Ted Nugent

delldude said:
How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures
Here are the facts:

[*]12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
[*]The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.
[*]Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
[*]The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.
[*]True The Vote is Chuck Norris approved.
How popular is Voter ID?
If its that big a problem then they should do away with absentee voting.  After all, how can you be sure the registered voter is the one who actually voted and not someone else?
cltrat said:
lol that's funny   here in NC  the hogs are not too bad yet there are getting to be more and more coyotes.
and yes tree to reference getting rid of a pest as hunting is indeed liberal tripe.
That's a whole lotta hog.  While he say be able to feed his family for a year he could have one hell of a pig roast instead.  
A .308 round is probably the minimum requirement for something that big.
cltrat said:
anything under a .44mag handgun would just make him angry...lol
You would probably have to unload all six rounds into him.  Just to be on the safe side.
777 fixer said:
That's a whole lotta hog.  While he say be able to feed his family for a year he could have one hell of a pig roast instead.  
A .308 round is probably the minimum requirement for something that big.
Man that thing is a beast!!!  It's got bigger hocks than Hillary.
Don't think a hog that size would be much good for eating, probably real "gamey" because he's been around awhile.
An AR 308 with a 20 round clip is more than enough to take on any hog or large game, that's what I use.  An AR15/Mini 14 with .223 works also, but with one that size, you might need all 20 rounds to bring him down. 
A .44 mag might just make him mad, use a Desert Eagle .50AE if you want to be a modern day Dirty Harry.
Hackman said:
Man that thing is a beast!!!  It's got bigger hocks than Hillary.
Don't think a hog that size would be much good for eating, probably real "gamey" because he's been around awhile.
An AR 308 with a 20 round clip is more than enough to take on any hog or large game, that's what I use.  An AR15/Mini 14 with .223 works also, but with one that size, you might need all 20 rounds to bring him down. 
A .44 mag might just make him mad, use a Desert Eagle .50AE if you want to be a modern day Dirty Harry.
A 40mm grenade launcher attached to it probably wouldn't hurt either. ;)
777 fixer said:
A 40mm grenade launcher attached to it probably wouldn't hurt either. ;)
I like it, instant pig sausage. I'm sure the ranchers wouldn't mind, along with the muslim radicals. Issue a wlld pig fatwa, destroy the swine at all costs.
Hackman said:
I like it, instant pig sausage. I'm sure the ranchers wouldn't mind, along with the muslim radicals. Issue a wlld pig fatwa, destroy the swine at all costs.
While the explosions would be cool you would have a hell of a time picking out all the shrapnel.  
777 fixer said:
While the explosions would be cool you would have a hell of a time picking out all the shrapnel.  
Again, wild hogs are not eaten for the most part, (the younger ones can be eaten, big ones are "gamey") they are attempting to be controlled (not going so well), so no "picking out shrapnel".
If you watch the listed Natgeo documentry on Hogzilla the 1000lb wild hog, a Texas rancher states "If I could concentrate them all in one spot I'd like to drop a nuclear bomb on 'em". They are spreading way too fast, already into most states. These things are mean, aggressive, and they will kill you if cornered. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/videos/hogzilla/
Hackman said:
Again, wild hogs are not eaten for the most part, (the younger ones can be eaten, big ones are "gamey") they are attempting to be controlled (not going so well), so no "picking out shrapnel".
If you watch the listed Natgeo documentry on Hogzilla the 1000lb wild hog, a Texas rancher states "If I could concentrate them all in one spot I'd like to drop a nuclear bomb on 'em". They are spreading way too fast, already into most states. These things are mean, aggressive, and they will kill you if cornered. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/videos/hogzilla/
The guy who shot that 500 pounder said it would feed his family for a year.  If it were me I would have one hell of a pig roast.
777 fixer said:
The guy who shot that 500 pounder said it would feed his family for a year.  If it were me I would have one hell of a pig roast.
I guess everyone has their limits on taste concerning wild game.  One that size, 6 or 7 years old, would probably be some stinky and nasty swine. I've tryed an older boar a few times, and I didn't like it much even with spices all over it. I'm not real picky.

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