I also think The Goose is cooked. No way will Arpey propose a pension freeze, and no way will the TWU see any significant restoration of the concession paycuts. The money just ain't there. The pilots aren't gonna get their 30% raise, the TWU won't get whatever percentage it would take to restore the cuts and neither will the FAs.
I believe you took my comments out of context.
Arpey won't propose anything - he's the one hired to be a face for the BOD.
Because of the potential savings to AA, I'm sure it will be tried. Arpey doesn't care a whit about the workers or what they think about corporate shenanigans. What he says and what he'll do are two entirely different things. This was proven when he tried to justify how the top (mis)management deserved their bonuses. Besides, I believe Arpey and minions have nothing to do with offers to workers - that comes down with blessings from the BOD and bean counters.
If(big if)any proposal of this nature is made, it will, without a doubt, be immediately deep-sixed. Probably won't hear a word about it on the floor, but business-wise, the company would be foolish not to stick their toe in the water. Then again, ...
As far as what will actually happen, any agreement will probably be some manner of contract that
barely won't pass, then will be sweetened enough to pass by aiming any changes at whichever demographic group offered the most resistance. Yes, I know - the TWU
isn't supposed to share this info with the company.
Do I really think the TWU would pass/consider something as I've outlined? Absolutely non-PC to do so. Good Lord, man - we're not supposed to be smoking that stuff in safety-sensitive positions. At least, I don't. Haven't drank for years, either.
We all understand that any monies and benefits paid to the workers is money not available for management's benefit.
Maybe I'm totally incorrect - this wouldn't be the first time. Reality tells me though that any agreement that's negotiated will be quite marginal in value to the TWU represented workers as you said. Just letting my imagination run wild.