds who have their hands out looking for money like Philip Berg.

Here's something else you seemed not to have grasped. The courts so far have ruled against people like Berg, Donofrio, Wrotnowsk etc. This includes the Supreme Court. The highest court in the land feels that these people do not have a case. Yet they continue to act like they have one. Hasn't anyone told them when the Supreme Court denies your request for a hearing that's preety much it? I would have thought that an attorney would know this. Or at the very least the concept of precedence

And did not the Hawaii Department of Health confirm that he was born in Hawaii? And was there not a birth announcement for Barrack Obama in the Honolulu Advertiser way back when. Have the Berg's and Corsi's of the world proven otherwise? Maybe you should be asking them why they have not proven their case beyond a resonable doubt.
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  • #162
Here's something else you seemed not to have grasped. The courts so far have ruled against people like Berg, Donofrio, Wrotnowsk etc. This includes the Supreme Court.

Cough up the birth certificate........end of story...grasp it.
Cough up the birth certificate........end of story...grasp it.

I'll type slowly this time so you can understand.

Prove their accusations beyond a reasonable doubt. That is the way it works in this country does it not?
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  • #164
I'll type slowly this time so you can understand.

Prove their accusations beyond a reasonable doubt. That is the way it works in this country does it not?

Prove their accusations beyond a reasonable doubt. That is the way it works in this country does it not?

Not if you're a Republican....

Is a reasonable request provided you can get someone in the Judicial Branch to order the release of what you keep skirting around.
If Obama was born in the U.S. , a birth certificate should be easy to produce....................................................PERIOD.....
.............................END OF REPORT !

Or............................why is he hiding it ? :shock:
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