Where's the Birth Certificate?

So much for a clean campaign... :p
Really? I mean, really? Are we going to do this again?

I truly believe Romney was trying to funny, in a mannequin kind of way.

But, leave it to the tin foil hat crowd to use this to wake this dead horse.

How about we discuss the 2011 depression, Egypt being taken over by sharia law abiding jihadists, cold war Russians invading the Gulf of Mexico, Ron Paul doing an end around at the Republican convention, Obama taking all guns away (what ever happened to him doing that as his first priority as well as serializing bullets?), killing grandma and grandpa with the death panels, ... what did I miss?
Really? I mean, really? Are we going to do this again?

I truly believe Romney was trying to funny, in a mannequin kind of way.

But, leave it to the tin foil hat crowd to use this to wake this dead horse.

How about we discuss the 2011 depression, Egypt being taken over by sharia law abiding jihadists, cold war Russians invading the Gulf of Mexico, Ron Paul doing an end around at the Republican convention, Obama taking all guns away (what ever happened to him doing that as his first priority as well as serializing bullets?), killing grandma and grandpa with the death panels, ... what did I miss?
Hey Tech,
Are you having a moment... :p
Luv U Man,
B) xUT
One of the reasons I take little, (if any) stock in the birther argument is I'm pretty convinced that if the birthers are found out to be correct the damage would likely lead to the end of the USA as we know it.
Long and.short were both released quite some time ago.

Really? Please show me where I can view these ?

Yes but they must have cause to stop you before that inquiry can take place. Looking Latin American is not probable cause for a traffic stop.

How many white people do you think will be asked to prove citizenship? Currently, a drivers license is not proof of citizenship. Were I asked to prove my residence, I would not be able to do so. I do not carry my passport with me. I am relatively certain I would not be asked to do so since I am white. Why should the standard be any different for someone who is not white?

And if asked to carry proof of citizenship, would not be a problem for "LEGAL" citizens and if it were, your hiding something !
Really? Please show me where I can view these ?

And if asked to carry proof of citizenship, would not be a problem for "LEGAL" citizens and if it were, your hiding something !

White House Web site

I don't think it is a problem per ce but apparently some people do not have legal ID even though they are citizens. I don't know why as I am not in their situation. According to the COTUS they have a right to vote. According to the National Lawyers Assc there have only been about 350 cases of voter fraud in 10 years.
Romney is a white Mormon. We know he's OK. It's them 'other' folks that we need to worry about.