Terminated F/A's

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I don't like to see anyone "canned". This rumor has been swirling around for over what, a week now? I bet there is an element of truth to it. I guess we'll know next month when we move up in seniority.
Agree, I don't want people to be fired, but I would like to know if this is true!
Ya know, all one has to do is check the hub/wings the night before on the PIT-PHL route. Then check it the day of and you'll see that flights statistically are lighter early morning yet a large number are listed for the flights that they KNOW are full in the afternoon between 11:26am and 5:35pm. Mmmmmm hmmmmm. There ya have it folks. THEN they will run over to WN fully knowing......Fully Knowing that it isn't considered their backup flight. If the WN flight cancels you'll see option 44 blow up with trips as many suddenly become ill. And THAT is what reserves are there for? Up yours. It's game playing, Russian roulette actually and somebody is gonna catch the bullet. Oh wait....it's usually the reserve. :down:
Ya know, all one has to do is check the hub/wings the night before on the PIT-PHL route. Then check it the day of and you'll see that flights statistically are lighter early morning yet a large number are listed for the flights that they KNOW are full in the afternoon between 11:26am and 5:35pm.
What's the problem with coming in a day early?

It's not rocket science - if things look bad - like weather or loads, spend the $43 or the $35 to be certain and unstressed.

We have full on flat lounge chairs these days.

If I had an $800 mortgage $250 for a month on hotels would seem like a bargain.
I say, kill the company. It deserves to die several times over. Yeah, I know there are tens of thousands of nice people, but the company really needs to die.

Thanks for looking out for us that have mortages and bills. Can I borrow some money from you when the company dies?? You obviously have enough stashed away that you could care less if you are out of a job - well I can't be as fortunate as you. If this company dies then my family and I are on the street. Your posts are so full of your "entitlement". Take it elsewhere.
Why can't you all just be respectful to one another? to think that any of you would assume that Reserves are here to cover people from Pit or anywhere else. That we can not plan to get to work is disgusting. We all are commuters in one way or another . You show you are heartless when you think that seniority gives you a right to be evil. I do not how to fix the problem but if you think assaulting one anotherwith senority means your issues are deep seeded. Maybe this is what the company wants anyway. Act like fool be treated in the same manner.
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Ya know, all one has to do is check the hub/wings the night before on the PIT-PHL route. Then check it the day of and you'll see that flights statistically are lighter early morning yet a large number are listed for the flights that they KNOW are full in the afternoon between 11:26am and 5:35pm. Mmmmmm hmmmmm. There ya have it folks. THEN they will run over to WN fully knowing......Fully Knowing that it isn't considered their backup flight. If the WN flight cancels you'll see option 44 blow up with trips as many suddenly become ill. And THAT is what reserves are there for? Up yours. It's game playing, Russian roulette actually and somebody is gonna catch the bullet. Oh wait....it's usually the reserve. :down:
3pm? What happends at 15:00? That was 3 contracts ago and seems to show how out of touch people are. It's 12:00-12:00 now no rest. Even the militrary provides a rest period. The blockholder bubble is alive and well.

I was under the impression it was when future starting covering trips and when you should bei n base to answer the phone.
Scheduling does begin covering Future at 1500. If a reserve is going on call at midnight, they will give us a "Courtesy Call." We do not have to answer the call, but we can answer and go ahead and take an available trip.
Scheduling does begin covering Future at 1500. If a reserve is going on call at midnight, they will give us a "Courtesy Call." We do not have to answer the call, but we can answer and go ahead and take an available trip.

And, the vicious cycle continues. Because, now I have to go in the day before to cover my trip, and if you took a courtesy call trip, you have to go the day before as well. Right?> We're all there now still trying to get on full flights the day before. You and I both get bumped and now there are in base reserves being called to cover both of us.

This thread shouldn't be about block holders versus reserves. It should be about how the company can "fire" some people for commuting issues and give space to positive to others.
If you take a future trip from your courtesy call when coverage begins at 3pm and you are released you may commute in (within the guidelines) the next day. If you take a trip that won't allow you to come in the next day due to full flights or an early check in you plan accordingly. Also if a reserve takes a trip but scheduling isn't releasing to check in the reserve plans accordingly as well. If a b/h knows they have a trip for tomorrow they have all day prior and up until their check in to plan accordingly. It all comes down to living the life of a commuter. Now when there is bad weather and coverage becomes critical it is to the companies discretion whether to give space positive to have f/a's available to cover trips. Maybe this is something that can be negotiated but pass travel is a privilege extended to employees, not a right. So for now if you have a trip it's get to base be it by plane, train or automobile.
I agree with you Ex-PIT, this shouldn't turn into RSV vs. BH and etc. We do have to be in base by midnight of the day they give us a Courtesy Call. We do not have to answer the call because our duty does not start until midnight, then we are fair game. Some find it easier to answer the call or leave a list to avoid 0500 daily calls.
The union only represents blockholders b/c they are the majority. The union claims to represent reserves, but when we complain they simply tell us, the blockholders (majority) will never go for it.

Whoever the irresponsible people are who got fired (if anyone did) will get their job back and meanwhile good responsible flight attendants on reserve at their wits end b/c we have NO quality of life (thank you union and blockholder majority who only pay lip service to reserve concerns).
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The union only represents blockholders b/c they are the majority. The union claims to represent reserves, but when we complain they simply tell us, the blockholders (majority) will never go for it.

Whoever the irresponsible people are who got fired (if anyone did) will get their job back and meanwhile good responsible flight attendants on reserve at their wits end b/c we have NO quality of life (thank you union and blockholder majority who only pay lip service to reserve concerns).

Here we go with the union bashing again. Nothing is perfect but they DO represent the flight attendants as a whole and many who are in the union are reserves. I have seen many rsvs represented during their times of need so please stay focused on improving our quality of life and not base and spread negativity.
Did you read the most recent e-line??? There is a bounty of improvements that have already been successfully negotiated for our benefit. Get involved and make a difference. It's so much more productive than incessant complaining.
Do any of the other airlines FAs have the same issues?

Oh my gosh, yes.

And as bad as it is for our reserves here, there are other airlines that have it worse. US west is an example.

Our reserves lost a lot of "quality of life" issues in that last bankruptcy.

They got hammered.
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