Yea I will get right on that just for you KEV, I will say "this guy on the forum, yea the one that has nothing to do with this AT deal, the one who is so bored in life, he says you should show your discontent and voice your opinion on the forums, on a deal that is already done". No he wants you to do it not for your opinion really as much as he needs fodder to throw his LIBERAL ideas at you, his name is Kev and he will show why you should sing kum-by ya even if you feel like you got shafted by a company you have worked for for years, he will make you see a whole new light! yep its Kev, no it doesnt matter that he shouldnt even care about this deal or that he seems to step into others business rudely , he is a forum GOD with more than 4700 posts, he needs to be heard and you should listen.
Its time to move on and most are done with it all, but you keep fighting the good fight Kev. I sure hope there is another squablle between Airlines or maybe US goes after AA so you can focus all your incredible insights and comments to those deserving employees. I will keep an eye out for you and your liberal ideas, you can tell the employees to give away everything to the weaker company and be grateful they have a job,,
You got me Kev, I am the ONLY employee that feels a tad bit disgruntled and damned if you didnt catch me. NOT the SWA internals that work for the companyfor years, change depts to have to sit probation again while AT doesnt, the people in Orl who are now about to be pushed back down on reserve nope they are singing Kum by ya, or the scores that say they arent sure about the FA's at AT, etc.. nope you got me I am the only one out of 10,000 and I make up these stories and legitimate concerns because I am bored.
You see I wont lose a thing to AT but when some Original FA in Orl says "I dont care that AT person has a disruption in their life because they are gettin a $30,000 payraise to make up for it, I go back on reserve and I get 0$", they get paid for this ,, Now after talking to you and NYCDelUnUsCont I will just look them in the eye and say, HEY but you can go Close International now on Reserve, your concerns arent real. Good Point Kev no I am the only one that sees the downside of this deal, it wont adversley affect anyone at SWA. Whew now that we got that cleared up, lets move on and BUY OUT another airline, I am ready