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TAESL closing January 31

Overspeed said:
The IAM process is not involved in the TAESL RIF or any other future TWU RIF until JCBA.
I understand post JCBA there would have to be one process since we will all be on the same seniority list. In the TWU process the people getting RIF'd can only fill vacancies or displace the junior person in the system. I understand that is not the case with the IAM process. You can bump anyone junior to you not necessarily the most junior person in the system. An IAM person could better explain their process.
Basically true.
If I were getting "RIF'ed" , as you guys call it, first I would determine where I wanted to go.  Whether the line, overhaul, a different shop or department all in my home station, first.  By seniority.
If I didn't want to leave my station, I could down grade, if there was a opening, and if I didn't have seniority in that position, start my 90 probation all over again.  I could also upgrade.  But only if there was an opening (bid), and I had seniority in that classification.
In other words, if I was Rif'ed, (sp?), I can not bump a opening, only a person.  So someone, somewhere would be getting bumped.  And that would be the junior man in the station or area I bumped to.
So...... if I was getting bumped, first I'd look at:
- changing my days off
- changing my shift
- changing my department
- changing my classification ( and the paycut or pay increase that goes with it)
- and very lastly, changing my station.
Overspeed said:
I heard that under the IAM process you also have to designate a recall rights station. So if I have multiple stations I have been RIF'd to then I must designate only one to be recalled to. Is that right?
Correct.  Only 1 recall station.  You can use that station for any  BID position  you hold seniority in.  If they close that station you were RIF'd from, you must chose another active recall station.
Having worked within the TWU system Have you ever been laid off and been required to bump?
paying for two homes while commuting is not a good thing, so having a choice of which city you go with the possibility of being close to a friend/family member away from your current station makes that bump easier to deal with. Cheaper as well. 
With the last 3 or 4 layoffs has the TWU done any the same I say "NO" the TWU and AA have sent guys to stations across the country while jr guys are in the same state. No system is completely fair or perfect. But I for one who have been in both system and seen the results would like the IAM system to remain. JMHO...
True that.
Especially for the guys in PIT, who I think will be the next on the chopping block.  
And with the seniority here, everybody will feel the pain.
Real tired said:
Oh my God.  Please don't tell me what I just read was true, and you guys operate this way within the TWU?
We all better hope in the upcoming JCBA, this "juniority" process has been thrown in the dumpster.  Along with your stupid "test".
Real Tired
The IAM has it's flaws as well, but the TWU is a IGM type of union. They work with the company to protect it's dues collecting power. Giving into the company is what they do.
The Pittsburgh guys should of seen this coming as they were told from what I remember by the AMFA organisers of USAirways during our collective card drive. This Association is going to hurt us ALL. Philly and PHX are going to be affected as well. Tulsa and Taesl as you are seeing will be hurt on our side. If you have not seen the UAL T/A you should read that and see just what the CEO's want to do to our industry.
You guy's also did not vote in the IBT due to the fact that the IAM threatened your IAM Pension.
That you were also told about as well. The IAM said it would stop AA from funding and would not manage it if you left the plan. That you could loose it. The IAM must of failed you guys as well or you would not have had a vote. Now we are all stuck with these two BS Unions who want nothing else but to save their butts and dues. The AFL-CIO arranged this bs joint venture to save face.
I hope that your side of this will not give in to the associations joint agreement. I would like to see the 10 holidays come back for us, double time as well. The DAT vacation usage is a good thing. Our current CBA is an abomination to our class and craft but was sold to us and many just don't care any more.
We (AA&US) mechanics had a chance to prevent this and failed, so now we must work together to keep what we have and not take a JCBA that will in the future destroy what the guys from yrs ago fought to get.
Real Tired
The IAM has it's flaws as well, but the TWU is a IGM type of union. They work with the company to protect it's dues collecting power. Giving into the company is what they do.
The Pittsburgh guys should of seen this coming as they were told from what I remember by the AMFA organisers of USAirways during our collective card drive. This Association is going to hurt us ALL. Philly and PHX are going to be affected as well. Tulsa and Taesl as you are seeing will be hurt on our side. If you have not seen the UAL T/A you should read that and see just what the CEO's want to do to our industry.
You guy's also did not vote in the IBT due to the fact that the IAM threatened your IAM Pension.
That you were also told about as well. The IAM said it would stop AA from funding and would not manage it if you left the plan. That you could loose it. The IAM must of failed you guys as well or you would not have had a vote. Now we are all stuck with these two BS Unions who want nothing else but to save their butts and dues. The AFL-CIO arranged this bs joint venture to save face.
I hope that your side of this will not give in to the associations joint agreement. I would like to see the 10 holidays come back for us, double time as well. The DAT vacation usage is a good thing. Our current CBA is an abomination to our class and craft but was sold to us and many just don't care any more.
We (AA&US) mechanics had a chance to prevent this and failed, so now we must work together to keep what we have and not take a JCBA that will in the future destroy what the guys from yrs ago fought to get.
AMEN Brother, AMEN. Hope all will see this...
Real Tired
The IAM has it's flaws as well, but the TWU is a IGM type of union. They work with the company to protect it's dues collecting power. Giving into the company is what they do.
The Pittsburgh guys should of seen this coming as they were told from what I remember by the AMFA organisers of USAirways during our collective card drive. This Association is going to hurt us ALL. Philly and PHX are going to be affected as well. Tulsa and Taesl as you are seeing will be hurt on our side. If you have not seen the UAL T/A you should read that and see just what the CEO's want to do to our industry.
You guy's also did not vote in the IBT due to the fact that the IAM threatened your IAM Pension.
That you were also told about as well. The IAM said it would stop AA from funding and would not manage it if you left the plan. That you could loose it. The IAM must of failed you guys as well or you would not have had a vote. Now we are all stuck with these two BS Unions who want nothing else but to save their butts and dues. The AFL-CIO arranged this bs joint venture to save face.
I hope that your side of this will not give in to the associations joint agreement. I would like to see the 10 holidays come back for us, double time as well. The DAT vacation usage is a good thing. Our current CBA is an abomination to our class and craft but was sold to us and many just don't care any more.
We (AA&US) mechanics had a chance to prevent this and failed, so now we must work together to keep what we have and not take a JCBA that will in the future destroy what the guys from yrs ago fought to get.
Well said.....But something tells me that the new management prefers the TWU way of doing things....You know, since the TWU has essentially always given the management a company favorable contract to preserve union dues. I could picture the smiles on their faces when they first started reading the TWU contracts. The IAM contracts contain better provisions overall. 
Hence, I can't wait to see the company offer.
Having worked within the TWU system Have you ever been laid off and been required to bump?
paying for two homes while commuting is not a good thing, so having a choice of which city you go with the possibility of being close to a friend/family member away from your current station makes that bump easier to deal with. Cheaper as well. 
With the last 3 or 4 layoffs has the TWU done any the same I say "NO" the TWU and AA have sent guys to stations across the country while jr guys are in the same state. No system is completely fair or perfect. But I for one who have been in both system and seen the results would like the IAM system to remain. JMHO...
No, I have never been exposed to a RIF. The last time I was laid off was when the IAM represented me at a manufacturer in 87 and was very happy with the IAM.

To be clear I believe the current IAM language is far superior and hope that is what we end up with but the company will put a dollar figure on the language to pay for the raises they promise.
Have you ever seen the TWU fight for anything that is good for Aircraft Maintenance?
Do you think this time will be different?
2ndGENAMT said:
No, I have never been exposed to a RIF. The last time I was laid off was when the IAM represented me at a manufacturer in 87 and was very happy with the IAM.

To be clear I believe the current IAM language is far superior and hope that is what we end up with but the company will put a dollar figure on the language to pay for the raises they promise.
Have you ever seen the TWU fight for anything that is good for Aircraft Maintenance?
Do you think this time will be different?
2nd GenAMT
Some of the IAM's contract is better than ours that is TRUE, 
"NO" I have not seen the TWU fight for anything good for Maintenance. Our class and craft includes title 2 as well remember?  But the TWU has fought very hard to keep your position here at AA so that it can continue to collect dues.
This Association is just another way they the (TWU) are fighting for your Money.
Remember the TWU is a IGM Union, to answer your Question do I think it will be any different going forward?     "NO"
Folks, there's very little more gratifying than to reach down deep and find those primal instincts for survival that distinguishes us in this vast circle of life. ORD being the "friendly city" invites y'all to "come on up" for we extend our arms.... with shovel in hand.
JABORD said:
Folks, there's very little more gratifying than to reach down deep and find those primal instincts for survival that distinguishes us in this vast circle of life. ORD being the "friendly city" invites y'all to "come on up" for we extend our arms.... with shovel in hand.

Nothing better than a Lake Affect Snowstorm!!!!
Rogallo said:
Another reminder of WTF do I pay Union Dues for!!
As much as I despise the TWU and what they have done to our craft and class here at AA with our help since we do vote for our contracts no matter how bad they are.
AA moving away from engine work is their choice and has nothing to do with the TWU unless you, work in Taesl, and would of worked for less or given up more just to stay there. That is what we at AA have done for yrs given into AA. paying dues is what we all have to do but paying on time and exact amounts is your choice. If you want to send a statement to the TWU go to Hand pay. Stop the dues check off. Get as many as you can to follow that see how much the TWU likes that.

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