Terminated F/A's

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isnt it funny how the mechanic group, which are from other station homes, also commuting to work, somehow manage to find a crash pad in their new work city, and absorb the additional cost of such, and factor their commuting in such a manor as to be at work on time...there is also a union involved and believe me, life SUX doing this....but if you want to live the dream, you do what you have to do, not what you want to do....whats so friggin hard to undestand about this? What ever group you work for, flight,csa,maint., ..your obligated to be at work on time..end of diatribe
isnt it funny how the mechanic group, which are from other station homes, also commuting to work, somehow manage to find a crash pad in their new work city, and absorb the additional cost of such, and factor their commuting in such a manor as to be at work on time...there is also a union involved and believe me, life SUX doing this....but if you want to live the dream, you do what you have to do, not what you want to do....whats so friggin hard to undestand about this? What ever group you work for, flight,csa,maint., ..your obligated to be at work on time..end of diatribe

YOU NAILED IT midnightmech :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
You folks do realize that unions are the problem. In non union industry's peopel live and work where they want to not where they have to.
You folks do realize that unions are the problem. In non union industry's peopel live and work where they want to not where they have to.
You are absolutely right, mostly because in non-union industries persons that held positions in reduced-service or eliminated service areas probably wouldn't even have their jobs anymore at all.

I'd suggest cultivating at least some evidence to support your hypothesis, lest your statement seem like an awkward and poorly-timed attempt to blindly bash those unions representing employees in a very unique and volatile industry.
You folks do realize that unions are the problem. In non union industry's peopel live and work where they want to not where they have to.
You are not serious are you?

You have lost touch with reality.

Unions dont run companies, executives do.

And if it wasnt for those pesky unions you wouldnt have a job at US because those pesky unions kept this place in business.
They dont get drug tested as the Sandcastle, maybe its happy hour and Doug is buying.

Guess someone hasnt read the ethics book, your not suppose to post from a company computer.
In general I admit to mixed feelings about unions. However in the US aviation industry they are nearly required. Over time management at various airlines have shown themselves to be incapable of dealing fairly with individual employees.

Also, when you think of it, airline unions act in the best interests of the flying public by not allowing airlines to arbitrarily fire people. Using flight attendants as an example, can you imagine the safety implications in the modern economy and workplace if management was allowed to arbitrarilly fire FA's at age 25? Think of your average Wal-Mart cashier being your FA and potentially dealing with live threatening circumstances. That thought sure scares the hell out of me.
I don't like where this is going....so here's a time out for everyone....

Do NOT make this a debate about union vs. non union

Do NOT make this a debate about block holders vs. reserve

Do NOT insult attack or call each other names.

DO get back on topic, or I will close the thread....
So has the company terminated, or suspended with the intent to terminate, a large group of PIT F/A's recently?
I don't know. This was the first I'd heard about it.

What I do know because I talked to the agent involved is that they have been having some problems with commuters out of CLT to PIT. Last flight out.

And the conversation revolved around that old plastic id they gave us years ago that have our date of hire on them. They're are not picture id's. They are just a card that has our employee number and hire date on them. And from what I was able to gather, the agents have been told, that if said employees don't have that card...they go to the bottom of the stand by list.

I told the agent that isn't our policy and has never been and it was no wonder they were having issues with the f/a's. I also told her that we aren't required to have that thing and it's so old most people have more than likely lost it or stuck in a drawer.

And she just said, I just call the supervisor and let them handle it. But she reiterated that she has been told by supervision that if the f/a's don't have that card, to put them at the bottom of the stand by list.

Has any one else heard about this?

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