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Tampa Hangar-just One Of Three Hundred

If you were non-union, you would be making minimum wage.
700UW said:
If you were non-union, you would be making minimum wage.
Jet Blue is non-union and I wouldn't complain about the deal they have. Most of Delta is non-union and they do pretty well (pilots are ALPA however).

A320 Driver
JB, is new, highly capitalized and has a CEO who has vision. Go ask some of the rampers at JB, they are not treated well.

And as far as Delta read below:

Posted 4/2/2004 7:12 AM

Delta extends pay freeze
ATLANTA (AP) — Delta Air Lines has extended a pay freeze for most of its 60,000 employees as it tries to regain profitability.
The freeze, announced in a memo to employees this week, does not apply to Delta's 8,000 mainline pilots or its mechanics. The mechanics' pay will be reviewed in July, the carrier said.

Pilots, who are covered by a contract with the Air Line Pilots Association, are scheduled for a 4.5% pay increase May 1. But Delta has asked for phased-in 30% pay cuts and other concessions. The union has offered to cut pay 9% and skip next month's raise, but negotiations with Delta have stalled.

The company memo said Delta's non-pilot employees are among the top-paid in the airline industry, but no pay cuts from those employees are needed.

Delta has laid off 16,000 employees since the 2001 terrorist attacks. The nation's third-largest airline, it said flexible work rules for non-unionized flight attendants, mechanics and agents gave it a $477 million labor cost advantage last year over other large carriers. That advantage was offset by Delta's higher pilot costs, the airline said last week at an investors conference.

In 2003, Delta reported a loss of $790 million, compared to $1.29 billion in 2002. Last month, Delta said it expects a $400 million loss for this year's first quarter, $50 million more than it had projected in January. Most of the increase was due to higher fuel costs, the airline said.

Damn...I'm impressed. Where the heck do you find all this stuff?

A320 Driver
700UW said:
Delta extends pay freeze
ATLANTA (AP) — Delta Air Lines has extended a pay freeze for most of its 60,000 employees as it tries to regain profitability.
The freeze, announced in a memo to employees this week, does not apply to Delta's 8,000 mainline pilots or its mechanics. The mechanics' pay will be reviewed in July, the carrier said.
Gee a pay freeze or massive paycuts and layoffs the unionized folks at US have endured? I'll take the freeze thank you, along with the ability to have my future decided on my own merits, not purely by my seniority.
A320 Driver said:
Career Furloughee
I'd prefer to be non-union at this point. I'm sick of politics, sick of finger pointing, and sick of the way we operate.

A320 Driver[/QUOTE]
A320 Driver,

Yeah but you're not willing to give up that part of the UNION contract that protects your seniority, are you A320 Driver?

Career Furloughee
Career Furloughee:

I don't know what part of the contract you are referring to. If you could be more specific, it might help me respond.

A320 Driver
I'm pretty sure it's the part that says you don't get furloughed until the people hired after you have been furloughed.
mweiss said:
I'm pretty sure it's the part that says you don't get furloughed until the people hired after you have been furloughed.
Makes sense to me union or no union. First in , last out.

A320 Driver
Makes sense to you because you think like a union employee. What makes sense to people who work in the non-union world is that the lowest-margin employee gets the axe. Margin, in that case, is defined as value of the employee's contribution minus the wages paid to the employee.

"Makes sense to me union or no union. First in , last out."

I agree with the sentiment - that's why I've often said a union is better than no union, warts and all.

However, I suspect Siegel would love to replace us old-timers with new-hires off the street as fast as he could train them, pay them whatever he wanted, few benes, and no retirement.

DL, ravaged their employees during the 7.5 CASM campaign, and they will do it once again to thier employees, they have not even started, last year they froze their pension and then changed it.
A320 Driver said:
Makes sense to me union or no union. First in , last out.

A320 Driver
Why do you think the company cares what makes sense to you ? With no contract the job goes to the lowest bidder. Want to get into a bidding war with those that you have cast off to MDA et al ? Are you so obtuse as to not understand that all that stands between you and the huddled masses is your UNION contract ?

Career Furloughee
greasemonkey-seeking-nirvana said:
Well I believe its been aproximately 16 months since the Tampa Hangar was abruptly closed with less than a four hour notice to the three hundred employees that worked there. :down:
For a study in contrast, read the section on Gordon Bethune's book From Worst to First where he writes of he handled closing CO's LAX mtc base. He had the guts to annouce it in person, explaining the economics behind the decision and outlined the options for the employees. This happened well in advance of the closure. Compare this to having the staff booted out in the middle of the night, just a few days before Thanksgiving.

When Dave Siegel was hired, a number of UAIR people who were familiar with Mr Bethune or had read the book had high hopes. High hopes that Dave would bring with him some of the ideas that help turn CO around. History would prove them wrong. I wonder where UAIR would be today had Mr Bethune been retained after the PI merger.

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