So what part is BS? we dont have the worst contract in the industry where we gave up stuff that nobody else gave up such as starting with just one week of vacation, 5 sick days, 20 hours of extra pay for working 10 Holidays, 10 IOD days, straight time for training, no doubletime etc? Which one is BS?
The UA 3.9% was the second cut after the 1113e initial pay cuts of 13% were imposed on the membership without a vote two years earlier.
Yep, and UAL didnt have $5billion in the bank thats why the court authorized a 13% paycut. Four months after that with over a Billion in cash we gave AA a 17.5% wage cut but a 25% compensation cut. 13% plus 3.9% is still less than 17.5 let alone 25% and we werent even in BK.
We agreed to a freeze versus an outright termination which is better than the pension termination and elimination of retiree medical at UA during BK in 2005. We got nine more years of pension credit as a result of the 2003 concessions and retirees kept their retiree medical coverage even after BK.
It wasnt our call, it was the PBGCs call. Either way our pension was termonated. We got nine more years of a promise and we more than paid for it with the concessions we gave up to keep it.
Show me one contract that limits foreign outsourcing.
Uniteds contract does not allow NB to be outsourced overseas. I believe UPS also has limits on foreign outsourcing.
Do you know how much the TAESL revenue is? No and neither do I. You are making broad hypotheticals that are not based on facts so that means your comments fall under the Gilboy definition of Bob is full of BS.
The company said from 12% to 15% increase in the cap if TAESL is closed.
Yes we did give up many other things is concessions but it was like a cafeteria plan. You had to reach a cost savings target and any combination of items had to get you to a number. Ask Chuck, he was your president at the time. Bottom line is that even though we gave up all many things, you neglect to state that for nine years we had thousands making more than those UA AMTs that used to worked airframe overhaul in IND, OAK, and SFO.
Who is full of BS now? You quote BLS stats that say that most NWA workers who left, at top pay, earn less than they did before, well they would have made less had they stayed as well. You have zero proof that we made more for nine years than any of those workers. Ten years after and we still make less than we did before, we have proof of that. Can you prove that all the guys who left NWA earn less than if they would have stayed?
Bob why don't you finally come out of the closet and state that you hate the TWU and join Dave, Ken, and Chuck in getting AMFA cards signed? At least you would have some integrity like Chuck and Ken when they gave up their TWU positions to back what they believe in. You are worse than the person this thread is about, the IBT organizer forging cards. Even that guy took a position in back his union.
You have no back bone because you take the fence rider route. You take your $22K a year plus expenses, galavant around the system on your A12s, and haven't worked a crew in years all because you are a TWU president. You make false promises to get you back in office (like every other politician) and then when you can't deliver you blame everyone else. Grow a pair Bob, be like Ken and Chuck and step out and be the real fighting bad ass you claim to be. Resign and circulate the little yellow cards. Grow a pair Bob.
Classic, someone who hides behind an alias calling out someone who isnt and saying he has no backbone. You truly are pathetic. Accusation but no proof. Every time you claim I made promises I ask you to provide proof and get nothing but silence. maybe thats your style. You cant dispute what I say because its factual so you engage in two paragraphs of a personal attack. Classic.
Why wont you come out of the closet and be a man and say who you are? We know the answer. I will continue to do as I do because the people who put me here want me to keep doing it, I never forgot where I came from and where I have no problem going back to. I beleieve being an Aircraft Mechanic is a noble job and provides value and we should be compensated accordingly, not discounted like pork bellies on the commodities market to keep overpaid false unionists rolling around in six figure salaries. I will miss the $22k though, but I'm sure I can make it up somewhere else. Sure it will be a hit, especially with the lousy deal people like you helped jam down our throats with all your lies and deceptions.
As I told that moron Gillespie, I dont hate the TWU, I take pride in its IRA roots and the goals set out by Mike Quill and others, I hate what people like you have done to it. At AA you have turned it into what Mike Quill fought against when they formed the TWU 75 years ago-A Company Union. Read the book, In Transit, or Mike Quill:Himself" All the excuses for concessions that the company unions that were in place in the NYC Mass Transit syatem used back then we hear from people like you today.