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Teamster Organizer caught forging Authorization Cards

"We are the Union"? Thats not what the TWU's lawyers said this past week in Court in ORD. There the Internationals lawyer said that Jim Little and gang can do whatever they want, even over the objections of the members and the people the members elected to represent them. Its not "our" union, its theirs, we can either do as they say or leave.

By the way in discovery the International finally released the PP presentation they used to dupe the IEC into accepting their plan, in it they claimed that Overhaul will be reduced at least 50%. Total reduction from when aa filed BK would be 6000 jobs lost, thats 1500 more than they said we would lose if we did not ratify the concessions. Our total headcount would land at 6325 according to the presentation based on info given by the company.

AA is headed towards substantial headcount reductions, more than likely there will be RIFS. With System Protection gone and free reign to rewrite the QAM the company will be able to put formerly system protected workers in OH on the street and keep the low paid new mechanics on the line.

We accepted the worst contract in the industry upon the advice of our International. They hired experts to make video's to convince our members to accept this deal, claiming that it would save 4500 jobs, yet within months they reveal that at the time they knew that to be false, that by 2017 if we agreed to the terms that our headcount would go down to just 6325, thats a two thirds reduction from when we first started accepting industry leading concessions to save jobs.

This is what happens when your representation is appointed. This situation only exists at AA. Other Locals outside the AA system do not have appointed International employees in control of their contract. This is an intolerable situation and it must be corrected by any means necessary.

You tell people to get involved if they don't like it, then when they do you tell them that they should not try and change it, that they should accept and support those who are doing the things that they were against from the start, the things you told them to get involved with to change. You claim that once we get involved that we have to put aside our loyalty to the members, the profession and give our loyalty to people the International appoints, people who can not be held accountable by the members. The fact is the Constitution says the members are the Ultimate Authority, then it follows that statement with language that takes authority away from the membership, so which part of the Constitution should we obey, the part that says the membership is the ultimate authority or the part that says they aren't? The fact is you are a liar, a cultist who really does not believe in Unionism or Democracy. On top of all that you are a Coward as well.
The Amfa/Amp drives are pretty much history at AA, Their track record and weak constitution pretty much sums it up. The Teamsters, when the whole truth comes out will pretty much follow the same path.

Why not look at directing your individual efforts into something constructive, and go to the meetings and be proactive, since "We are the Union," we can make a difference, just remember, the majority of the membership is the ultimate decision makers! Not just the few members on this board.

In Solidarity,

Save your post for tonights Saturday Night Live skit.
You are in denial and are in fear of losing your cushy union.
Get over it. By July we will be AMFA.
Since most of the people at AA in maintenance realize just how much we have had taken from us over the yrs. My question is to all of you, Why has it taken this long for us to rid AA of the TWU?

Isn't it time we make a drastic change, for over 50 yrs the TWU has promised we'll get em next time, well the end of most of our careers is coming. By the time the contract becomes amendable it will be real close for a large number here.

It's time for YOU to sign an AMFA card, so that we can kick them out this YEAR.

The AMFA organizers have given you information about why and told you many things about how the IBT works as well as others from other carriers here on this Forum. So why do you still support the notion of them coming to AA?

Find a way to get a card either from one of you coworkers on the internet at one of the sites you have been told about many times.

We are getting close to the dead line for us to file, our cards. Reaching the goal to rid AA of the TWU is up to all of you now.

AMFA at AA in 2013
The Amfa/Amp drives are pretty much history at AA, Their track record and weak constitution pretty much sums it up. The Teamsters, when the whole truth comes out will pretty much follow the same path.

Why not look at directing your individual efforts into something constructive, and go to the meetings and be proactive, since "We are the Union," we can make a difference, just remember, the majority of the membership is the ultimate decision makers! Not just the few members on this board.

In Solidarity,

Come May of 2013 you will see how well over 50% of the membership have been puting their individual efforts into something constructive when AMFA files with the NMB for an election. The AMP drive has been vacated only to turn their efforts over to AMFA. The AMFA drive is alive and very well, as you will see in May.
So is anyone going to file with the NMB of the possibility of forging cards by the teamsters? I think someone should as letting it go, the teamsters will continue to do it in the future and quite frankly, it may very well be the desiding factor in an election that they never deserved to have. Plus it might help open the eyes of the NMB when AMFA will have to protest the TWU and companies list. If they see how much the company, TWU and teamsters are all working together to keep AMFA out, then maybe the NMB will be alot more willing to listen to AMFA this time around during the protesting, and launch fines and punishments for interfering with elections and braking federal laws... Just a thought, but it maybe to AMFA's benefit to file a complaint, but I also think it would be stronger comming from the membership at AA and not AMFA. Any thoughts on this??
The Amfa/Amp drives are pretty much history at AA, Their track record and weak constitution pretty much sums it up. The Teamsters, when the whole truth comes out will pretty much follow the same path.

Why not look at directing your individual efforts into something constructive, and go to the meetings and be proactive, since "We are the Union," we can make a difference, just remember, the majority of the membership is the ultimate decision makers! Not just the few members on this board.

In Solidarity,
If we are the Union then why is the TWU claiming the membership could lose their equity if they leave the TWU? If we are the Union, then why did Local 514 build a new Union Hall after three membership votes not to build one? If we are the Union then why, when an Officer is voted out of office he/she still remains at the Local Hall or International on the those payrolls? If we are the Union then why so many side letters that have been signed that we never voted on or approved? IF the Majority Rules then why does than 300 members vote and approve to spend dues money on frivilous BS like sports tickets and big splash parties?

Hell AMFA has more supporters here than you get at a Monthly Membership Meeting.

We are the Union my ASS
So is anyone going to file with the NMB of the possibility of forging cards by the teamsters? I think someone should as letting it go, the teamsters will continue to do it in the future and quite frankly, it may very well be the desiding factor in an election that they never deserved to have. Plus it might help open the eyes of the NMB when AMFA will have to protest the TWU and companies list. If they see how much the company, TWU and teamsters are all working together to keep AMFA out, then maybe the NMB will be alot more willing to listen to AMFA this time around during the protesting, and launch fines and punishments for interfering with elections and braking federal laws... Just a thought, but it maybe to AMFA's benefit to file a complaint, but I also think it would be stronger comming from the membership at AA and not AMFA. Any thoughts on this??
Who gives a rats ass? Let the NMB send us a ballot and then the truth will prevail. A forged card will not result in a favorable ballot casting. Dont worry about the little crap.
So is anyone going to file with the NMB of the possibility of forging cards by the teamsters? I think someone should as letting it go, the teamsters will continue to do it in the future and quite frankly, it may very well be the desiding factor in an election that they never deserved to have. Plus it might help open the eyes of the NMB when AMFA will have to protest the TWU and companies list. If they see how much the company, TWU and teamsters are all working together to keep AMFA out, then maybe the NMB will be alot more willing to listen to AMFA this time around during the protesting, and launch fines and punishments for interfering with elections and braking federal laws... Just a thought, but it maybe to AMFA's benefit to file a complaint, but I also think it would be stronger comming from the membership at AA and not AMFA. Any thoughts on this??


Unless the teamsters file the card for an election there is no harm no fowl. Its just a peice of paper, with a name on it.

The cards all get verified, signatures and elligibility. If the Teamsters have done this which I assume may be a TWU
rouse. Now this will cause the IBT to look at it's cards thus delaying the filing for them. This will also cause a big investigation internally for them. having found out the name of the person who did this will put into question all the cards he/she and the AA supporters worked with.

If the TWU has proof of this its the TWU's job to file any paper work with the NMB NOT AMFA's or the AMFA organizers at AA. But you have to assume that there must be some truth to this the TWU must have a name or proof to make this accusation, and write to Hoffa.

AMFA at AA in 2013
AMFA and the AA organizers should stay clear of this latest accusation.
This may be a lure to get AMFA involved in the mix. Either way this is a desperation move by the TWU and the Teamsters to try to shake things up.
Let Little and Hoffa fight it out among themselves while AMFA and the AA organizers prepare for a May filing. Business as usual for AMFA and nothing changes. We are on course for a May filing.
AMFA and the AA organizers should stay clear of this latest accusation.
This may be a lure to get AMFA involved in the mix. Either way this is a desperation move by the TWU and the Teamsters to try to shake things up.
Let Little and Hoffa fight it out among themselves while AMFA and the AA organizers prepare for a May filing. Business as usual for AMFA and nothing changes. We are on course for a May filing.

Smart move, but trying to stay out of the mud slinging doesn't always end well.
"We are the Union"? Thats not what the TWU's lawyers said this past week in Court in ORD. There the Internationals lawyer said that Jim Little and gang can do whatever they want, even over the objections of the members and the people the members elected to represent them. Its not "our" union, its theirs, we can either do as they say or leave.

By the way in discovery the International finally released the PP presentation they used to dupe the IEC into accepting their plan, in it they claimed that Overhaul will be reduced at least 50%. Total reduction from when aa filed BK would be 6000 jobs lost, thats 1500 more than they said we would lose if we did not ratify the concessions. Our total headcount would land at 6325 according to the presentation based on info given by the company.

AA is headed towards substantial headcount reductions, more than likely there will be RIFS. With System Protection gone and free reign to rewrite the QAM the company will be able to put formerly system protected workers in OH on the street and keep the low paid new mechanics on the line.

We accepted the worst contract in the industry upon the advice of our International. They hired experts to make video's to convince our members to accept this deal, claiming that it would save 4500 jobs, yet within months they reveal that at the time they knew that to be false, that by 2017 if we agreed to the terms that our headcount would go down to just 6325, thats a two thirds reduction from when we first started accepting industry leading concessions to save jobs.

This is what happens when your representation is appointed. This situation only exists at AA. Other Locals outside the AA system do not have appointed International employees in control of their contract. This is an intolerable situation and it must be corrected by any means necessary.

You tell people to get involved if they don't like it, then when they do you tell them that they should not try and change it, that they should accept and support those who are doing the things that they were against from the start, the things you told them to get involved with to change. You claim that once we get involved that we have to put aside our loyalty to the members, the profession and give our loyalty to people the International appoints, people who can not be held accountable by the members. The fact is the Constitution says the members are the Ultimate Authority, then it follows that statement with language that takes authority away from the membership, so which part of the Constitution should we obey, the part that says the membership is the ultimate authority or the part that says they aren't? The fact is you are a liar, a cultist who really does not believe in Unionism or Democracy. On top of all that you are a Coward as well.


You have called me so many names on this board that I have lost track. This tells me the kind of diplomacy skills we would have if you and Amfa ever took control and what would happen to those who might oppose the kinds of suicide strategies you will demand.

I also don’t know where you come by the facts you post. You have stated we are stuck with this agreement until 2018! But yet, you are unwilling to concede that the majority voted to accept it. By the way, the agreement can be opened in September 2016. We are not last in the industry in pay and by the contract the membership voted to accept, we must be put at the Delta/UAL average effective September 12, 2015. Therefore, we will not be last or even in the bottom half of the industry from that time forward.

You defend Amfa, but at UAL Amfa agreed to a 3.9 percent wage cut, gave the Company the right to terminate the pension plan, agreed to foreign outsourcing and, even with all those concessions, signed on to unlimited outsourcing of heavy maintenance visits (with the exception of the three lines the IAM had saved) among many other things. Delle Femine said his UAL members had no choice but to ratify the Company’s LBFO because if they didn’t the bankruptcy judge would impose it. Did you criticize him for this and call for Amfa’s demise as you now call for the TWU’s? If you did, I don’t remember it. As for NWA, it’s true that the Company was calling for a 53% furlough through outsourcing (off of a work group that had already been reduced by 60 percent) and huge wage and benefit cuts. Unfortunately, the end result is that there was a 90 percent reduction in headcount and even worse wage and benefit cuts. But, I know, Amfa did nothing wrong and it was all the fault of the industrial unions.

You have stated that we should have voted no, let the judge abrogate (which he certainly would have) and then sought a release from the NMB, and now you have gone one better and said that those that were unwilling to follow you in this strategy are cowards, corrupt or both. There is a lot of chest pounding in this industry, but no union facing a bankruptcy has ever adopted the Owens strategy, much less used it successfully – not Amfa or the IBT. You have stated that the NMB always releases unions after a rejected contract. This is just false. The AFA had two rejected contracts at US Air and couldn’t get a release and ended up ratifying a contract that looked a lot like the ones they initially rejected. The US Air pilots are working under a bankruptcy contract that has been amendable for around six years and can’t get released. There have been hundreds of requests for release over the past several years, many after rejected agreements, but I can only remember one that was granted – Spirit Airlines, which is hardly a major player in the transportation system.

I have no doubt that if we had followed your plan the contract would have been abrogated and the term sheet imposed, meaning that there would have been less pay (and no industry average snap up), more outsourcing, and no early out. I don’t know when we would have been released, but I have no doubt that after all the time you spent trashing the mediators on this board, the NMB would have waited until the Company was good and ready to take on a strike, just as it did at NWA.

In Solidarity,

amfa, and other organizers routinely collect cards and ask those who sign to leave the date blank so a collection of cards can be submitted at one time making tracking much easier.

How do you feel about this practice?
...You defend Amfa, but at UAL Amfa agreed to a 3.9 percent wage cut, gave the Company the right to terminate the pension plan, agreed to foreign outsourcing and, even with all those concessions, signed on to unlimited outsourcing of heavy maintenance visits (with the exception of the three lines the IAM had saved) among many other things. Delle Femine said his UAL members had no choice but to ratify the Company’s LBFO because if they didn’t the bankruptcy judge would impose it....

When are you going to stop lying about AMFA at UAL?

Don't you ever wonder why your credibility is constantly called into question when you make posts like this?

Everything in your post after ... 3.9 percent wage cut ... is a lie or distortion of fact, and anyone with 5 minutes and a good search engine can prove it as such.
amfa, and other organizers routinely collect cards and ask those who sign to leave the date blank so a collection of cards can be submitted at one time making tracking much easier.

How do you feel about this practice?


This is a out right LIE, the NMB requires that the signature and date be in the hand writting of the card signer.

This is not a practice we organizer use at AA. Maybe that happened at UAL but not here. If cards have mistakes we have some one that audits the cards as they are accounted for and then sends the name on the card in question back to the station organizer for another card to be resigned.

Just another LIE by the Teamsters attempting to suck AMFA into the corruption.

AMFA at AA in 2013
amfa, and other organizers routinely collect cards and ask those who sign to leave the date blank so a collection of cards can be submitted at one time making tracking much easier.

How do you feel about this practice?
This is the first time ive ever heard of this and ive been around AMFA drives since 1989.
If this is routine than you have your card drives mixed up MR.

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