Do you think that cleaners will be coming back as US Airways employees??
Taken from the FAQ, March 3.
Q. Why are we spending money making the planes look new and shiny on the outside while neglecting the dismal condition of our cabin interiors?
A. This is a great question and, of course, we know that our customers remember the inside of our airplanes, too. The truth is we’re not neglecting our interiors at all. We’re taking two measures to improve the appearance of our interiors and to make them consistent among all of our aircraft. First, we’re determining the standards for cleaning fleet-wide. We need to make sure we have the same quality expectations for every aircraft, no matter the type or operating certificate. That is a work in progress and as we get more information, we’ll keep you update as to when improvements will debut. Next, we’re working on finding the right vendor to do the job. We’ve issued a request for proposals (RFP) to vendors and we’re meeting with them this week to determine the best fit for cleaning our aircraft.