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Give credit where credit is due.

Unfortunately some stations ran out of turkey and other components of Thanksgiving dinner--but the thought was there and the intent was good. Let's leave it at that shall we?
I disagree. If the company ran out, they didn't plan out and the execution of what is a nice gesture was only half thought out like everything else Tempe does. I'd love to tell my staff, sorry, we ran out umbrellas or tote bags or whatever we sometimes hand out, but we meant well...that's enough, right?? 🙄

No one is whining over missing out on the free turkey. The point is that the company didn't care ENOUGH to take care of all of the employees. They mismanaged yet another thing, and rather than make any attempt at all to compensate, they just told those who missed out that "Sorry. We didn't have enough."

you read my mind...
Wow...USAirways actually acted like human beings. Sorry it took so long.


Actually for the past two or three years (local) management has been advised by the company to provide food for the employees for (at least) Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since this is a new concept, some of the management teams across the system havent quite been able to get the hang of it. From personal experience I can tell you it takes a lot of planning and experience to get things right. We've been having our own employee sponsored Thanksgiving dinner for about 10-12 years and last year we only fed between 100-150 and it is a huge deal. We did a lot of our own shopping and food prep and it would take hours to plan, shop and make the meals. Most local management has turned to prepared food from catering or a local restaurant to make it easier on them. If you dont have help it can turn in to a daunting task, even if the food is prepared already. It still takes time in planning and setup and serving. I would hope that after a couple tries they will soon be able to get the hang of it and have no one left out next time. Its not as easy as calling the food hotline to catering and thats it. Maybe it would be nice next year if you offered your services to management to help plan, setup and serve your fellow employees so things can run more smoothly. It is a good feeling to see the faces of the crews who are out on the line open the door to the break room and start smiling from ear to ear when they smell and see the spread laid out before them. It is also a good way to help build comaraderie between departments when everyone gets involved with setup, and serving. Try it next year!
Things always improve with repitition. I'm very impressed that the company did something really nice for their workers.
Hey if it worked that's wonderful and I'm happy the effort was succesful in your station.

My point was a general point, not aimed at US so much as it was against the whole idea. Hey is the employees and the company think it's worth the effort then I say go for it.

Laughable. Against the whole idea?

You are against an employee friendly idea to feed as many employees as possible on the T-Giving holiday. You are serious? NO other airline did this.

Once again, a FFOCUS leader proves just how "employee unfriendly" they are. And people wonder why FFOCUS was never taken seriously..... :blink:
Well... it is true, but in all fairness - 35,000 + employees... You kind of have to expect kinks in the system...

Tempe never should do this "employee appreciation" feed again. I mean, they can't do it right. A pilot could not get food, and in CLT they ran out before the night was over. I say they follow every other US carrier, and offer nothing on Thanksgiving.

What part do you think is wrong? Do you think the "gift" was well managed?

I think it was well managed. Many of us were fed a nice meal, and no other airline catered like this.

Did the company try to make it up to those who were left out?

Why? They don't owe us dinner; it was a nice gesture.

Do you think the Tempe brain trust "went without" on Thanksgiving Day?

I am sure they did not. All differences aside, they offered us a nice meal. Many people went without, as they do on a daily basis. Come back to reality, and complain about the bad things, not the good things that US does.. Like I told you last night, your bitterness is consuming you.....

Which part?
I would much rather have my Pension back...foods nice but what about the promise the company made back over 50 years ago to provide for me and my family after I retire. To start giving me a meal at Thanksgiving is exchanging penny's for dollars.

Ok I haven't been around here in something like five months. I can't believe the cranking that STILL goes on. It's insane to think that this kind of negativity has been flowing on these boards the WHOLE TIME I have been gone. My goodness people. Ya know, I think it was awesome that the company stepped up and did something nice. Remember the CCY folks? Mmmhmmmm I remember MANY a Holiday with Nothing but maybe a Auntie Ann's pretzel or a slice of old dry pizza. It stinks to arrive to empty pans of food in a crew room. Hey guess what? I held dinner at my house for all of my family and cooked TWO birds. One was 22.5 pounds and the other 21 and ran out of turkey. My best friend is a RN and guess what......NO FOOD supplied by the hospital. Employees all brought food in for their party. There is plenty to not be happy about at US Lord knows but c'mon already. Jeeeeeeez. Maybe since I have been off airplanes for a while I feel a bit more healthy? I'm by no means a Kool Aid drinker. G'day.
Ok I haven't been around here in something like five months. I can't believe the cranking that STILL goes on. It's insane to think that this kind of negativity has been flowing on these boards the WHOLE TIME I have been gone. My goodness people. Ya know, I think it was awesome that the company stepped up and did something nice.

Nice to see a fellow person who has seen the light and only comes here to be reminded how miserable people can be in life.

Two words for those ungrateful whinners: GOVERNMENT CHEESE!!
Aw. Did your pilot friend cry and stomp his feet?

The company provided thousands of complimentary meals to employees throughout the system. They ran out of turkey, and they reserved some plates for inbound crews/ other employees who didn't have access.

No he didn't stomp his feet or complain...if you read my post, he did also say it was a nice jesture by the company. The point was....why reserve meals for "airport staff" who are going to have a meal at home and not provide for crews who are in the middle of a 4 day trip who didn't have that luxury?

I would much rather have my Pension back...foods nice but what about the promise the company made back over 50 years ago to provide for me and my family after I retire. To start giving me a meal at Thanksgiving is exchanging penny's for dollars.


Apples to oranges. We both know the pension is not coming back , so basically you're telling the company not to bother with the food either. So now you get nothing. :unsure:
This topic and the responses is the exact reason why management is deaf to employees. They try two years running to provide meals on Thanksgiving (I know some people on here can not be mentally honest and admit it was better this year than last year) and it will probably be better at Xmas than Thanksgiving this year.

We as an employee group have become the boy who cried wolf. It would probably serve the employee groups to pick their battles and focus on the couple of things to make things better. It is a two way street and as an employee I don't think we try very much from our side - we just try to blame management for everything. I AM NOT A KOOL AIDE DRINKER - I DON'T DRINK MGMT'S OR THE UNION'S KOOL AIDE.

I have been reading in great detail the issues facing the auto industry in the USA and I think it has alot of similarity to the airline industry. We should all watch this unfold and understand how greedy management and unions (be mentally honest and include both when you read this) can kill companies and competitiveness.

We have worked well together to improve on-time performance, baggage handling, etc. Let's try to work together and make US great - please don't respond with mgmt needs to make the first move. If you believe that then you should give up your union card since your union is also a key component to making this airline run.
{so on and so forth }


{so on and so forth }


you drink so much KOOL AIDE the kool aide man says OH YEAH! when he see's you!


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