I am sure that Bush and Cheney are getting thru as many times as they want.KCFlyer said:Think about this....in the course of daily radio talk show, only a handful of people get thru. And those that do have been carefully screened. Are you getting a truly representative sampling? Is this person national or local? If national, might I ask who he is? If local, are there THAT many people from your area serving in Iraq? And finally, if NWA/AMT were to call into this show, do you think he'd make it on the air?
FredF said:
the only problem here with you digesting what i intimated is the hannity spot i mentioned is live from some beer garden wherever they broadcast from...so how unbiased can that be?KCFlyer said:Come to think of it, I have heard opposing voices on Hannity's show. The problem is, when they make a point, Hannity tends to take over the conversation and the caller is usually dropped. He end's it with something about liberals. But....this is something to ponder...if Jesus were walking among us today, would he be a conservative or a liberal? My guess is that he'd be one holding the "anti" stance on Hannity's show.
atabuy said:Politics is a dirty business and I am glad I do not have to work in it.
I read tonight that 58,000 absintee ballots are missing in Fla. I did not read the story, but if this is true we won't know who is the new president Nov. 2 if this keeps up.
Good night.
Apparently the criteria used by the Republicans to determine which voters were eligibile and which weren't was whether Republican mailings sent to those voters were returned by the post office, which hardly meets the prima facie requirements to qualify as voter fraud.
USAir757 said:I think it is safe to say that the election system needs an overhaul.... there is obviously dirty work being done by both sides to screw with the official counts - it makes me sick just to think about it. It goes against the very principles this nation stands on, and it needs to stop. Karmatically speaking, I hope those who mess with the election process, regardless of what side they're on, get theirs someday.
Here is a story under Bush's watch. As he said before, the buck stops here.
USAir757 said:If someone drops a jar of tomato sauce in aisle three, are you going to fire the president of Safeway Supermarkets? Put it in perspective.[post="196764"][/post]
"The buck stops here" argument doesn't work, not in Abu Graib, and certainly not in this article.
In perspective? Is the tomato sauce highly explosive and probably being used to attack US troops by people who oppose Safeway's occupation of Kroger?
One of the principles of command is that you are responsible for the actions of your subordinates, not just when they succeed but also when they fail. While I don't expect Bush to review patrol reports for every squad patrol conducted, he does set the goals and priorities for the organizations involved and does set the overall tone for the operation.
USAir757 said:I heard the stuff was gone before the war even started.[post="196823"][/post]
Either way, when the US Marine helicopter crashed in Kosovo killing all 5 soldiers on board, I didn't point any fingers at President Clinton.
The president isn't personally responsible for every single bad thing that happens...