Terminated F/A's

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I heard this rumor prior to the weather and it went like this.....

PIT commuters on a SW flight were terminated when the plane returned to the gate and canceled and 20 of them called out sick.

This rumor started over a week prior to the weather.
You really went there???????

Reserves are NOT there to cover for block holder ignorance
Reserves are NOT there to work every holiday because the block holders don't feel like working. They hog trips any other day..
Reserves are NOT there to take the sh^% that is left over because block holders feel they are "too good" to work THAT trip..
Reserves are there for irreg ops and sick calls!!!

So since you opened that up.........
Be a bit more responsible, or YOU SHOULD BE FIRED!!!!

Reserve crews are there to cover any trip that is not covered. For whatever reason. Period. If you think otherwise, show me where it says reserves are only supposed to cover irregular ops and sick calls.
You really went there???????

Reserves are NOT there to cover for block holder ignorance
Reserves are NOT there to work every holiday because the block holders don't feel like working. They hog trips any other day..
Reserves are NOT there to take the sh^% that is left over because block holders feel they are "too good" to work THAT trip..
Reserves are there for irreg ops and sick calls!!!

So since you opened that up.........
Be a bit more responsible, or YOU SHOULD BE FIRED!!!!
Wow. I hope you never have an unfortunate circumstance where you might need the sympathy or help from your fellow workers.

I would be willing to bet they wouldn't be yelling..."fire her/him".

Try some anger management classes. I am sure your employer has an EAP line for you to get help.
Reserve crews are there to cover any trip that is not covered. For whatever reason. Period. If you think otherwise, show me where it says reserves are only supposed to cover irregular ops and sick calls.

Show me where it says a reserve is your lacky????
I am done with this conversation with you as you are one of those people apparently that thinks a reserve works for you.....
This just in from the desk of Mike Flores-
The plot thickens.

The Company does have the ability to scrutinize any employee's travel records on US Airways mainline or US Airways Express flights. Please be aware the Company can also request travel records for any employee traveling on any carrier the Company has reciprocal non-revenue and/or reciprocal cabin seat agreements. They have recently requested travel records from Southwest Airlines and the records have been provided. Please keep this in mind when commuting.

Thank you,

Mike Flores, President
The US Airways Master Executive Council
This rumor, now basically a fact of the Pittsburgh 18 has been rattling around for two weeks. The consensus from those I spoke to, is okay, so what? How does the company prove that the 18 didn't suddenly feel sick from the trauma of the day? Some of them might have been smart enough to go right to the doctor.

The thing is, these are real people with real mortgages, kids and families in a lousy economy.

Hopefully, everyone will use this as a wakeup call not to fool around with commuting. PIT closed just like SFO, MIA, LAX and BWI. They're not special, they're not entitiled, they're just screwed. Welcome to the party. No one wanted them there, their seniority landed on the heads of a lot of us. We preferred them as they were, in PIT, but now that they've arrived, they need to play nice.

As for the attitude toward reserves, well that's pretty typical Old Usairways think. Things are bad enough for reserves, they don't need to be cleaning up after crewmembers who know they're living on borrowed time.

Come in the night before, do the drive or suck it up and move. Thems the choices. Using reserves to save your tuckus is not. Not to mention that if these 18 do indeed get fired, and stay fired, look out, US will be "requesting" a lot more travel records.
The thing is, these are real people with real mortgages, kids and families in a lousy economy.

So are the CWA Customer Service Agents who are being fired (or are nearing that point) under the draconian attendance control program (ACP) Those "points" add up fast. Once someone is on a level, it take only two points in a year to go to the next level. Whether it's firing a gate agent for calling in sick or having a car break down or firing an F/A for inability to make to base on a weather day, it's an effort by the company to get rid of those expensive senior employees for minor infractions
I find it quite interesting that we don't hear about the ex PSA folks that commute from SAN-LAX and other places out west getting fired and there are a substantial number of them. I know because I've met at least 20 of them over the years.


Remember with minimum staffing and LAX/SFO/SEA/LAS/PHX being all Airbus to CLT & PHL, there are 2-3 extra cabin and 2 cockpit j/s available.
A situation like the other day with commuters stuck in hour upon hour long delays is one thing. The almost daily situation of commuters NOT following the rules and commuting last minute is another. There is CRYSTAL CLEAR language as to commuting. If you don't follow the rules it's on you. How many commute from PIT and use WN as a backup when in fact it is NOT your backup flight per the US commuter language? A WN flight cancels and you check option 44 for open trips and it's like bam, bam, bam.....pass the phone sista's. You see flights to Europe open left and right. I use PIT as an example as most rely on WN to get to base since US is almost always full except for some morning flights. The comments that "reserves are here to cover trips" is so old US thinking it makes me want to vomit. Reserves are NOT here to cover your inability to commute. That my friend is NOT an irregular ops situation. I don't like to see anyone lose a job, certainly in this economy and environment but rules are rules. When your actions affect other workers YES I have a problem with it. It's not just reserves at times. What if it's two b/h's that can't commute and no reserves to call? The flight now can't go which in turn could screw your fellow b/h's on the trip. Just make it to work and follow the rules. PERIOD. :rolleyes:
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Reserve crews are there to cover any trip that is not covered. For whatever reason. Period. If you think otherwise, show me where it says reserves are only supposed to cover irregular ops and sick calls.

GRRRRR! We are NOT the BH's biotches!
A situation like the other day with commuters stuck in hour upon hour long delays is one thing. The almost daily situation of commuters NOT following the rules and commuting last minute is another. There is CRYSTAL CLEAR language as to commuting. If you don't follow the rules it's on you. How many commute from PIT and use WN as a backup when in fact it is NOT your backup flight per the US commuter language? A WN flight cancels and you check option 44 for open trips and it's like bam, bam, bam.....pass the phone sista's. You see flights to Europe open left and right. I use PIT as an example as most rely on WN to get to base since US is almost always full except for some morning flights. The comments that "reserves are here to cover trips" is so old US thinking it makes me want to vomit. Reserves are NOT here to cover your inability to commute. That my friend is NOT an irregular ops situation. I don't like to see anyone lose a job, certainly in this economy and environment but rules are rules. When your actions affect other workers YES I have a problem with it. It's not just reserves at times. What if it's two b/h's that can't commute and no reserves to call? The flight now can't go which in turn could screw your fellow b/h's on the trip. Just make it to work and follow the rules. PERIOD. :rolleyes:

Any "truth" to the fact someone had signed in the ones who thought they were about to take off and they didn't show until after their trips deaprted?
"Hopefully, everyone will use this as a wakeup call not to fool around with commuting. PIT closed just like SFO, MIA, LAX and BWI. They're not special, they're not entitiled, they're just screwed. Welcome to the party. No one wanted them there, their seniority landed on the heads of a lot of us. We preferred them as they were, in PIT, but now that they've arrived, they need to play nice.

"As for the attitude toward reserves, well that's pretty typical Old Usairways think. Things are bad enough for reserves, they don't need to be cleaning up after crewmembers who know they're living on borrowed time."

First of all, can we define what "Old US Airways" think is? How many years is that seniority-wise? Because, I know that up until the base closed, reserve went down to 1982 seniority and those of us on reserve felt the pain. I was close to the bottom when PIT closed and I knew I would be a career reserve if PIT had stayed open.

Next, please tell me the rest of the story, because I missed the part about "entitlement." We're all doing the best we can with the hand we were dealt. If some start to take chances and gamble with their commute, I doubt seriously that their first thoughts are about "that's what reserves are for."

The sheer numbers of PHL commuters is what makes this situation different from other base closings. Not special or more important - just different. I've never worked a flight from the west coast with 15 or 20 or 30 non-rev crew members trying to get to work. I have worked PIT/PHL flights with that many crew members trying to get on.

This issue isn't about reserves versus "senior" PIT flight attendants, but rather the company giving space positive to some crew members when the company is short staffed and firing others when coverage is adequate. The reserve versus block holder issue is getting old. We would all be better served to focus on the contract and our union's ability to negotiate a contract we can all live and retire by.
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Any "truth" to the fact someone had signed in the ones who thought they were about to take off and they didn't show until after their trips deaprted?

If that is true I would venture to say those who were signed in will be terminated. We lost someone last year for that very thing. I believe the grounds were stealing from the company. Not sure what happened to the gal who signed him in.
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