How,,, many,,, times,,, are,,, you,,,going,,,to,,,have,,,to,,,explain,,,your,,,username???
Wow. Don't know if AvTech04 means he got hired in 04 or not - but it sounds like he is more then a little bitter...
If that is what it means - then grow some seniority before you rant about something..
What these AT employees aren't looking at is this - what would THEY want if the sale was reversed and AT had purchased SWA? Would they want to just let a large part of us who have been working for SWA longer then AT has even been a COMPANY bump ALL of them down by giving US 100% seniority??? I think not...
How,,, many,,, times,,, are,,, you,,,going,,,to,,,have,,,to,,,explain,,,your,,,username???
So how much time do you need to get over yourself, a week, a month, a year??
That depends on when and if AT people show any gratitude for the lifetime lottery tickets they recieved, a thank you goes a long way and in the last 7 months its been 10k pounds of whining and poor me and exactly 1 Thank you and you should know because it was you who said it,, so thank you for your thank you!
You keep saying that we should pay some sort of price, but, we are!! For the FA's that have AT premium routes to international destinations, they are now further down the list than before and their lives are getting interrupted because they probably won't be able to keep those slots
Now do you insult people on purpose or have you been doing it so long you dont even realize your doing it? Why dont you go into the Delta FA lounge and Boast about that increbilble International Routing system AT has and comparing it to DELTA's because they are a True international airline that looks at your dinky little AT international flying as cute,, so they will either laugh at you or call security. Calling AT an international Airline(Close international is more accurate) is like San Antonio Airport being an international,, You insult anyone who works for a TRUE INTERNATIONAL, US AIR, DELTA, UNITED, American etc..
Thats the same way you insult SWA when you say you are equal to us On the domestic side. Though a cute little airline who is 5 times smaller and tried to Fly with the Big Dogs simply couldnt pull it off,, so you insult us on the domestic side. Again insults abound with you when you try to be something your not. AT was not a Player in the International world, AT was not a Player in the Domestic Market..........period.....just a cute little airline barely staying a float
. Now they have more resposibilities like cleaning an A/C on a turn. And they gave, keep in mind GAVE, SWA FA's a 2.5 year bump in seniority as a show of good faith and yet you are still unpleased..
Your kidding me again, or insulting as we have proven seems to be a tendency of yours(paperwork comments included),, So your saying that AT FA' s may have to give up some of that huge international flying, but you omit the fact that in their mauling that they get DOH in ATlanta which will hold most of the international flying .. correct oops you probably didnt research that,
So your saying that they may HAVE more Responibilities like CLEANING AND A/C on a turn,, can you again be more insulting????
Let me put this in AVTECH speak so everyone can understand.. The POOR A/t FA's have to Clean a Plane and do a 25 min turn now and ONLY get 35,000$ MORE a YEAR, this SWA is so unfair, and what is worse is that FA at AT may have the same ungrateful ATtiude,, but no way anyone at SWA could see that as insulting, right
NO their is no way anyone at SWA could see your comments as insulting, or the comments of any other AT employee trying to insult SWA employees, by playing the victims or like Adass telling SWA people his opinion is just as relevant as any SWA employee,its insulting and the lack of gratitude is insulting, the lack of compassion for the fact NO ONE at SWA gets a damn thing personally is insulting,,,
But NO, you want us all to just move on, to get over it, that its people like me that will ruin it. Well my never to be seen friend I hate to say it , but its people like you and your INSULTING comments that hurts this deal more than me. The gratitude vs ATtitude/insults so far, Insults and poor me comments 1000, the gratitude 1,, thats insulting to SWA employees.
You see I am a part of a 35,000 employee group that got shoved a s#$t sandwich and told not to complain, so we at SWA can be bitter,, you at AT got handed a LIFETIME LOTTERY TICKET,, and to hear you complain about anything ,, well,, its insulting. We havent even finished the s#$t sandwich while for the rest of your LIFE you will be counting your dollars and screaming DOH,, insulting, but you obviously dont see it that way as yourMech PAPERWORK comment shows how insults just flow off your tongue, if you think I am the only one that sees it that way then you keep on with the insults.
So will I ever accept AT , will AT ever stop insulting the ORIGINAL SWA employees while cashing in their lottery tickets????
Will AT ever show gratitude to be working at a Superior airline?
Will AT FA's not complain about cleaning a plane for $35k more a year
Will AT people be sensitive to the seniority they got that they shouldnt have
Will AT appreciate the payraises they got off the backs of SWA People
Will AT people like AVtech realize when they are about to insult an SWA employee and STop before its Too Late
Well AVtech , ponder these questions as you conjure up some more of your insult potions,, the answer to all these questions ONLY time will tell
You have no dog in this fight yet you feel compelled to hang around like a bad rash and throw around your opinion...
Wow. Don't know if AvTech04 means he got hired in 04 or not - but it sounds like he is more then a little bitter...
If that is what it means - then grow some seniority before you rant about something..
What these AT employees aren't looking at is this - what would THEY want if the sale was reversed and AT had purchased SWA? Would they want to just let a large part of us who have been working for SWA longer then AT has even been a COMPANY bump ALL of them down by giving US 100% seniority??? I think not...
DEAR AVtech :blink:
So how much time do you need to get over yourself, a week, a month, a year??
That depends on when and if AT people show any gratitude for the lifetime lottery tickets they recieved, a thank you goes a long way and in the last 7 months its been 10k pounds of whining and poor me and exactly 1 Thank you and you should know because it was you who said it,, so thank you for your thank you!
You keep saying that we should pay some sort of price, but, we are!! For the FA's that have AT premium routes to international destinations, they are now further down the list than before and their lives are getting interrupted because they probably won't be able to keep those slots
Now do you insult people on purpose or have you been doing it so long you dont even realize your doing it? Why dont you go into the Delta FA lounge and Boast about that increbilble International Routing system AT has and comparing it to DELTA's because they are a True international airline that looks at your dinky little AT international flying as cute,, so they will either laugh at you or call security. Calling AT an international Airline(Close international is more accurate) is like San Antonio Airport being an international,, You insult anyone who works for a TRUE INTERNATIONAL, US AIR, DELTA, UNITED, American etc..
Thats the same way you insult SWA when you say you are equal to us On the domestic side. Though a cute little airline who is 5 times smaller and tried to Fly with the Big Dogs simply couldnt pull it off,, so you insult us on the domestic side. Again insults abound with you when you try to be something your not. AT was not a Player in the International world, AT was not a Player in the Domestic Market..........period.....just a cute little airline barely staying a float
. Now they have more resposibilities like cleaning an A/C on a turn. And they gave, keep in mind GAVE, SWA FA's a 2.5 year bump in seniority as a show of good faith and yet you are still unpleased..
Your kidding me again, or insulting as we have proven seems to be a tendency of yours(paperwork comments included),, So your saying that AT FA' s may have to give up some of that huge international flying, but you omit the fact that in their mauling that they get DOH in ATlanta which will hold most of the international flying .. correct oops you probably didnt research that,
So your saying that they may HAVE more Responibilities like CLEANING AND A/C on a turn,, can you again be more insulting????
Let me put this in AVTECH speak so everyone can understand.. The POOR A/t FA's have to Clean a Plane and do a 25 min turn now and ONLY get 35,000$ MORE a YEAR, this SWA is so unfair, and what is worse is that FA at AT may have the same ungrateful ATtiude,, but no way anyone at SWA could see that as insulting, right
NO their is no way anyone at SWA could see your comments as insulting, or the comments of any other AT employee trying to insult SWA employees, by playing the victims or like Adass telling SWA people his opinion is just as relevant as any SWA employee,its insulting and the lack of gratitude is insulting, the lack of compassion for the fact NO ONE at SWA gets a damn thing personally is insulting,,,
But NO, you want us all to just move on, to get over it, that its people like me that will ruin it. Well my never to be seen friend I hate to say it , but its people like you and your INSULTING comments that hurts this deal more than me. The gratitude vs ATtitude/insults so far, Insults and poor me comments 1000, the gratitude 1,, thats insulting to SWA employees.
You see I am a part of a 35,000 employee group that got shoved a s#$t sandwich and told not to complain, so we at SWA can be bitter,, you at AT got handed a LIFETIME LOTTERY TICKET,, and to hear you complain about anything ,, well,, its insulting. We havent even finished the s#$t sandwich while for the rest of your LIFE you will be counting your dollars and screaming DOH,, insulting, but you obviously dont see it that way as yourMech PAPERWORK comment shows how insults just flow off your tongue, if you think I am the only one that sees it that way then you keep on with the insults.
So will I ever accept AT , will AT ever stop insulting the ORIGINAL SWA employees while cashing in their lottery tickets????
Will AT ever show gratitude to be working at a Superior airline?
Will AT FA's not complain about cleaning a plane for $35k more a year
Will AT people be sensitive to the seniority they got that they shouldnt have
Will AT appreciate the payraises they got off the backs of SWA People
Will AT people like AVtech realize when they are about to insult an SWA employee and STop before its Too Late
Well AVtech , ponder these questions as you conjure up some more of your insult potions,, the answer to all these questions ONLY time will tell
You see I am a part of a 35,000 employee group that got shoved a s#$t sandwich and told not to complain, so we at SWA can be bitter,, you at AT got handed a LIFETIME LOTTERY TICKET,, and to hear you complain about anything ,, well,, its insulting. We havent even finished the s#$t sandwich while for the rest of your LIFE you will be counting your dollars and screaming DOH..
I have to agree. I work the Ramp - so my workgroup hasn't even gotten anywhere with the "integration" yet. Let me tell you - we work nearby to AT - and if the quality of their overall workgroup is anywhere NEAR what the ones here are.....let's just say we are in BIG trouble! That is why I think they should all be placed on a probationary period, and not given anywhere NEAR date of hire seniority. We stack more bags in ONE BIN then they put on entire FLIGHTS....and they think they work too hard now...
And what's in this whole deal for me??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I get NOTHING - except probably no pay raise on my contract which is currently EXPIRED. Why? Because of all the extra $ they are paying out to all the AT guys - they are gonna say their labor costs are too high (they already say that in fact) - and we are gonna get screwed. Wait and watch what I'm tellin Ya. I haven't had a raise in 3 years - the AT guys are all gonna get HUGE raises - and I'm not supposed to be bitter????
DEAR AVtech :blink:
So will I ever accept AT , will AT ever stop insulting the ORIGINAL SWA employees while cashing in their lottery tickets????
Will AT ever show gratitude to be working at a Superior airline?
Will AT FA's not complain about cleaning a plane for $35k more a year
Will AT people be sensitive to the seniority they got that they shouldnt have
Will AT appreciate the payraises they got off the backs of SWA People
Will AT people like AVtech realize when they are about to insult an SWA employee and STop before its Too Late
You are kinda funny I will give you that, yea I am crazy cause I seem to be brave enough to say what many others are also thinking and saying. You think I am a crazy lone wolf spouting out lies and unrealistic views that is your opinion and I respect your right to do so.I am convinced that you are either crazy :wacko: or purposely post as such to incite hate mongering dialog.
Regardless, your rants are pointless.
B) xUT
You would be great material for a SNL skit! Your rants have become almost entertaining if not for the fact that you post the same things over and over, after saying you are done with posting about it. Just get more venom into it with each post, that's pure maturity? I find it very interesting that when I fly on SWA I get no grief from any of your co-workers, in fact, they are very cordial and inquire as to how we feel about the deal. I share my ideas and we all agree that it is better to move forward and understand the nature of the Business, that none of us have control of and move on. You want to see appreciation? If you would read what is out there and not be blinded by what you only want to accept, you would see, we are glad for this. and do appreciate your STOCK HOLDERS for seeing this through.You are kinda funny I will give you that, yea I am crazy cause I seem to be brave enough to say what many others are also thinking and saying. You think I am a crazy lone wolf spouting out lies and unrealistic views that is your opinion and I respect your right to do so.
You would really think I was crazy if I posted on this site how many employees have approached me talking about their FEARs,, FEARs of a less than desireable AT work ethic and the possible disemboweling of the SWA culture.. But I choose not to go there, I choose not to post how they talk because I will wait and see, give AT a benefit of a doubt until I hear ONE complaint about cleaning a plane.
Shoot the messanger if you wish but the real concerns are there with or with out Pom Poms, I rant the reality and concerns of many, just tonite I have fielded 10 calls about how dare Avtech say some of his insults to SWA. So I go on to see and then I respond inside my insanity is sanity and inside all the rants lies a vein of truth.
Thanks again for your opinion, its your right as it is mine to pass along the opinions of others and MY rants 😀
Well I will say thank you for being cordial and showing some appreciation.. I too have been cordial to every AT non rev as we all should be, No one should lambaste an AT employee or AT shouldnt lambaste SWA(like your captain did)... still doesnt take away the fears we talk about as SWa employeesYou would be great material for a SNL skit! Your rants have become almost entertaining if not for the fact that you post the same things over and over, after saying you are done with posting about it. Just get more venom into it with each post, that's pure maturity? I find it very interesting that when I fly on SWA I get no grief from any of your co-workers, in fact, they are very cordial and inquire as to how we feel about the deal. I share my ideas and we all agree that it is better to move forward and understand the nature of the Business, that none of us have control of and move on. You want to see appreciation? If you would read what is out there and not be blinded by what you only want to accept, you would see, we are glad for this. and do appreciate your STOCK HOLDERS for seeing this through.
Yes, FL has some bad apples and so does every freaking company in the World, yours included. I have faith that they will be weeded out, from BOTH sides. It is time to move forward and make this happen. Crying about 'how you gained nothing' (when you already have it), or 'how it should be and the pain FL should feel', will only drown you in your tears. Accept reality and move on!
Cheers, QA
still doesnt take away the fears we talk about as SWa employees