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About Thanksgiving Meals

Dear Folks

Thanks so much for the thought. I worked on Thanksgiving but didn't partake, we started too early.

What I would now like to see is those same management folks who helped with the meals to show that dedication and fix Philadelphia.

I don't know what the problem is wheather it's the equipment, as many on this board so state, or poor leadership, a definate possibility considering the history of this company. I could be a direct employee / union problem.

I have heard all excuses, but until we fix Philly, especially with SWA increasing, we will not fix this company.

We will be right back in chapter 11 or liquidation if we don't fix this airline.
Dear Folks

Thanks so much for the thought. I worked on Thanksgiving but didn't partake, we started too early.

What I would now like to see is those same management folks who helped with the meals to show that dedication and fix Philadelphia.

I don't know what the problem is wheather it's the equipment, as many on this board so state, or poor leadership, a definate possibility considering the history of this company. I could be a direct employee / union problem.

I have heard all excuses, but until we fix Philly, especially with SWA increasing, we will not fix this company.

We will be right back in chapter 11 or liquidation if we don't fix this airline.

I've only flown through PHL and there were "good" people there as well as not so good.....it's going to take more than management to "fix" things. But it's a start and if they show the committment, I would expect that the show of committment will be returned.
You can say that again. We all (management and employees) have to get our S#@% together and step up to the plate. We have southwest on our tails and the heat is definately gonna be turned up. WHATEVER the problem is it needs to be resolved. Be it management supplying the tools to do the job or EVERYBODY in all work groups making a concerted effort. Bad thing this way will come if ALL involved don't get it together. The reality is that were trying to run a hub out of what looks like a doublewide trailer on blocks and a dirt strip for a runway sitting on a 1 acre piece of land.
CLT had problems, they seemed to forget people work third shift, first and second shift employees got fed, but not anyone on third shift.
The people on third shift in CLT DID get a meal. It was served by line maint managers/supervisors on Wednesday night. Your information is inaccurate.
I enjoyed the meal provided in CLT. It wasn't like home, but hey its the thought that counts. They had tables set up we ate with ramp workers, mechanics, and some agents. Had nice conversation, decent food. Thankful we didnt have to eat at Chili's. Thank you to all you took the time to help serve in each crew base.
I've only flown through PHL and there were "good" people there as well as not so good.....it's going to take more than management to "fix" things. But it's a start and if they show the commitment, I would expect that the show of commitment will be returned.

All the management in the world couldn't help PHL before the merger/buy out and to think it will help now would be another mistake by management.

Front line employees in PHL need manpower and the tools to do the job at hand.

If they think that beefing up management in PHL over the holiday will solve the problem, all the finger pointing in the world will not save them this time.

If things don't go smoothly in PHL this holiday season U management will be pelted with rocks and garbage by the traveling public during the retreat to PHX.

I've only flown through PHL and there were "good" people there as well as not so good.....it's going to take more than management to "fix" things. But it's a start and if they show the committment, I would expect that the show of committment will be returned.
Out of sight out of mind
All the management in the world couldn't help PHL before the merger/buy out and to think it will help now would be another mistake by management.

Front line employees in PHL need manpower and the tools to do the job at hand.

If they think that beefing up management in PHL over the holiday will solve the problem, all the finger pointing in the world will not save them this time.

If things don't go smoothly in PHL this holiday season U management will be pelted with rocks and garbage by the traveling public during the retreat to PHX.


Things seemed to go very well for Thanksgiving in Philly according to another thread. One holiday down, one to go. The Philly folks did a terrific job pulling together as a team to get the job done. They overcame the elements and equipment shortages and adapted to the situation. Let's hope the calvry will make it in time for Christmas to make things easier for them. Were pullin for ya Philly! :up:
:down: A.C. did it to philly again,this time with tv turkey dinners on Turkey Day. What happened to the hand carved bird? Oh that's right Doug ate it.
:down: A.C. did it to philly again,this time with tv turkey dinners on Turkey Day. What happened to the hand carved bird? Oh that's right Doug ate it.

It was better than the dinner I was served for the last 20 years while on a trip. I know you are just venting, but I really appreciated the effort, despite the quality. Best. Greeter.
:down: A.C. did it to philly again,this time with tv turkey dinners on Turkey Day. What happened to the hand carved bird? Oh that's right Doug ate it.
I remember many years that I didn't get squat for Thanksgiving. So, you've made out better than I used to. Be thankful for what you have and don't complain about what you didn't get.
:down: A.C. did it to philly again,this time with tv turkey dinners on Turkey Day. What happened to the hand carved bird? Oh that's right Doug ate it.
it was a free meal please get over yourself and be happy that the guesture was made
Many people around this country would have been grateful for the meal.
I spent part of my day serving turkey dinners to my fellow employees Non of them acted like you
:down: A.C. did it to philly again,this time with tv turkey dinners on Turkey Day. What happened to the hand carved bird? Oh that's right Doug ate it.

Were you held down and force fed?
:down: A.C. did it to philly again,this time with tv turkey dinners on Turkey Day. What happened to the hand carved bird? Oh that's right Doug ate it.

HMPH! You ungrateful Queen! Don'tcha know what Thanksgiving is all about????

Being thankful for every little thing that you have. Big or small.

There are starving children in africa for pete's sakes and you are complaining about your turkey dinner?

HMPH! <_<
And you needn't look to africa for starving children, we have plenty of them here.


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