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Thanksgiving Day Meals at Work

Nice to see you're in the holiday spirit 700!! :lol:

A Super-dooper Happy Holidays to you........from me. 😀
it doesn"t have anything to do with thanksgiving thats 700 uw way of putting a negative spin on everything, BTW UW did you get a thanksgiving dinner at work? did you eat it?or did you listen to the union and only drink the Kool aid,
but its my guess if you didnt get a dinner you would be the first on complaining that the company did you wrong and you will file a greivence huh scrooge.
Have to run to work, but finally got the TPA pictures in an album. View Tampa Thanksgiving Pictures

Will add more when I get home tonight. Enjoy. You do not have to sign in to view, just click slideshow. Be sure to leave comments if you would like and if you know any of the crewmembers by name, let me know so I can add them to the remarks section later. Thanks.
i worked thanksgiving, but luckily my trip was ending and i got to go home. i think it's great that they had boston market in the crew room for the working employees. it's a lot better than what our old management would give us... nothing.
Oh yes, we got crew meals that needed heated but were on the 73 with no ovens. Of course the three times i was in PHX on Turkey day, they were, surprising out of everything.....whatever....another poor ass attempt to show that I am valued....
Sniff, sniff, that's the saddest story I've ever heard, sniff, sniff. Those bad old managers didn't even have the decency to take all the fixin's back to your house and cook it there for you while Parker gave you a nice foot massage. "whodoi - WHAT- for"

I enjoyed my Thanksgiving lunch very much after finishing my trip. It was especially enjoyable to see the chief and ass. chief pilots there wearing aprons and dishing out mashed potatoes and gravy.
We spent 2 hours off the gate at ORD awaiting the clearance to go to PHL on Thanksgiving day. Day three of four (It turned out to be 6 for me!) away from home. The Capt. had 24 years and I have 20 years. When we arrived in PHL at 1840, the free food was closed.
PHL went all out!!! It was GREAT!!! real carved turkey, mashed, corn, pie soda's they had to-go plates for the crew's everyone in the airport was welcome...it was one time I saw everyone in PHL really bonding...from ramp to cleaners to maint and agents...all were smiling and having a good time...the chief pilot was there smiling dishing out food...thanks to the PHL people that put this together...It was a nice meal and I did not have to cook for once...hope they do it next year

I would have assumed by the post that everyone in the airport was welcomed....so why wouldn't contract workers be welcomed?
It was great! The food was really good and the fact that management was there to show us their support made it especially nice. In Phoenix, Ron Rhoderick left his Thanksgiving Holiday at home just to come in and and say Thankyou to everyone. I've been with the company many years and this was a pleasant change
It absolutely blows my mind. Compared to what the past management gave us for Thanksgiving, this overall was very nice. YES there were some out there who didn't get meal but I'd say that the majority of folks working who wanted a meal got one. Some people that work for this company whether you like it or not will NEVER be happy. Here is a great question. Everyone always talks about what the company does or does NOT do. We pay union dues to a union that does very IMHO for it's members....why not do something for your members. Why oh why does it ALWAYS fall on the backs of the company. Can the UNION not do something for it's dues paying members? Just curious.
Some people are never happy. Gee, I was in the middle of a 50 hr layover in Seattle and bought my own dinner and was alone because nobody wanted to get together that evening. Guess what? I had a great time, ate at the bar and had a great view....and the view of the city wasn't bad either.

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