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TEAMSTERS vs IAMAW questions from the voters mechs and related

:shock: Well it still reads the same no matter how many times you read it, yes I do know the RLA but explain to me how you ended up with so many amendments if there where no unilateral agreements going on? Your saying each and every one was put before you and the membership? It would take an additional 5 year on that many amemdments. Dude you must have one hell of a flower garden at home with all the bull you been sling around! 😱
dude a letter of agreement and a contractual change are two different ballparks.

letters of agreement clarify contractual language and you know it...and LOA's are voted on by the membership at ratification time because they are part of the contract being voted on.

anytime you change existing contractual verbages the General Chair is authorized to do so only after obtaining permission from the membership(IAM body of the union) through a vote from the membership.

like changing wages,hours,benefits as in a contract modification?accepted or rejected by the membership

quit trying to beat a dead horse...
The problem is you are not sitting in any union or labor relations position at US and do not have a copy of the CBA nor ever worked under it.

So you once again have no idea of what you post.

For example when the FAA changed the SIDA badging requirement a LOA was needed to give the employee the time to obtain a new badge when transfering to a new city.

Like I said, stick to thing you know about, and this one is not one of them.
The problem is you are not sitting in any union or labor relations position at US and do not have a copy of the CBA nor ever worked under it.

So you once again have no idea of what you post.

For example when the FAA changed the SIDA badging requirement a LOA was needed to give the employee the time to obtain a new badge when transfering to a new city.

Like I said, stick to thing you know about, and this one is not one of them.
If You Hit A Blind Man With A Stick. He Will Still Say It Hurts. 😱
From where I sit a "Letter of Agreement" is a "Work Around" that allows all manner of shenanigans to take place outside of the view of the rank & file. IIRC large portions of the ALPA contract contained various and sundry LOA's that essentialy formed the basis for what transpired with MAA.

The whole process is one of the most undemocratic situations I've witnessed. No ONE represents the workers best interests.
bob its an industrywide practice and even the great IBT has them in their contract.. 😱
look on the IBT 104 webpage you can open up the IAM contract there(we're saving money for a new car for roach by letting them post it)and read the LOA's for yourself.
We had 3 Letters that were the first thing that were removed when we started the negociations - we prefer the contract to be changed when we can instead of letters unlike the IAM who seems to collect them.
N E G O T I A T I O N S.

You are on the committee, spell it right., lol!!!
We had 3 Letters that were the first thing that were removed when we started the negociations - we prefer the contract to be changed when we can instead of letters unlike the IAM who seems to collect them.
funny..why then are they listed in your current proposal?

we prefer the contract to be changed when we can instead of letters unlike the IAM who seems to collect them.

your first contract...it'll get more complex and need clarification down the raod....

our loa's are there at ratification time dude...
funny..why then are they listed in your current proposal?

They are listed for "deletion". Proposals were made to change the wording of the contract instead of a side letter or amendment. 🙂
They are listed for "deletion". Proposals were made to change the wording of the contract instead of a side letter or amendment. 🙂
so whats the difference then...if they are in at the time of ratification...all can see....no secret crap like you guys are trying to insinuate...

its part of the contract....

your contract is relatively simpler to format due to limited scope,no company pension,one a/c type and so on....
The difference is that we have three and made efforts to make them go away, Unlike the IAM who has 2/3rds of thier book in letters. That makes it almost impossible to follow the contract, course we both know that is what the IAM wants. It is the shut up and just do what I say, take my word for it, that the IAM runs things with. That is part of why I feel so stongly against your organization.

Vote Teamsters
The problem is you are not sitting in any union or labor relations position at US and do not have a copy of the CBA nor ever worked under it.

So you once again have no idea of what you post.

For example when the FAA changed the SIDA badging requirement a LOA was needed to give the employee the time to obtain a new badge when transfering to a new city.

Like I said, stick to thing you know about, and this one is not one of them.

Once again you just proved how wrong you are I do work for US Air I do have current copys of both contracts and the agreements! :shock:
so whats the difference then...if they are in at the time of ratification...all can see....no secret crap like you guys are trying to insinuate...

its part of the contract....

your contract is relatively simpler to format due to limited scope,no company pension,one a/c type and so on....

Secret?? :blink: LOL..."Side letters/agreements" have been a sore spot for many of the members here in the past. The membership let the administrators know that they were not pleased about the POSSIBILITY of the side letters being done on the "sly". If there is a need to clarify the contract language then it will be done in the contract itself at the point of needed correction/clarification. 🙂
so whats the difference then...if they are in at the time of ratification...all can see....no secret crap like you guys are trying to insinuate...

its part of the contract....

your contract is relatively simpler to format due to limited scope,no company pension,one a/c type and so on....
One aircraft type?? No company pension but the 401K is addressed.

Comparing Letters of Agreements, true, the IBT contract is much, much simpler. Looking at the IAM contract and the Letters of Agreement, there are many letters covering everything from Airbus training to new SIDA badge requirements to the acreetion of QA, MOC. I am just assuming and putting out my opinion for what it's worth, that the much higher number of letters are due to a contract that's been in force much longer, a much bigger company overall, and the distress that the airline has been in, and the previous mergers.......which may have resulted in every detail needing to be spelled out in the contract............because maybe someone wasn't playing fair. :unsure:
The difference is that we have three and made efforts to make them go away, Unlike the IAM who has 2/3rds of thier book in letters. That makes it almost impossible to follow the contract, course we both know that is what the IAM wants. It is the shut up and just do what I say, take my word for it, that the IAM runs things with. That is part of why I feel so stongly against your organization.
Vote Teamsters
you know from my experience as a steward for the most part following the contract is about the last thing most on both sides want to do...

btw...the current LL1976 prez did a lot to clean up this area of the contract...and it is a concern to them as it is to you...
Once again you just proved how wrong you are I do work for US Air I do have current copys of both contracts and the agreements! :shock:
I was talking to piney bob, do you have a complex?

And Awa, apparently you have not read the IAM/US CBA because the CBA is not 2/3s LOA and all of them have been voted on upon ratification.

How can you be wrong again?

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