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Give credit where credit is due.

Hey at least they tried. It's a good start. They didn't have to do anything. In an organization this large, you have to remember, the directive comes from "corporate", the management is responsible for the "roll out". I would imagine there were many stations that had a very successful service, with enough for everyone...
No one is whining over missing out on the free turkey. The point is that the company didn't care ENOUGH to take care of all of the employees. They mismanaged yet another thing, and rather than make any attempt at all to compensate, they just told those who missed out that "Sorry. We didn't have enough."

My guess is the folks in Tempe had plenty to eat comfortably at home at the largesse of what had been taken off the backs of these front line employees while not even making a minimal effort to see that the meager "thank you" made it to everybody out on the line working.
Nailed it.

Never quite understood how thugs can terrorize a neighborhood, stealing millions, yet, when they flip a dime back to the neighbors saying, don't spend it all at one place, the neighbors are not to complain, in fact, if the flip was done badly, they are to only praise the "intent" of the flip and not criticize the fact that it was done badly, as usual, or that the token "gift" was a pittance compared to the theft.

Look, this corporation has proved themselves, time and again that they are incapable of most any project, including fighting their way out of wet paper bags and screwing up wet dreams, the computer changeover and call-sign fiascos come to mind. The CEO is a little boy with a drinking problem, fantasizing his dreams of being a "money man" and shirking any responsibility of running a corporation, much less an airline. His gift is glibness, his game is the con. He certainly has pwned an number of you.
No one is whining over missing out on the free turkey. The point is that the company didn't care ENOUGH to take care of all of the employees. They mismanaged yet another thing, and rather than make any attempt at all to compensate, they just told those who missed out that "Sorry. We didn't have enough."

My guess is the folks in Tempe had plenty to eat comfortably at home at the largesse of what had been taken off the backs of these front line employees while not even making a minimal effort to see that the meager "thank you" made it to everybody out on the line working.
Oh, cripes. You are embarrassing yourself, lad.

The company bought turkey dinners for their emps in many stations.
We applaud them for it.
No other legacy airline did this for its front line emps. None. Ask around, gramps.
Yet, we degrade. And we spin.

We do not drink the kool aid, yet some of us are not so "spun bitter", that we still can't appreciate a tiny good deed.

Catch yourself.
You know, Bus, you're absolutely right, and under different circumstances I would have pointed that out too. I was just trying to refrain from negativity for the holiday weekend.
Why take the holiday weekend off? You have a full campaign to manage/ wage. FFOCUS.
I thought the effort was great and noble. It just sucked that a few of us missed out on it because our flights came in after the brunch/lunch round and we left before the dinner round. We requested meals from catering and were told it's on its way but alas it never made it.

I am happy that other people were able to take advantage of it and enjoy themselves. Maybe next year I'll have more luck.
After the govt cheese for Christmas one year, nothing shocks me.

OH YES, THE CHEESE! (a blast from the past, fond memories.) :lol:

In regards to this year.........At least the company made the effort.

In regards to next year.........you're all invited to my house. Two miles out of town, first log house on the right, just past the big maple tree. I'll cook the turkey with all the trimmings. show up any time. 🙂
No one is whining over missing out on the free turkey. The point is that the company didn't care ENOUGH to take care of all of the employees. They mismanaged yet another thing, and rather than make any attempt at all to compensate, they just told those who missed out that "Sorry. We didn't have enough."

My guess is the folks in Tempe had plenty to eat comfortably at home at the largesse of what had been taken off the backs of these front line employees while not even making a minimal effort to see that the meager "thank you" made it to everybody out on the line working.

You're really grabbing at straws now ! ! !
OH YES, THE CHEESE! (a blast from the past, fond memories.) :lol:

In regards to this year.........At least the company made the effort.

In regards to next year.........you're all invited to my house. Two miles out of town, first log house on the right, just past the big maple tree. I'll cook the turkey with all the trimmings. show up any time. 🙂

I forgot to add the following to my directions: Once you're out of town, you must go over the river and through the woods before reaching my house. Don't forget to set your GPS.
Do you think the "gift" was well managed?

Extremely well managed. Thousands and thousands of employees were provided with quality meals in hundreds if locations with hardly a glitch. My crew and I were stunned when late at night we walked on board our 757 at a tiny airport, on a tiny island in the middle of the pacific to find fabulous, high quality Thanksgiving meals waiting for us on board, even served on china. A real class act.

Did the company try to make it up to those who were left out?

No one was "left out" as in "deliberately left out". If all the white meat was gone before the platter was passed to you, were you left out? Do you feel that it needs to be made up to you? (seems to be an East pilot mentality)

Do you think the Tempe brain trust "went without" on Thanksgiving Day?

No and I doubt any US Airways employees "went without" either. I would venture a guess that most who worked on Thanksgiving Day had a company provided meal and then went home to another Thanksgiving meal (albeit, leftovers.)

Which part?

OY VEY! The whiners of this board will stop at nothing. I bet you would complain if you were hung with a new rope.
First I want to applaud US Airways effort to serve a traditional meal over Thanksdiving.

Next I'm going to tell you why I yhink it was a bad idea. In 33 plus years of work life I've NEVER seen one of these events come off to where at least one person wasn't hissed off.

As a result I've come to the conclusion that instead of being a positive for morale the opposite occurs. Some examples from my history.

If the employee or employee has to plan and arrange it with company funds or even a collection, some one will always pipe up how they could have done it better.

Even though our last flight left at 130pm and there were only about 10 people in the station after this time to meet terminators, our management bought food and had it served around noon so all those who were left could partake if they wanted to. Also, because we know that the morning people (who get to be home with their families most of the day) would whine that they didnt get anything, they served a nice breakfast spread as well. There were leftovers still on Sat from the event. We usually have a huge Thanksgiving spread in our station, but because of the shortened schedule I decided I wasnt going to go through all the hassle to have it for a couple of hours. Management stepped up and still provided for us even though it wasnt our usual big shindig. I want to thank them for their efforts.
Also Piney, in our station there are a very few people who help organize events. Its usually the employee fund people who get involved in this or any other celebration we have. I have no problem telling the complainers (who have not offered to volunteer to help) that if they have anything negative to say, next year they will be the ones in charge of the event and I will immediately let everyone in the station know that they have volunteered for duty next year since this years event was not adequate for them. Keeps the criticizing down to a minimum. Legitimate concerns will be addressed, but just b*tching will be dealt with accordingly. 😛h34r: 😛
🙄 UnFreakin' believable! This topic went from the good to the bad to the ugly in minutes :lol:

So why don't we all say what we are thankful for...

I'm thankful that I am not employed at US Airways :up:

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