Checking it Out said:
Can't predict the future, But I do believe the TWU is spending far more time ensure our long term survival that amfa can only dream of!
As for layoffs, our contract language is clear on this subject!
As for more reductions? I believe after the current bump in the road amfa has created is over! We will start working on getting Solidarity back and concentrating on our contract!
I believe amfa is looking at entering negotiations at NWA before we are and I suspect the reductions they will be achieving will have a major impact on the Industry!!!!! Whether it be no members or less pay! Unfortunately I suspect they may be in 4 or 5 contract talks at the same time!!!!!
"We will start working on getting SOLIDARITY "B A C K" (and concentrating on our contract) "'
"WHEN" in HEL* has there "EVER" been any such thing resembling Solidarity within the TWU ?????????????????????????????
CIO, I'm not sure how long you've been around, but FYI, once The TWU/ATD left New York, back in the 70's, that was the "official" day that the TWU/ATD was "diagnosed" as a COMPANY union.
Do you think for one second that(whoever was in charge then/Casey ???) moved HDQ to "DALL-A$$" because they liked the weather ??????????
Ever wonder why, that on the RARE occasions, when the TWU/APFA/APA "flex" their muscles, that the WEAKEST locals/bases displaying SOLIDARITY are in ONLY 2 states ??
Care to guess WHICH states ?????????
A clue. One state begins with the letter "T"(not tennessee), and the other state ends with the last 4 letters "HOMA".
Solidarity my A$$ !!!!!!!!!!!
"GO AMFA" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!