Terminated F/A's

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Make no mistake I am not against b/h's, commuters or whatever. I also don't think that "That's what reserves are for" goes through a commuters mind when the can't make it to work. BUT, it certainly does affect a reserve when they don't plan accordingly. For those that are stuck in weather or both flights cancel that your listed on fine. Your covered as you followed the rules and did what was required of you to get to work. It's a totally different story for those that certainly do play the game. Nobody likes to commute and I'd bet you'd find very few that do it for fun. Be it current contract or next rules are rules. The commuter policy should be followed. We all know it's required of reserves to be in base......so same goes for a b/h who has the trip and chose to fly in with the clock ticking. The witch hunt was out for reserves non-reving on other carriers. I see the eye of the company is shifting focus just a bit or broadening their search if you will. I know the loads are high and the commuter list is like NOOOO other city pair as PIT-PHL. That is fact but going the day before may need to be considered.
" I know the loads are high and the commuter list is like NOOOO other city pair as PIT-PHL. That is fact but going the day before may need to be considered."

But where does it end? It's such a vicious cycle. The flights are all full all day every day, so if you're going the day before, the flights are still full. Now, you're spending (wasting) an entire off day trying to get to work and still not making it.
Well there's the turnpike for $19.10 in tolls, Amtrak for about $45.00 or a walkup on WN if available for about $130-140.00. This is the reality. You stay with US and wanna still live in Pittsburgh you plan accordingly. I'm not trying to sound like a hardass but we all have choices. There may not be 20-40 people listed on flights to other destinations but some are extremely hard due to flights being extremely full. Think PHX, SFO, LAS, MIA, ATL. There are not many flights a day and I think we can ALL agree that flights with a good handfull of seats open to cities like I mentioned are very few and in between. I know the commute is hard but those that DON'T currently plan accordingly need to think about it. Your employed in PHL now. It blows but it's reality. I learned to accept it Loooooooong ago. It doesn't mean I'm $h!tting rainbows and loving life. Just livin' the dream. ;)
Check out how many PHL FAs couldnt make it from PIT to PHL today by looking at the RSV screen. I count at least 10 all around the same time; all around the time Southwest PIT-PHL Canceled. I am sick of people not being responsible enough to show up for work. I am sorry PIT closed; but show up for work! Be a responsible adult and show up for work.
I might be a little confused, on previous threads the reserves were complaining about not flying and only getting paid minimum, complaining about blockholders who overfly and not being able to make enough money to pay their bills.

Now your complaining about having to work, is it me or does someone else make this correlation?
I might be a little confused, on previous threads the reserves were complaining about not flying and only getting paid minimum, complaining about blockholders who overfly and not being able to make enough money to pay their bills.

Now your complaining about having to work, is it me or does someone else make this correlation?
It is you.
I doubt that, go through the previous AFA threads and the evidence is right there.
Using reserves to cover those that cannot commute on a chronic city pair is wrong. What are you not getting? Remarkable. :rolleyes:
Check out how many PHL FAs couldnt make it from PIT to PHL today by looking at the RSV screen. I count at least 10 all around the same time; all around the time Southwest PIT-PHL Canceled. I am sick of people not being responsible enough to show up for work. I am sorry PIT closed; but show up for work! Be a responsible adult and show up for work.

This has been going on all summer. Check screen 18 once in a while. Sometimes 20-25 international trips a day. Primary blockholders have two months notice to show up for these trips;reserves an hour and a half.
Do what someone from PIT once said to a commuter : "You should live where you work."

Really, whats the big deal? You list for 2 flights and don't get on and then go home.

Sounds good to me.
Right or wrong about commuters who abuse the system, is it not the reserve FA's job to cover open trips?

If someone calls in sick who works on the ground, they have to cover it with overtime, sometimes people get forced to work, its not unique to inflight, but bottom line is that reserves cover sick calls for whatever reason, now dont they?
Again......repeat after me, "The purpose of a reserve is NOT to cover commuters who can't make it to work". Not being able to catch a seat on a flight to work and calling off a trip sick is apples and oranges. WOW. :blink:
Right or wrong about commuters who abuse the system, is it not the reserve FA's job to cover open trips?

If someone calls in sick who works on the ground, they have to cover it with overtime, sometimes people get forced to work, its not unique to inflight, but bottom line is that reserves cover sick calls for whatever reason, now dont they?
I would suspect that the company would prefer sick calls not all at once.

Bottom line is no matter what reason a FA cant make it to work the system is set up that a reserve covers them, right, wrong or indifferent, correct?

I am not saying its right or wrong, but you reserves complain about not flying, not making money, complaining about bhs who overfly and now your complaining about having to work?

You cant have your cake and eat it too.
Reserves have an obligation to be in base when on duty. Those that are on reserve and commute need to make sure they are in base by midnight when going on duty. They are also required to stay in base until released from duty to commute home. A b/h who has a trip has an obligation as being employed to commute to base in a timely manner. Reserves work for per diem basically. When there is weather or irregular operations a reserve is to be used. Reserves wanting to work has NOTHING to do with b/h's not making their trips due to their being irresponsible.
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