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About Thanksgiving Meals

We had a long sit in ORF once on Thanksgiving, long enough for a day room. The two other f/a’s were just miserable about having to fly on a holiday, so they just wanted to stay at the airport and mope.

When I checked into the hotel, the front desk gave me a coupon for a free dinner that was just starting to be served! It was a Sheraton, so they had a pretty good spread for people who did not want to cook at home.

I felt bad for the pilots, since they did not have a day room in their contract. I brought back doggie bags for everyone, though.

I guess the moral here is, if you want to be miserable, you will be.
hula fly-guy is right. There are children starving and not getting the medical care they need right here at home.

And it's going to get a lot worse as this current administration continues to allow and encourage outsourcing of American jobs overseas.

Rather than complaining on this board about the quality of a free Thanksgiving meal, why don't you write your Congress representatives, your Senators and even President Bush.

If this sending jobs out of the country doesn't stop, most people will not be able to feed their families, provide any little extras or maybe even a roof over their little heads.

When the Longshoremen went on strike here in the Los Angeles area, who do you think was screaming the loudest that the strike be ended? WalMart. Why? Because they get 10% of their products from China.

Sorry to get so far off-topic. I couldn't help myself.

If this sending jobs out of the country doesn't stop, most people will not be able to feed their families, provide any little extras or maybe even a roof over their little heads.

Sorry to get so far off-topic. I couldn't help myself.

Wow what a vent I agree but still WOW
Sorry bulldog,

I just saw that documentary "WalMart, the High Cost of Low Prices" and it left me physically ill.

It also scared me. This film needs to be shown to every American. If our politicians see this film and do nothing, they need to be thrown out of office.

Yes, again I apologize for the rant.


Sorry bulldog,

I just saw that documentary "WalMart, the High Cost of Low Prices" and it left me physically ill.

Never heard of this movie, but I am a big supporter of keeping our jobs in the US (for obvious reasons). If you have any idea where I might find this movie, I'd be interested in checking it out.

Back to topic tho:
I have always thought our company's attempt (original HP) at thanksgiving was a joke, and I mocked it myself. Then I transfered to the DEN station, and realized how good I had it down here in the hub.

One thanksgiving in DEN, the station manager was SO CHEAP, he wouldnt even purchase us dinner. He had his sups cook dinner at home. It was basically a ham in a tin pan with some yams I think was about it. I always know its the thought that counts, and to me, the way it was presented, it made the tought seem like we weren't worth a decent meal.

Here at HP rez, they always hand out meal coupons, and do not cater for more than 1 serving per person. I can agree with this, and support the silly meal tickets they dish out for us, because before the meal tickets, the 1st and 2nd shifts would eat everything and the 3rd shift got nothing. 3rd shift gets ignored on most promotions around here, and most of the incentives for sales/performance. To see them left out of any meal service is just horrible!

I hope that the holidays to come are better and better, esepcially for you abused east folks. It ain't grand, but it is better than a cold ham in a dirty tin cooked by someone who had to report to work at 330am!

You can find out more about this documentary and where it's playing by going to: www.walmartmovie.com

Many showings are free!

PM me your thoughts.

And thanks for caring!

CLT had problems, they seemed to forget people work third shift, first and second shift employees got fed, but not anyone on third shift.
I recently found out first hand that the maintenance hub manager himself served the midnight shift dinner.

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