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In the spirit of this whimpy, lame and politically correct forum, I would like to take the time to wish Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin- Laden along with Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Yasser Araft and his PLO...Islamic Jihad and any other group who wishes the demise of our country...oh yes...and the TWU...Sonny, Jim Little and the boys.. who is demising our profession... a very happy thanksgiving!

:down: :down: :down: :down:

Thank you sir, may I have another!...
It's a shame some choose to live in hate, If you dislike your profession or location so much than change companies. Their is more to life than living in an environmemnt you dislike so much!!!!!

Rick, I don't hate anything/anyone. What I am is angry at the lack of accountability in the twu. That and the lack of democracy. They are the same in a way. I also like my profession. I also like my location. What I don't like is that an organization I pay money to for the ability to be able to continue what I like to do and do it where I like to live is not providing me with what I am paying them for.

I will change from the twu to AMFA. Will you change from being a coward to being a man? You are correct when you say, "There ( not ' their') is more to life than living in an environment you dislike so much!!!!!", especially when you must post behind an alias when living in this world.

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