Wretched Wrench
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I'm a conservative, having voted primarily for Republicans for many years.
Me too, but Dubya was just too much. Corporatism is not conservatism.
Sometimes Republicans be really stupid.
I believe you are familiar with the red state-blue state IQ chart/
Yes, AA retains the option of negotiating more generous pensions with its unions. So the suddenly fiscally conservative Republicans in Congress get on their high horse about how AA might "buy labor peace" by jacking up the pension benefits and then later filing for Ch 11 and screwing the PBGC (and indirectly, eventually, the taxpayers). What claptrap.
The bill just passed makes it more likely than ever that our pension funds will be progressively underfunded, year by year. The end result of year in year out underfunding is likely to be that our retirements default to the PBGC. This can be prevented by assuring that pension funds are not underfunded. In addition, the PBGC itself needs to be better funded by higher company contributions.
It's time for a reality check. What are the odds that Arpey is gonna make the DB plans more generous? What are the odds that "Avoid Ch 11 at Any Price" Arpey is gonna file for Ch 11 now, after paying down billions of debt and contributing over a billion to the pension plans?
These idiot Republican Congressmen essentially wanted to force AA to hard freeze its plans (stop all accrual of benefits) in exchange for more time to fully fund the shortfall. At the same time, they criticise the idiots in charge of UA, US, and DL for terminating their plans - terminations that (at least at US and UA) were forced because the companies didn't have the billions of cash that the plans requried.
For all of his faults, Arpey is obsessed (to the consternation of many conservatives/Republicans) with keeping the DB plans intact. Hate him for everything else he does - this is one area where he wants to preserve the benefit plan promises made years ago. And he's a bad guy for wanting to fulfill those obligations?
I'm certain that Arpey's intentions are not to make the plans more generous. All he wants to do is preserve the status quo (permit accrual of benefits) but he wants sufficient time to make up the funding shortfall so his company doesn't find itself in a UAL-style cash crunch.
And before anyone lectures me on it - I realize that the 2003 concessions exacted a huge pension cut. Too bad the idiot Congressional Reps and Senators don't realize that.
I also think The Goose is cooked. No way will Arpey propose a pension freeze, and no way will the TWU see any significant restoration of the concession paycuts. The money just ain't there. The pilots aren't gonna get their 30% raise, the TWU won't get whatever percentage it would take to restore the cuts and neither will the FAs.
I do not have full confidence in your premise that Arpey wants to preserve our DB plan. He might not want to be the guy who axes it, but he is perfectly OK with letting it die on the vine by intentionally underfunding it.
But the money saved by cutting the pension funding will be available for more bonuses and SERP funding. It's Animal Farm, and the pigs are in charge.
But, yeah, we agree on a lot of your post.