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TAESL closing January 31

LD3 said:
I understand GSE is ground service, my point was, whose equip would they be working on if the ramp was done by a handler.Most handlers have their own GSE...
not always. 
We(DL) also have GSE MX spots where the ramp is outsourced. 
(of course generally the ramp is staffed by DGS who Delta owns, but still. A lot of times the airline will buy the GSE and lease it to the vendor. Makes it much easier to change vendors quickly when they start costing to much......err I mean don't meet the "service requirements") 
At PMUS it has zero to do if there is fleet in the city or not, the PMUS CBA at one time had numerous protected stations, the company couldnt close them to maintenance so they reduced the city to having only one ot two GSE mechanics and that satisfied the M&R CBA.
767 mechanic said:
If anyone knows anything about TAESL then they know that Tamara has a reputation for doing other things with balls.
Different Tamara! 
Does anyone know how many vacancies each city has declared for maintenance and stores throughout the system ??? Is there a list any where ??
AA767JET said:
Does anyone know how many vacancies each city has declared for maintenance and stores throughout the system ??? Is there a list any where ??
That's the million dollar question.
If the company or union knows they aren't saying and word is that it won't be disclosed on Tuesday when the 7 day selection window opens.
AA89 said:
That's the million dollar question.
If the company or union knows they aren't saying and word is that it won't be disclosed on Tuesday when the 7 day selection window opens.
Why in the world would the company withhold that important information ???
That's nuts .... Smdh ...
We'll find out on Tuesday if it's true. Let's hope it's not.
If it is, the company probably figures more of us useless bricks will retire if we don't know where we will end up.
These numbers released last night:
Lots of junior stations listed but these are the openings.
Total TAESL Reductions 366
System Vacancies:

DCA. 1
DWH. 106
EWR. 3
JFK. 10
LAS. 1
LAX. 19
ORD. 6
SAT. 1
SFO. 38
STL. 2
TPA. 1


These numbers released last night:
Lots of junior stations listed but these are the openings.
Total TAESL Reductions 366
System Vacancies:

DCA. 1
DWH. 106
EWR. 3
JFK. 10
LAS. 1
LAX. 19
ORD. 6
SAT. 1
SFO. 38
STL. 2
TPA. 1


106 at DWH? Well, welcome aboard guys. I`m happy they made some more room on the lifeboat for you guys. Unfortunately its is going to put that lifeboat well over capacity! DWH management is telling us 6 positions will be inspection. They want 40 more heads in avionics. The remaining 60 to be generals. Bring a small roll around tool box, a chair and warm clothes since we are rolling into the winter. Hangar doors face the north and the heaters do not work well. Limited slots on days with sat/sun, but you guys won`t have a problem holding those lol.

To be honest though. This is one big mistake in my view. Mr. Seymour for some reason committed to these extra slots that did not exist the on September 28. Then BOOM, September 29 the TAESL announcement and the "100" magically appeared. The truth is the work is not there to support the extra heads. Heck, there is barely enough work there to support the guys that came out of the shops. Whatever mods and work is out there will be a toss up as to if DWH or TULE does it. TULE has always been very good about snatching up work. I understand they have plenty of folks on "standby" up there. My crystal ball tells me we will be looking at a 100-125 AMT RIF at DWH in about 12-18 months. I hope I`m wrong.

I am glad you guys got the DWH lifeboat. What you guys are going thru at TAESL sucks, I`ve lived it. Hang in there. I will be happy to help with any questions you guys have that are coming to DWH. Just shoot me a PM. Good luck!
Heard that a deal was cut and that it was done to allow guys to pick and choose, and if they don't like their choice they get another.
Any one else in the system heard this? Or something to that effect since we all know that as things get said it changes?
I just hope that the Line Local 591 leadership insures the integrity of the guys he represents, and insure that warn letters get issued to those  
that may get effected system wide and holds AA to the time table for those guys effected by any reduction.
Has anyone heard that TUL is taking any?

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