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TEAMSTERS vs IAMAW questions from the voters mechs and related

Did I say they had not been voted on, I did not - You like to stick to the facts then do not put words in my statement that were not there. Oh by the way if you do not like my spelling - all I can say is - To F'N BAD
Well this is great.
1,645 times this topic has been viewed since its post,82 replies and the question has not been answered yet,wow
Well this is great.
1,645 times this topic has been viewed since its post,82 replies and the question has not been answered yet,wow
It is the Company's view that the language contained in the scope
>provisions of the two labor agreements requires that the IAM contract is
>the successor labor agreement in the merger (regardless of which union is
>the final representative).

this help or what?
It is the Company's view that the language contained in the scope
>provisions of the two labor agreements requires that the IAM contract is
>the successor labor agreement in the merger (regardless of which union is
>the final representative).

this help or what?
Thats one answer yes,Its Ron speaking for the company,but its not an answer in regards to the legality of the original question,now is it.
Thats one answer yes,Its Ron speaking for the company,but its not an answer in regards to the legality of the original question,now is it.
go look on the 104 website....you can see IAM scope :lol: there for yourself.
Do you think that cleaners will be coming back as US Airways employees??

Taken from the FAQ, March 3.

Q. Why are we spending money making the planes look new and shiny on the outside while neglecting the dismal condition of our cabin interiors?
A. This is a great question and, of course, we know that our customers remember the inside of our airplanes, too. The truth is we’re not neglecting our interiors at all. We’re taking two measures to improve the appearance of our interiors and to make them consistent among all of our aircraft. First, we’re determining the standards for cleaning fleet-wide. We need to make sure we have the same quality expectations for every aircraft, no matter the type or operating certificate. That is a work in progress and as we get more information, we’ll keep you update as to when improvements will debut. Next, we’re working on finding the right vendor to do the job. We’ve issued a request for proposals (RFP) to vendors and we’re meeting with them this week to determine the best fit for cleaning our aircraft.
Do you think that cleaners will be coming back as US Airways employees??

with the IAM contract as the surviving document they'll have to....at least in the hubs.
Wishfull thinking - I would like to see it happen - but you can not say it will now can you??
Wishfull thinking - I would like to see it happen - but you can not say it will now can you??
even with a successful bid by IBT you'll be under IAM until 2009...and even if IBT as per andys words in PIT move to open the contract...it'll be at least 2.5 years until thats ratified.
And that response has nothing to do with you saying that the cleaners will be coming back when you are well aware that the company is shopping new vendors as you type. Typical IAM side stepping - saying something that means nothing when you are busted in a lie. Dell I am sorry to say you have gotten just as predictable as 700.
Insp17 wrote;

Oh 700 before you start yes I was under the IAM at on time while at TWA as they closed it down and the IAM said they did thier best to protect us as they made a deal with AMERICAN and stabbed us all in the back!

I actually attended the first integration meeting as the representative of Local 562. Ed LaClair and Sito Pantoja were there to represent the IAM. I had worked with Sito back in 1981 or so.

One of the things that they revealed was that management was putting the screws to the IAM. It seems that TWA owed the IAM something like $500 million for the pension and the company also had an engine or something that the IAM owned. In order to prevent TWA from defaulting on the $500million for the IAM pension plan the IAM gave up their contractual rights.

Now I've heard that some on these boards tout the IAM pension as a great deal, maybe they should ask the TWA guys how well it worked out for them.
And that response has nothing to do with you saying that the cleaners will be coming back when you are well aware that the company is shopping new vendors as you type. Typical IAM side stepping - saying something that means nothing when you are busted in a lie. Dell I am sorry to say you have gotten just as predictable as 700.
you make me laugh...its common knowledge they outsource utility everywhere except the main hubs on the east side.its also common knowlege they aren't getting their moneys worth for the job they're paying for now...and thats why they're shopping dude.....duh :lol:

now maybe doug will want to cut a LOA to staff utes so we can have more votes?? :lol:

ATTACK...ATTACK... :lol:

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