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Well, Bob, I think people just get to complacent and inundated in their environment and change can be painful. Also, I believe most people will always have that Human thing, called HOPE.

But you are so right in what you posted. My brother-in-law got fired last week from a job he had for 19 years, working 6 days a week, 12hrs a day as a Terminal Manager for a Trucking Co. They wanted him to do 2 people's job. Run the operations and the Sales. I don't think he fit in to their ideas anymore. It has turned out to be a blessing for him though. He really wanted out years ago. Now he is forced to make changes.
kt, what you're talking about is inertia. It takes effort to change your surroundings, and most people are unwilling to put in that effort.

I've been guilty of it in the past, but I sure don't point fingers at other people for my having done so. I know it's easy to let inertia take over, but ultimately the responsibility for my having done so lies with nobody else but me.
Well, Mweiss: I am sure glad you can read my mind and inform me that I was talking about INERTIA. :blink: :blink: Also, if you are insinuating that I was pointing fingers.....Well I wasn't. :angry: I know my job is on the line and I have started making contingent plans.
Geez, calm down! No, I was not insinuating anything about you at all. You've already told me you're making contingency plans, and you are to be commended for that.

Believe it or not, I was agreeing with you. I was just elaborating on it and fleshing the idea out more.

As part of that, my point about taking responsibility was directed at those who, unlike you, have not been making contingency plans, but rather will sit around crying "woe is me," while acting as if the entire thing were a total surprise.
PineyBob said:
You missed my point. If I was approaching 50 and I was moving around 10,000 pounds of anything, I would have found something else to do about 10 years prior. It all comes down to the choices WE make 700, WE have to live with them.

I mean when I hear a ramper or F/A talking about how the company "Screwed" them it makes me want to vomit.

I mean to me once I got over the initial shock of watching 9/11 on TV, my next move would have been to get out of the airline industry. 9/12 my resume would have been on Monster and I would have a meeting scheduled with my financial advisor for debt consolidation and a plan to move forward. Many at US didn't create a plan and now it's Dave S's fault. No sorry, it's YOUR fault! Failing to plan, is planning to fail and that was/is my point. Choices
HEAR!! HEAR!!!!.................. :up: Excellent post!!!! Although personally after 9/11, I did not seek new employment initially, I am currently, and have been actively for the last several months. Your last word of your post is most impotant.....CHOICES!!!! There are those that will CHANGE, and those that will wallow in this swill that USED to be a good job. And these same people will come on here day after day and blame everyone else; your post;"the company screwed them". Do I like, or agree what this current management team is doing????? AGAIN....NO!!!! But, as with the previous poster, WE MUST make a desicion to MOVE ON!!!!!! There is life after USAirways!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY....MORE LATER!!!!
700UW said:
you have 20+ years with a company and it is hard to start over unless forced, and it is hard to get the same compensation out there in another field when you are a newbie.

Many people are talented out here and have other skills, and will be ok, it will be hard, but I for one won't lett dave2 screw me over and I will fight for my rights under my CBA and try to prevent the mismanagement of this fine company to continue.
700, First part of your post is nothing but pure complacency!!!!!!"hard to start over...hard to get the same compensation........BLAH...BLAH....BLAH!!!! That is one thing wrong with our environment....Get up and DO SOMETHING for yourself!!!! This company, or ANY company owes you NOTHING!!!! It matters not, whether you manufacture widgets, fly an airplane, or perform brain surgery, you are hired by xyz company to provide your services to said company for the compensation negotiated(whether union, or non union) Having said that, You cannot, or refuse to understand the reality of the aviation industry!!! IT IS DIFFERENT NOW!!!! IT WILL NEVER RETURN TO THE GLORY DAYS OFYEARS PAST!!!! Your last statement "YOU" are not going to let "DAVE" screw you????? Your going to fight for your rights??? What, your ENTITLED to this job?? This is the union mentality that makes us ALL look bad. To end this fine reply to your ridiculous statements, I actually agree with your final sentence. The current CBA that is in place should be followed to the letter, and not one more inch given to this inept management circus! That much we can agree on! GOOD DAY.....MORE LATER!!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
700, First part of your post is nothing but pure complacency!!!!!!"hard to start over...hard to get the same compensation........BLAH...BLAH....BLAH!!!! That is one thing wrong with our environment....Get up and DO SOMETHING for yourself!!!! This company, or ANY company owes you NOTHING!!!! It matters not, whether you manufacture widgets, fly an airplane, or perform brain surgery, you are hired by xyz company to provide your services to said company for the compensation negotiated(whether union, or non union) Having said that, You cannot, or refuse to understand the reality of the aviation industry!!! IT IS DIFFERENT NOW!!!! IT WILL NEVER RETURN TO THE GLORY DAYS OFYEARS PAST!!!! Your last statement "YOU" are not going to let "DAVE" screw you????? Your going to fight for your rights??? What, your ENTITLED to this job?? This is the union mentality that makes us ALL look bad. To end this fine reply to your ridiculous statements, I actually agree with your final sentence. The current CBA that is in place should be followed to the letter, and not one more inch given to this inept management circus! That much we can agree on! GOOD DAY.....MORE LATER!!!!!
And this has what to do with te WARN Act?
700UW said:
Bob, you are correct, but aviation gets in someone's blood, you turn around and you have 20+ years with a company and it is hard to start over unless forced, and it is hard to get the same compensation out there in another field when you are a newbie.

Many people are talented out here and have other skills, and will be ok, it will be hard, but I for one won't lett dave2 screw me over and I will fight for my rights under my CBA and try to prevent the mismanagement of this fine company to continue.
Just as much as this does
700UW said:
Bob, I am not a ramp service. But I know many of them, it is not easy unloading 10,000lbs of bags and cargo and then loading it in 45 minutes
Or, this!!! hmmmmm. 😀
Just responding to your ELITIST thinking that a mechanic is everything, and everyone else at the airline is not important.

Hey to burst your bubble but Timco is hiring at $13 an hour.
700UW said:
Just responding to your ELITIST thinking that a mechanic is everything, and everyone else at the airline is not important.

Hey to burst your bubble but Timco is hiring at $13 an hour.
Bursting My bubble????? I'm not going to Timco, my friend. Actually, hope to be out of aviation all together! This once great field has been reduced to ashes for circumstances out of our control. We will never return to the good old days!! For the record, if you actually knew me, you would then understand your rhetoric as pure bunk!!!! "elitist attitude"........BLAH!...BLAH!....BLAH!!! Also, never ONCE ever said anything about a mech being everything, and "everyone" else at the airline as not important. FIND ONE QUOTE , and show me!!!! Once again, YOU my friend, are letting your outdated "ELITIST" union mentality shine bright and clear!! :down: Happy Easter, 700! :up:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
This is classic!!!!!! :up: WHY?? because the rampers are probably, actually paid what they are worth ??? It should not be a CAREER choice to throw baggage into a cargo pit. I guess we will hear that infamous phrase next...... Everyone DESERVES a "living wage"!!!!!!!!! 😀 AGAIN!!!!!! MY trusty pic!! :angry:
Here is the evidence, begrudging a ramper.
700UW said:
Here is the evidence, begrudging a ramper.
This is evidence????? LOL You Accuced me of a particular thing, my friend This is no "evidence"!!!!Your confusing the word "begrudging" with the word, FACTS!!!!!!! Sorry, to "burst" your bubble 700, Again, Have a great Easter!! B)
700UW said:
Here is the evidence, begrudging a ramper.
Also, 700, Next time when you select a quote, this one being a good example, show the WHOLE QUOTE!!!!! Don't reduce it to your liking to try to show a side of the story, thats NOT TRUE!!! If you would have shown the WHOLE QUOTE, one would understand my reasoning as to the subject at hand!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
This is evidence????? LOL You Accuced me of a particular thing, my friend This is no "evidence"!!!!Your confusing the word "begrudging" with the word, FACTS!!!!!!! Sorry, to "burst" your bubble 700, Again, Have a great Easter!! B)
Your statements speaks for itself. That was your whole quote, you said it not me!

You have judged a person who has made a choice to be a fleet service person.

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