dude a letter of agreement and a contractual change are two different ballparks.:
Well it still reads the same no matter how many times you read it, yes I do know the RLA but explain to me how you ended up with so many amendments if there where no unilateral agreements going on? Your saying each and every one was put before you and the membership? It would take an additional 5 year on that many amemdments. Dude you must have one hell of a flower garden at home with all the bull you been sling around! 😱
letters of agreement clarify contractual language and you know it...and LOA's are voted on by the membership at ratification time because they are part of the contract being voted on.
anytime you change existing contractual verbages the General Chair is authorized to do so only after obtaining permission from the membership(IAM body of the union) through a vote from the membership.
like changing wages,hours,benefits as in a contract modification?accepted or rejected by the membership
quit trying to beat a dead horse...