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the big question that needs to be answered

Chuck Schalk said:
for all your knowledge and resources you can't tell me? or maybe it is tight lipped secret like everything else in the TWU higher offices.
no one knows the amount i am asking about except the company and a few individuals in the twu past and present
In the begining of January, I started a thread asking for the TWU to show us Transparency, asking for the same information you are asking for. It has fallen all on deaf ears! I have said from the begining that without us having this information, the TWU will perform backwards math to show us members how we got what we got. Now, Drummond came out saying that  they will be taking an additional 5%  to keep in reserve, more money stripped away from the members. How much more $$$$? Only the TWU knows....because we are in the dark!
To all,
Like I said before, I was very skeptical of the TWU not wanting to divulge all of the data that was in the distribution formula.  Now we can only imagine all of the possibilities.  Not only will the reserve be raised to 10%, but any additional shares can and possibly will be skimmed.  The all in rates can be altered, if they are increased, any additional distributions will be smaller.  Additionally, LET IT BE KNOWN that the value of our distribution has reached and surpassed 70%.  If you factor that TWU is now taking an additional 5%.  We will only be entitled to about 20% more of the initial distribution value. The original individual distribution amount can be ascertained by dividing your Total  initial gross amount by 52%.  This will be the value of what you were owed. For some of us who thought we would get an additional 10K, as of today, that's now down to about 4K.  Good luck to all of you die hard TWU lovers.  You and all of us will sink to the bottom of the abysmal planes of the oceans with The Worst Union (TWU).
Please for all of our sakes get the AMFA cards going.  You know whats coming next, "TWU DUES INCREASES".
We asked this question over and over till it went on deaf ears. Now guys are realizing that this well is drying up and there will be "little", sorry for the pun, or no more distributions.  Men are becoming more and more concerned.  Chuck, be a leader on this once more, please get the AMFA drive going, please. We are begging. Lets make it happen this time.  We had a good grass roots effort before and we were hood winked. It wasn't AMFA, it was us that was not ready. Let's be ready, let's act, let's be prudent, let's be smart. With AMFA, we can vote leaders in or out if they don't act in our best interest.  This is the American Way.  A vote for TWU is a vote for communism. 
1airborne said:
I though dues money was supposed to cover any lawsuits and the running of the union. If not, what is the dues money for?
Your out of order, Brother!
AANYER said:
We asked this question over and over till it went on deaf ears. Now guys are realizing that this well is drying up and there will be "little", sorry for the pun, or no more distributions.  Men are becoming more and more concerned.  Chuck, be a leader on this once more, please get the AMFA drive going, please. We are begging. Lets make it happen this time.  We had a good grass roots effort before and we were hood winked. It wasn't AMFA, it was us that was not ready. Let's be ready, let's act, let's be prudent, let's be smart. With AMFA, we can vote leaders in or out if they don't act in our best interest.  This is the American Way.  A vote for TWU is a vote for communism. 
Thank you for your kind words.  We need depth in our strive for change.  Just putting the same people on the front line is stale.  If the members want change they must step up and ask what they can do for change and not rely on a few people.  I do not know what else the membership needs to demand change. We have been  brought to our knees under the TWU for all the obvious reasons.  
so I state, "had enough yet"?   then seriously step up, if we want change we all have to participate.
Democracy takes effort
Either your in or your out?    which one will each of us be?    it is your choice
To all,
We don't know the math that got us our distribution.  However, to find out what we received 52% of, Divide your initial GROSS distribution by .52 and this will give you the total value of your expected amount. For example;
$10,500/.52= $20,192
TWU takes 10% reserves or $2,019
Plus Approx .01 in expenses
Today's stock price is $31.20 so they would owe you:
If they gave you 482 Shares already, at todays stock price of 31.20. That's valued at $15,038.
So they only owe you @ $3K.  You probably wouldn't  see this though.  The share price keeps rising.  When they report financials on January 28, 2014, there will be little to receive.
Initial Value      $20,192
Less                $15,038
less                    $2,019
Balance owed   $3,135
Actually I am thinking the most likely scenario will be the TWU settling the lawsuit by handing over our shares.  A law suit will cost them money.  A settlement will only cost the membership.  Anyone wanna bet me?
Obviously I'm not involved in the AMFA drive, (FSC) but this sh** has got to stop. Absolutely no way should the TWU be taking another 5% from OUR shares. This is absurd. Use International funds to fight any lawsuit and not money belonging to me (us)...This has to be fought.
And Bob Owens opinion on this...I'm curious??
Obviously I'm not involved in the AMFA drive, (FSC) but this sh** has got to stop. Absolutely no way should the TWU be taking another 5% from OUR shares. This is absurd. Use International funds to fight any lawsuit and not money belonging to me (us)...This has to be fought.
And Bob Owens opinion on this...I'm curious??
Same boat. No way this should happen. Is there going to be more than just a choice between the TWU/IAM allance or no union?
AANYER said:
To all,
We don't know the math that got us our distribution.  However, to find out what we received 52% of, Divide your initial GROSS distribution by .52 and this will give you the total value of your expected amount. For example;
$10,500/.52= $20,192
TWU takes 10% reserves or $2,019
Plus Approx .01 in expenses
Today's stock price is $31.20 so they would owe you:
If they gave you 482 Shares already, at todays stock price of 31.20. That's valued at $15,038.
So they only owe you @ $3K.  You probably wouldn't  see this though.  The share price keeps rising.  When they report financials on January 28, 2014, there will be little to receive.
Initial Value      $20,192
Less                $15,038
less                    $2,019
Balance owed   $3,135
The first distribution was after the 5% was deducted.
So along that line of thought their 5% will grow to 10% and they won't need anymore.they can use the same formula they won't tell us about......
My understanding is that all creditors are under the same 120 day arrangement. My question is, did the other unions on the property elect to handle the stock grants themselves or did they let the company handle it? Are we the only idiots that fell for this scam?
dfw gen said:
My understanding is that all creditors are under the same 120 day arrangement. My question is, did the other unions on the property elect to handle the stock grants themselves or did they let the company handle it? Are we the only idiots that fell for this scam?
No but we are the only idiot union group that is being forced into this alliance crap.
Spoke to a pilot today and told him about the alliance, his reply was "that won't work".
My reply was "NO SHIIT".
We are the only union group that is keeping both unions.
Sign a card people and lets move on.
I know I am asking too much since the TWU will not be transparent on the issue.
Does anyone really know if the lawsuit will delay our final distribution on the 120th day?
Whatever amount that may be at this point.

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