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Tampa Hangar-just One Of Three Hundred

700UW said:
Your statements speaks for itself. That was your whole quote, you said it not me!

You have judged a person who has made a choice to be a fleet service person.
Well well.... After i return from my fine easter feast with family and friends, I return to see that, once again, 700 has no facts!!! I DID POST what you hi-lighted, but again..... It was a selective choice of what YOU wanted to show!!! Lets try this again...SLOWLY if you did not understand the first time, 700. SHOW THE WHOLE POST SO EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT I WAS SAYING!!!!!!!!! I stick to what I say.... your last sentence says it all.... a person who made the choice to be a fleet service person? NO!! a Baggage thrower!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats NOT a career,700. For this thinking, you call me elitist.....thats your choice, sir. I say, this is your typical, backward mentality!!!!! I don't think ANYONE should ASPIRE to be a Baggage handler!!!! I'm an elitist for that???????Good Day, sir, wallo in your misery :down: AGAIN, just for you, 700;
700UW said:
Just responding to your ELITIST thinking that a mechanic is everything, and everyone else at the airline is not important.

Hey to burst your bubble but Timco is hiring at $13 an hour.
This is another gem..... :up: I'm having fun with this 😀 Sorry to burst YOUR bubble 700, but you better check your facts. I've noted before that I'm seeking employment elsewhere. My "elitist" attitude forces me to do so!!! 😛 In my searching of various employment oppertunities, I have looked into Timco. I personally do not want to be employed there,because of their locations of employment( one is your back yard), But, once again, your FACTS are ABSOLUTETLY INCORRECT!!!!! $13/hour to start????????? LOL try again, 700. Are their wages comparable to the major airlines??? ....NO, but your $13/hour quote is truly a gem!!!!!!!! I will refrain from giving the CORRECT answer, as i have SPOKEN DIRECTLY to them. You break me up, dude!!!!! you think you have all the answers!!!!! Don't try to quote something when you do not have a clue!!!! Now, burst my bubble again!!!!!!
Kev3188 said:
Dave and his hatchet men would have a ball if we were a non-union airline, but since there are unionized, he is held accountable and must treat people fair and as equals. Look at what he does even with unions, and then imagine Dave’s actions left unfettered.

Well put, Cav.
but as we've all seen ...they do and act as they wish,contracts not withholding. 😉
to the point as usual,cav..keep it up.
so we have a job class envy debate here?
everyone should look into the wages of their respective positions at other than legacy carriers....this is where WE are heading..like it or not... UNCLE DAVE WANTS YOU AND YOUR WAGES
Light Years said:
If there was no union, the MidAtlantic folks would be loading up an A330 right now, and the senior folks would at home watching the soaps and arguing with unemployment. Be careful what you wish for. Last in, first out is a union only thing. Anywhere else in the world than our thankfully unionized world, the cheapest, youngest, prettiest, most productive and least likely to rock the boat would be working, not the people who have been there the longest.
I think you are right that without a union it wouldnt be first in, last out. But when you gave the alternatives you really mixed a lot of things together. Some of those would be appropriate ways to make a decision, while others wouldnt. For instance, "youngest" or "prettiest" wouldnt be appropriate reasons to keep someone over another. On the other hand, "most productive" is in my opinion not only an appropriate reason but the only appropriate reason to make that decision. I have never really understood why anyone can defend a seniority only based system, except of course due to self interest which is understandable. I dont think a customer service industry, or really any industry at all can function efficiently and competitively with a workforce determined strictly by seniority. Any company that keeps less productive people rather than more productive people will deteriorate over time. If they do that it is unavoidable.
The seniority-based system works only if wages rise at the same level as productivity. The reason seniority is broken right now is that wages rise faster than productivity.
Because we are Union, from day one of employement we have been conditioned, told, used and abused by the Seniority system. It is so ingrained in us that people have lived their lives by the Seniority System. Well things changed drastically as of Nov. 1st for all Reserve Flight Attendants. We NO LONGER have any Seniority to speak of. Oh, Yea, when it comes to bidding for Vacation and days off. Whoopie!!!

What has happened, is no Reserve really has any incentive at all to come to work. People are NOT as productive. People don't care anymore. Not only have we been reduced to lowest in morale and dignity, we have also suffered tremendously in our pocket books. It doesn't matter if we work or not, productive or not, nice or not, it won't make any difference in our pocketbooks. :angry:
ktflyhome said:
What has happened, is no Reserve really has any incentive at all to come to work. People are NOT as productive. People don't care anymore. Not only have we been reduced to lowest in morale and dignity, we have also suffered tremendously in our pocket books. It doesn't matter if we work or not, productive or not, nice or not, it won't make any difference in our pocketbooks. :angry:
Your're right. The new reserve system SUCKS!! I'm not on it but it creates troubles for the BH as well. i.e. I didn't bid for the PHL ITD because it had all the makings of reserve, which I didn't want. Guess what? I could have held a block. I just wasn't willing to take the chance. With the old sytem I would have bid either way. This screws important decisions. Also, because of time balancing, the the 3 main hubbed bases are rarely if ever openned for transfers, so I am stuck in less than desirable bases until someone either gets fired, dies, retires, or any combo. My God, I live in CLT and can't even get in. Oh well, cry me a river. Such is life. I'll just endure it. 🙁
I could have held Pit ITD on reserve. Never dawned me that I could. Had I known I would have bid, at least my paycheck would have been greater <_<
mweiss said:
The seniority-based system works only if wages rise at the same level as productivity. The reason seniority is broken right now is that wages rise faster than productivity.
<_< Mweiss: Wages are NOT rising faster than productivity, nor is productivity rising higher than wages. It is at a standstill. Nothing is moving in either direction.No flight attendant gets a raise after 14 years of service, unless it is some pittance of a cost of living increase, which is not happening. It has been nothing but PAY cuts. Where are you coming from??????
KT, here's what I'm talking about.

When you first hire someone, that person's productivity is necessarily relatively low (how low depends on previous experience). As the employee learns the ins and outs of the company and its operations, the employee's productivity rises. Wages can and should rise commensurately, as the employee is now more valuable than before. Beyond a certain point, however, the employee's value ceases to rise, simply because there's only so much room for improvement. When that happens, wages should cease to rise as well.

Now, before you get all excited about inflation, I'm speaking in real, not nominal terms. That is, I'm assuming that the employee would already get cost-of-living adjustments; the wage increases I refer to in the above paragraph are above and beyond those COLAs.

How long does it take for a FA to max out productivity increases? I have no idea, since I don't know enough FAs to have a statistically significant sampling. Furthermore, since each employee is different, I'd prefer to have an individualized adjustment if it were up to me. But that's incompatible with one of the fundamental tenets of unions, namely that all employees of a certain grade are fully interchangeable.
Mechs used to top out at 5 years. Dont know how it is now, but I cant beleive anybody is left who isnt already topped out.
It is still five years, and everyone should be topped out.
Mweis... you are talking nonsense to this industry. What you are saying does not apply to US employeess. Everyone I know here at all levals can work their butts off and it makes no difference. We get what we get. Period.

Dave has let everyone down. Period. Let him work his butt off. Let us see how productive he can be. All I imagine he does, is sit behind his desk playing with himself, thinking of ways to make himself look bigger.

He does not care about productivity or our wages. PERIOD!!!!!

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